Puerto Rico

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Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands in Battle Over Captain Morgan

Caribbean rum war heads to Washington

(Newser) - A battle over rum has two US territories up in arms, with Puerto Rico accusing the Virgin Islands of a raid worthy of Captain Morgan himself. Diageo, the maker of Captain Morgan rum, is moving production from Puerto Rico to the US Virgin Islands, which offered the company $2.7...

Harmful Bacteria Found in Hand Sanitizers

FDA issues warning on two Puerto Rican brands

(Newser) - The FDA has issued a warning on two Puerto Rican brands of hand sanitizer that are liable to coat your hands in dangerous bacteria instead of sanitizing them. Bee-Shield Hand Sanitizer and MD Quality Hand Sanitizer, made in Puerto Rico and sold only there, have high levels of Burkholderia cepacia....

Island Rum Fight Fattens Rangel's Coffers

Campaign cash pours in from Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

(Newser) - Charles Rangel’s campaign coffers are bulging with campaign cash from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, but he insists that’s in no way influencing his decision on the competing rum tax bills each territory is pushing. “Besides Puerto Rico, you are the only one who has asked...

Cool and Weird Places to Swim
 Cool and Weird Places to Swim 

Cool and Weird Places to Swim

(Newser) - If you love swimming but tire of the ordinary and the chlorine-scented, consider these "unusual or cool places" uncovered by WebUrbanist :
  • The Dead Sea: Lie back and read a good book in the world's saltiest body of water, which will likely keep you afloat while delivering "an

Holder Pushed Clemency for Puerto Rican Militants

Obama's attorney-general pick helped commute sentences for PR nationalists

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s attorney-general nominee fought for clemency for 16 militant Puerto Rican nationalists during his time in the Clinton administration, the Los Angeles Times reports. Eric Holder pushed Justice Department subordinates to pave the way to Clinton’s clemency grant, documents show, sparking fury from law-enforcement officials who’d...

Refineries Shut as Omar Nears Virgin Islands

Hurricane could threaten Puerto Rico as Category 2

(Newser) - Caribbean oil refineries are under threat from Hurricane Omar, whose 85-mph winds roared through St. Croix today, Bloomberg reports. It could hit the Virgin Islands, home to one of the hemisphere's largest refineries, as a Category 2 storm tomorrow. Puerto Rico may be in line for 20 inches of rain...

Feds Bust Ring that Hid Cocaine in Legos

Drugs packaged with toys in Puerto Rico, mailed to New York

(Newser) - Federal agents announced the arrest yesterday of a pack of Bronx drug dealers accused of smuggling cocaine into New York with the help of the world’s smallest traffickers: Lego men. Agents say the cocaine was sent from Puerto Rico through normal US mail, ingeniously hidden within buckets of the...

Study Links Child Abuse, Asthma
Study Links Child Abuse, Asthma

Study Links Child Abuse, Asthma

Stress seen as possible cause of respiratory condition

(Newser) - Abused children are twice as likely to develop asthma as kids who are not abused, a new study says. Although the research doesn't conclusively establish a cause-and-effect link, it does suggest doctors should consider looking for evidence of physical and sexual abuse in young patients with hard-to-treat asthma, the Boston ...

Corpse Proves Yankee Fan a Stand-Up Guy

Puerto Rico man receives last wish: to be mourned upright

(Newser) - A Puerto Rican man has been granted his wish to remain standing—even in death. A funeral home used a special embalming treatment to keep the corpse of 24-year-old Angel Pantoja Medina standing for his 3-day wake, the AP reports. Dressed in a Yankees cap and sunglasses, Pantoja was mourned...

Puerto Rico: Clinton's Vacation From Reality
Puerto Rico: Clinton's Vacation From Reality

Puerto Rico: Clinton's Vacation From Reality

'She might as well have been on another planet'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton enjoyed a final vacation from reality this weekend, Mike Madden writes in Salon. Her stay in Puerto Rico—including riding a float loaded with giant speakers blaring salsa and reggaeton—“couldn’t possibly have been the most efficient use of” time for a fighting candidate: rather, it...

Clinton Wins Puerto Rico Easily

But turnout in victory likely insufficient to give her an edge with popular vote

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton was projected to win the Puerto Rico primary by a wide margin today as polls closed, but turnout was estimated to be lower than the 700,000 that Bill Clinton said would support her emphasis on the popular vote. Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton had spent a combined...

5 Things to Watch in Puerto Rico

Island doesn't vote in primaries, but today its Democratic delegates are up for grabs

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is banking on a sizable victory today in Puerto Rico to bolster her argument that she’s received more votes than Barack Obama and is a stronger draw for Latinos. Key points to keep an eye on:
  1. The second wave: While many Puerto Ricans sleep in, it's going

Dems Put Spotlight on Puerto Rico
Dems Put Spotlight on Puerto Rico

Dems Put Spotlight on Puerto Rico

But voters there aren't all that excited about their 15 minutes

(Newser) - Today’s Democratic primary in Puerto Rico will bring the island the national attention many residents seek—but not for the right cause. Puerto Ricans are less excited about the Democratic presidential candiates—neither of whom will they get to vote for in November—than the perennial issue of how...

Is Obama Playing It Too Safe? Is Clinton Really Finished?

Where Barack's missing out and what Hillary needs to do

(Newser) - John Edwards’ endorsement may have helped Obama turn the page on recent troubles, but pundits say he should face up to them—or he leaves an opening for Hillary to climb back in:
  • Sure, it was a “rational, prudent decision” to skip West Virginia, David Broder allows, but it

In Olympics, Puerto Rico Fights Like a Nation

Residents don't want to lose special sporting status

(Newser) - Puerto Rico has its own Olympic team, and many residents don't want to give it up, reports  the Wall Street Journal. But if and when the island commonwealth finally makes the transition to US statehood, Puerto Ricans will likely have no option but to compete on the US team. "...

Feds Indict Puerto Rican Governor in Finance Probe

Look into campaign funds yields 19 counts

(Newser) - Puerto Rican Gov.Anibal Acevedo Vila was indicted today on 19 counts, including election fraud and conspiracy to violate federal campaign-finance laws, the AP reports. Vila and 12 associates are accused of breaking rules in financing the 2000 campaign that saw Vila elected the territory's Washington rep. Vila says the...

Puerto Rico Role Certain to Draw Dems' Scrutiny
Puerto Rico Role Certain to Draw Dems' Scrutiny

Puerto Rico Role Certain to Draw Dems' Scrutiny

Mainland conventional wisdom doesn't apply in June Caribbean vote

(Newser) - Puerto Rico will vote on the late date of June 1, and the commonwealth might find itself with outsized influence on the Democratic race. Leading Puerto Ricans often deliver for their candidates by wide delegate margins; the territory’s governor has endorsed Barack Obama, but New York’s massive Puerto...

J-Lo's Expecting Twins
J-Lo's Expecting Twins

J-Lo's Expecting Twins

Lopez pop's already shopping for double bundle

(Newser) - Singer-actress Jennifer Lopez is expecting twins, her dad told a Spanish-language TV show—and he's already gone shopping for the dynamite duo. "In Puerto Rico it's custom to buy an azabache bracelet for babies to protect them from the evil eye. It's part of our culture," said the...

Puerto Rican Drug Plants Shipped Tainted Pills: FDA

Quality control a problem at factories producing US' top-selling drugs

(Newser) - The Caribbean island that produces 13 of the 20 best-selling drugs in the US has sold tainted pills and is struggling with quality control at its pharmaceutical plants, AP reports.  FDA inspections of 13 Puerto Rican plants between 2003 and 2007 revealed problems such as machinery pins left in...

Caribbean Storm's Toll at 38
Caribbean Storm's Toll at 38

Caribbean Storm's Toll at 38

Tens of thousands homeless as UN scrambles for aid

(Newser) - The death toll from a violent storm that ripped through the Caribbean earlier this week has risen to 38 as flood waters recede and rescuers comb through the wreckage, the BBC reports. All but three of the deaths from Tropical Storm Olga were in the Dominican Republic, where tens of...

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