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Free Holiday Airport WiFi From Google, Microsoft

Fight for market share finds willing fodder in snow-delayed fliers

(Newser) - There’s a new public option in town: free wireless from Google for the holidays. The search giant has partnered to provide WiFi gratis in 47 airports nationwide from now until the middle of January; the generosity even extends to in-flight access on continental Virgin flights, PC World reports. Google...

Kiss Your Wireless Router Goodbye
Kiss Your Wireless Router Goodbye

Kiss Your Wireless Router Goodbye

New WiFi Direct would eliminate need for hotspots

(Newser) - If setting up a wireless router just sounds a little too daunting, new technology looks to make unplugging a lot easier. WiFi Direct, slated to roll out in the middle of next year, will turn every device enabled with it into a miniature access point, able to create connections with...

Rejection of Google iPhone App Sets Dumb Precedent

(Newser) - Apple has rejected Google’s application to distribute its Voice application through the App Store, and that shows that Apple is dead-set against innovation, Adam Pash writes on Lifehacker. The official line is that Google Voice “duplicates features already on the iPhone—namely the Phone and Messages app,”...

Microsoft, Verizon Look to Launch iPhone Competitor

(Newser) - Microsoft and Verizon are in talks to launch a smartphone on the carrier’s network early next year, the Wall Street Journal reports. The phone would likely run on a souped-up version of Microsoft’s Windows Mobile operating system, and have access to Windows Marketplace, its version of Apple’s...

Boost's $50 Prepaid Cell Plan Could Trigger Price War

Monthly fee for unlimited calls, text and data marks new low in wireless service

(Newser) - A new prepaid calling plan from Sprint’s Boost may spark a price war in the wireless market, USA Today reports. Boost will offer unlimited calling, texting and web browsing for a flat $50 a month fee. The plan may prove so attractive to cash-strapped wireless customers Boost could start...

Google Keeps Up Battle for Open-Access Cells

Phone operators balk at plans to loosen mobile networks

(Newser) - Google renewed its battle for open cell phone networks this week by filing for a new patent, CNET reports. The search giant filed to free smartphones from network-carrier agreements so users can tap into whatever connection is strongest and most affordable. But carriers mostly resist the notion, saying tight networks...

Research Paves Way for Better Wi-Fi in Autos

Researchers find a way to stabilize mobile internet access

(Newser) - Researchers at Microsoft and two US universities have designed a system to give drivers better Wi-Fi connections, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The technology, presented last week in Seattle, allows a moving computer to hook into one Wi-Fi station as an "anchor" while using other stations as support. Researchers say...

Open Wireless Networks 'Invitation to Trouble'

But others think it's the 'neighborly thing to do'

(Newser) - Failing to protect personal wireless service with a tough password and encryption can open the door to disaster. That's the warning from "wardriver" security gurus who cruise the streets looking for unguarded service to highlight the problem, reports the San Francisco Chronicle. Wardriving was also used by an international...

Cell Phone Market Nears Saturation

Which means services for customers should get better

(Newser) - The number of Americans signing up for cell phone service is slowing down after more than a decade of explosive growth, reports USA Today. Within a couple of years, experts say, just about everybody who wants a cell phone will have one, meaning good news for consumers as companies focus...

Google Guru Prods FCC Over Wi-Fi
Google Guru Prods FCC
Over Wi-Fi

Google Guru Prods FCC Over Wi-Fi

"White space" would increase wireless Internet access

(Newser) - Google co-founder Larry Page urged Congress and the FCC this week to open up access to unused television airwaves to broaden the reach of wireless Internet. Page asserted that the unused waves, called "white space," would increase Wi-Fi range in rural areas and help provide Internet capability to...

Streamlining AT&T Plans 4,600 Layoffs

TV, wireless hires will offset white-collar landline losses

(Newser) - As it adjusts its business model to lowered demand for landlines, AT&T will lay off 4,600 employees, the Wall Street Journal reports. The company plans to create about the same number of new wireless, broadband, and TV jobs, a trade-off that will create savings through dropping more senior,...

FCC Boss Nixes Bid to Open Up Wireless Networks

Systems already 'open enough,' he says

(Newser) - The head of the FCC has rejected a request from Skype to open up wireless networks to outside devices, AP reports. The Internet phone provider wanted wireless operations included in a 1968 FCC decision that required AT&T to open up its network beyond its own devices that paved the...

Big Bid Ensures Open Access Network in US

FCC auction passes $4.7B threshold; it's a win for Google

(Newser) - Google’s hopes of forcing a piece of the national radio spectrum into becoming an open access wireless network came a step closer to fruition today, Marketwatch reports. The bid price on the “C block” of 700 Mhz spectrum hit $4.7 billion, enough to trigger FCC regulations that...

Errant iPhones? No Big Deal, Analyst Says
Errant iPhones? No Big Deal, Analyst Says

Errant iPhones? No Big Deal, Analyst Says

Apple profits can withstand unaccounted for gadgets without loss

(Newser) - An estimated 1.4 million iPhones that have been either inventoried or clandestinely unlocked may not pose a significant threat to techno-juggernaut Apple's overall profit. The "missing" phones could force stock prices to dip, "but if you look at Apple," reassures analyst Ezra Gottheil, "It's solidly...

Porn Photos of High School Students Travel Far by Phone

Pa. community reels from cyber-exposure

(Newser) - Pornographic cell phone pictures of students have been spreading like wildfire at and beyond Pennsylvania’s Parkland High School, the Morning Call reports. The images, two separate pictures of undressed girls and another of a couple making love, have apparently circulated widely. ''My boyfriend, who's not even in high school...

Wi-Fi Hotspots Become Hackers' Delight

Easier now for hackers to snatch data from thin air

(Newser) - Wi-Fi hotspots multiplying around the nation are boosting convenience for internet users on the go, but are also making life easier for hackers, the Wall Street Journal reports. Hackers at hotspots in hotels, airports and cafes can pluck other users' financial details and company information out of the air.

Sprint Primed for WiMax Launch
Sprint Primed for WiMax Launch

Sprint Primed for WiMax Launch

Partnerships help company ready new wireless network

(Newser) - Sprint has unveiled new corporate partnerships to help meet its goal of deploying its WiMax wireless broadband network in DC, Baltimore, and Chicago by April, the Washington Post reports. The wireless provider has joined with several companies to provide online storage, security, and mobile devices for WiMax, which offers speeds...

Wireless Tech to Cut HDTV Cord
Wireless Tech to Cut HDTV Cord

Wireless Tech to Cut HDTV Cord

Rival picture slingers are finally heading to market

(Newser) - Electronics companies are finally going to get rid of that ugly cord running from your lovely HDTV to its cable box. At least three different wireless high-definition technologies will be duking it out beginning Monday at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and manufacturers promise you’ll be able...

Critics Cry 'Privacy' Over Passport Cards

US approves wireless ID that may spark identity theft

(Newser) - New wireless passport cards will make it easier for Americans to cross borders between Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean—but privacy groups worry that thieves will be pinching personal data off the new ID, the AP reports. One critic called the cards "inherently insecure;" officials say safeguards are...

Analog Shutdown Strands OnStar Users
Analog Shutdown
Strands OnStar Users

Analog Shutdown Strands OnStar Users

Network shutdown leaves drivers in the lurch

(Newser) - Users of the OnStar vehicle safety and communications system will be among those left in the lurch when analog cellphone systems are mothballed next year, AP reports. The government decided in 2002 to let carriers call time on the old cellular networks, but GM was still rolling out some cars...

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