John McCain

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Lawmaker: McCain Killed Soldier Counseling

Measure sought to provide Reserve soldiers with more help

(Newser) - Prompted by the suicide of a young soldier, a Democratic representative tried to pass legislation to get more counseling and resources to Reserve members—and he blames John McCain for quashing it. “I know for a fact, because he told me, that Sen. McCain doesn't support it,” New...

GOP Support Grows Ahead of START Vote

Scott Brown is on board; Corker, Gregg likely

(Newser) - Things were looking bleak yesterday for the New START arms treaty—but that was yesterday. Following a closed-door meeting, GOP Sen. Scott Brown said he’d vote for the treaty and two other Republicans said they would likely support it, giving supporters enough votes to push it through as voting...

McCain Disgraced Himself with Vote Against DREAM
McCain Disgraced Himself
With Vote Against DREAM
Joe Klein

McCain Disgraced Himself With Vote Against DREAM

Immigration bill's failure is sickening

(Newser) - The Senate may have passed a repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” but it failed to pass the DREAM Act , and that’s “a cold, cold abomination,” writes Joe Klein of Time , calling the vote an act “of staggering cynicism and ugliness.”...

Syrup Research No Joke: Industry to McCain

Sen. targets maple topping in anti-pork campaign

(Newser) - The omnibus spending bill may have failed , but one sticky situation persists: In compiling his list of the bill's 10 most egregious wastes of money, John McCain ridiculed a $165,000 earmark for maple syrup research as an example of absurd pork—but the maple industry says it’s anything...

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT
 McCain, Your 
 Family's Right: 
 Dump DADT 
maureen dowd

McCain, Your Family's Right: Dump DADT

Looks like Dems have missed their chance again

(Newser) - This week’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell hearings were typical of Washington lately: “The Democrats waited too long to close the deal, the president showed no leadership, and a campaign promise that was seen as a fait accompli now seems a casualty,” writes Maureen Dowd in...

Mullen: Repeal DADT; It's the 'Right Thing'

John McCain criticizes Pentagon report

(Newser) - As the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Pentagon's Don't Ask, Don't Tell report got under way today, Adm. Mike Mullen advocated for repeal of the policy. "I've been serving with gays and lesbians my whole career," said the Joint Chiefs chairman. "We never missed a...

McCain: Time for Regime Change in Korea
 McCain: Time for 
 Regime Change in Korea 

McCain: Time for Regime Change in Korea

Plus, pols debate the fate of DADT, START, and more

(Newser) - North Korea is beating its war drum, and John McCain wants to beat them over the head with it: "It's time we talked about regime change in North Korea—and I do not mean military action—but I do believe that this is a very unstable regime," the...

Meghan McCain: No DADT Talk on Turkey Day

At home with Mom and Dad, she's forced to 'separate political and personal'

(Newser) - Meghan McCain will head home for the holidays—but at the Thanksgiving table, "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" will be a taboo subject. Perhaps a good idea, since she’s a gay-rights advocate, her father is fighting against the repeal of DADT, and her mother seems to have...

Democrats: We Have the Votes to Repeal 'Don't Ask'

If they play nice, they say they can break McCain filibuster

(Newser) - Senate Democrats say they have the support to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, even if John McCain tries to filibuster it. “I am confident that we have more than 60 votes,” Joe Lieberman told reporters yesterday, according to the Hill . “I repeat, there’s more...

McCain, Snooki Still Creepily Tweeting

She's calling him 'Johnny' now...

(Newser) - The John McCain-Snooki Twitter lovefest continues. The Arizona senator tweeted a happy birthday message to the Jersey Shore star yesterday, to which she quickly replied , "Thabk you Johnny ! :) xox." She later defended McCain from some apparently negative publicity that resulted from his tweet: "Everyone get real...

Jon Stewart Skewers McCains Over DADT

One day John McCain may regret his stance, correspondents warn

(Newser) - Jon Stewart and his team have a message for John McCain: It gets worse. The Daily Show correspondents (with special guest Sean Hayes) delivered a very special PSA to McCain with that message last night, warning him that if he continues to fight Don't Ask, Don't Tell, someday he'll be...

McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad
 McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad 

McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad

Senator respects 'First Amendment rights of every member of my family'

(Newser) - John McCain's just fine with wife Cindy's stance (or revised stance? ) on Don't Ask, Don't Tell, telling Meet the Press that "I respect the First Amendment rights of every member of my family." The missus McCain backtracked on her appearance in an ad calling for the repeal...

Cindy McCain OK With 'Don't Ask' After All

She tweets support of husband's stance on gay ban

(Newser) - Well this is confusing. Cindy McCain made headlines this week for appearing in anti-bullying ad in which she criticized "political leaders" for telling gay teens "they can't serve our country openly." It was seen as a clear indictment of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, which a certain senator...

Cindy McCain Slams DADT
 Cindy McCain 
 Slams DADT 

Cindy McCain Slams DADT

...while her husband fights for it in Washington

(Newser) - Cindy McCain blasts “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in a celebrity-studded anti-bullying video—while her husband works to keep the measure alive in Congress. “Our political and religious leaders tell LGBT youth that they have no future,” she says in the spot. “They can’t...

Bush: I Woulda Endorsed Obama

Reportedly told a group of Brits he wouldn't vote for McCain, too

(Newser) - George Bush's stop-the-presses revelations just won't stop , though the latest comes by way of a dusty anecdote that's finally seeing the light of day. Alex Barker, writing for the Financial Times reveals that in an Oval Office meeting with Gordon Brown and other British dignitaries during the 2008 campaign season,...

John McCain Blocking 'Don't Ask' Repeal

As he promised to do in his primary

(Newser) - There are two things that could prevent Congress from repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Tell: The dwindling congressional calendar, and John McCain. Though historically open to repeal, McCain promised to preserve the law during his primary battle with JD Hayworth, the New York Times explains. Since then, he’s...

Bush: Palin Isn't Qualified to Be President

He 'thinks less' of McCain for choosing her, says confidant

(Newser) - Former President George Bush doesn't believe Sarah Palin is qualified to be president and thinks less of John McCain for choosing her as his running mate, a confidant tell the New York Daily News. "Naming Palin makes Bush think less of McCain as a man," said a GOP...

Stewart: McCain's Been Complaining 'Forever'

Host shows hilarious montage

(Newser) - Jon Stewart’s in Washington DC, and it is broken. Just ask John McCain. Like most of this year’s eager new Republican reformers, McCain’s been bashing the system left and right lately… and not-so-lately. Stewart breaks out the archive footage to show that McCain’s been repeating the...

McCain: It's Too Soon to Endorse Palin

Senator scolds GOP for premature 'victory lap'

(Newser) - John McCain thinks a lot of people are getting ahead of themselves. Asked on CBS’ Early Show if he’d endorse Sarah Palin for president in 2012, he said she’d make an “outstanding candidate,” but that it was too early to say he’d endorse her. “...

Democrats: McCain Violated McCain-Feingold

They say ad helping other GOP candidates is illegal

(Newser) - Democrats are accusing John McCain of violating the campaign finance law he championed based on some new ads in which he supports GOP congressional candidates Ruth McClung and Jesse Kelly. This, says the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in a complaint to the Federal Election Commission, represents an “in kind”...

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