DC Comics

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Studios Call Off Watchmen War
 Studios Call Off Watchmen War 

Studios Call Off Watchmen War

Long-awaited comic adaptation to hit theaters after Fox, Warners settle

(Newser) - Audiences will be able to watch Watchmen as scheduled now that Warner Bros and Fox smoothed out a super hero dispute, E! Online reports. Fox, which sued Warners for copyright infringement over the DC Comics film adaptation, has agreed to relinquish distribution rights for a cash payment and a...

Batman (Apparently) Killed Off
 Batman (Apparently) Killed Off 

Batman (Apparently) Killed Off

As killed off as anyone gets in comics, anyway

(Newser) - Bruce Wayne appears to have fought his last crime. This week’s Batman #681, the conclusion of the ominously titled Batman RIP story, sees Batman (spoiler alert) apparently blown up on a crashing helicopter, in a confrontation with a villain who may or may not be his father. But no...

Beyonc&eacute; Wants to Be Wonder Woman
Beyoncé Wants to Be Wonder Woman

Beyoncé Wants to Be Wonder Woman

Aspiring superhero ready to try on Amazon's outfit for size

(Newser) - There’s no film in the works yet, but Beyoncé has made her intentions clear: She wants to be the first big-screen Wonder Woman. The star shared her ambitions with DC Comics and Warner Bros. after being wowed by Linda Carter’s original costume at superhero-themed museum exhibition earlier this...

Big-Time Writers Lured to... Comic Books?

Rising medium attracts established authors

(Newser) - Comic books have officially arrived as a literary medium, NPR reports, and big names are coming out of the woodwork to write them. “In all the years I've been writing, there's only one genre that's really debuted in the New York Times Book Review, and that's the graphic novel,...

Leahy to Act in Batman Flick
Leahy to Act in Batman Flick

Leahy to Act in Batman Flick

He won't be in tights

(Newser) - Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy, a long-time Batman aficionado, will play a role in the upcoming Batman movie, "The Dark Knight." And while President Bush and some members of the GOP may think he has the title role, he plays only a small part as a "distinguished gentleman....

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