John McCain

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GOP Rep. Calls McCain Racist After Monkey Joke

McCain's Ahmadinejad-themed tweet does not go over very well

(Newser) - As so often happens, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has triggered a merry-go-round of things we wish we could unhear: It seems the Iranian would like to be sent to outer space , which reminded one John McCain that just last week Iran said it sent a monkey there. And so the senator took...

McCain, Hagel Spar Over Iraq
 McCain, Hagel Spar Over Iraq 

McCain, Hagel Spar Over Iraq

Defense nominee says he's still not sure the surge was worth it

(Newser) - Chuck Hagel got into a testy verbal sparring match with John McCain at his Armed Services Committee hearing today, with McCain demanding that Hagel admit he was wrong when he warned against the "surge" in Iraq. Hagel tried to prevaricate: "I would defer to the judgment of history,...

White House: Immigration Deal Sounds Good

But Obama's wary of border security provisions

(Newser) - The White House offered a tentative endorsement of the bipartisan immigration deal that a group of senators offered today. "We are seeing a consensus building here," spokesman Jay Carney said, adding that the deal appears to "mirror" President Obama's principles. But Roll Call reports that Carney...

8 Senators Push Deal to Give 11M Path to Citizenship

Bipartisan offering would enact sweeping immigration overhaul

(Newser) - A group of eight key senators has crafted a sweeping immigration overhaul deal that offers a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. Under an outline of the bipartisan plan seen by Politico , the deal tackles immigration reform in a comprehensive measure that...

Paul Ryan: GOP Has Got to Expand Appeal
 Paul Ryan: 
 GOP Has Got 
 to Expand Appeal 


Paul Ryan: GOP Has Got to Expand Appeal

Also, he's not going to talk about a 2016 run in 2013

(Newser) - Paul Ryan made his first talk-show appearance since the 2012 election, so obviously it's time to ask him about his ambitions for the 2016 election and watch him dodge the question: Calling such talk "premature," Ryan added , “I’ve got an important job to do. I...

Senators Near Deal on Immigration Reform

Bipartisan group includes Rubio, Schumer: Washington Post

(Newser) - Comprehensive immigration reform has been stuck in limbo for years, but President Obama's domination of the ever-growing Latino vote last fall seems to have changed that, reports the Washington Post . It says a group of six senators from both parties—including Florida's Marco Rubio—is close to the...

Kerry Set for Cakewalk of a Hearing

Secretary of State nominee to testify before his own committee

(Newser) - Seeking confirmation as the next secretary of state, John Kerry will testify today before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Shouldn't be a tough crowd: Kerry himself has been on the committee for 28 years, and he's led it for the past four, the AP notes. He'll be...

GOP Fires Up the Grill for Clinton, Kerry

McCain jokes that he'll waterboard Kerry

(Newser) - Both Hillary Clinton and her would-be successor John Kerry are headed to Capitol Hill: Clinton is testifying today about the Benghazi attack, while Kerry is getting ready for confirmation hearings tomorrow. A look around the landscape:
  • Republicans are hoping Clinton's hearing will finally answer some tough questions about the

Ted Cruz: Too Canadian to Be President?

Citizenship question surfaces amid 2016 speculation

(Newser) - Ted Cruz has only been a senator for a few days but speculation about a 2016 presidential run has already begun—along with questions over whether the rising Republican star from Texas is even eligible, Politico finds. Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and a Cuban father,...

Senate Launches Zero Dark Thirty Investigation

Both to look into classified disclosures and torture scenes

(Newser) - The Senate Intelligence Committee is launching an investigation into the CIA's ties to Zero Dark Thirty, both to see if intelligence officials gave filmmakers access to classified material, and to see if they're responsible for the film's controversial depiction of torture as essential to Osama bin Laden'...

Senators Take Zero Dark Thirty Gripes to Sony CEO

Feinstein, McCain, Levin send letter to Sony CEO

(Newser) - Zero Dark Thirty, Kathryn Bigelow's film about the Osama bin Laden raid, was already quite controversial , and it just got more so. Three senators sent a letter to the chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment yesterday accusing the fictionalized film of being "grossly inaccurate and misleading in...

Senate GOP Blocks Disabled Rights Treaty

Bob Dole makes appeal; Kerry calls vote saddest day in years

(Newser) - Bob Dole watched from a wheelchair on the Senate floor yesterday as his Republican former colleagues rejected a United Nations disability rights treaty modeled on the Americans with Disabilities Act he championed in 1990, the Kansas City Star reports. GOP opponents of the treaty claimed it would surrender American sovereignty...

Stewart: McCain's Crusade Against Susan Rice Is BS

'Daily Show' host: Remember all the talk of WMDs?

(Newser) - John McCain and Lindsey Graham are very "troubled" by the idea of Susan Rice as secretary of state, but Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show wasn't having any of their self-righteous anger, considering they're the very pair that helped march us into unnecessary war in...

McCain and Co. 'Troubled' After Meeting Susan Rice

Could-be secretary of state can't win over critics

(Newser) - Susan Rice met with her harshest GOP critics on Capitol Hill this morning—and apparently it didn't go well. The US ambassador to the UN was hoping to reassure John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Kelly Ayotte that she wasn't trying to mislead anyone when she described the Benghazi...

Susan Rice Is Frontrunner for Secretary of State

She'll visit her 3 biggest Benghazi critics

(Newser) - Looks like Susan Rice's star is on the rise. After handling a barrage of Republican criticism over Benghazi, Rice has become the frontrunner to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, the AP reports. Rice will visit key lawmakers this week and sit down with three of her biggest...

McCain Must Fall on His Sword Over Benghazi

His attacks on Susan Rice went too far: Michael Tomasky

(Newser) - Now that John McCain's merciless criticism of Susan Rice over Benghazi seems off-base—at least according to CBS —should he fall on his own sword? "Live by the moral sword, die by it," writes Michael Tomasky at the Daily Beast . In an angry article, he criticizes...

2 More Republicans Shrug Off Norquist&#39;s Tax Pledge
2 More Republicans Shrug
Off Norquist's Tax Pledge
talk show roundup

2 More Republicans Shrug Off Norquist's Tax Pledge

'The world has changed,' says Rep. Peter King

(Newser) - Following Sen. Saxby Chambliss' dismissal of Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge, two more Republicans followed suit today. While discusing fiscal cliff negotiations, Sen. Lindsey Graham said on This Week that he would "violate the pledge for the good of the country—only if Democrats will do entitlement reform."...

McCain&#39;s Pick for Middle East Negotiator: Bill Clinton
McCain's Pick for Middle East Negotiator: Bill Clinton
talk show roundup

McCain's Pick for Middle East Negotiator: Bill Clinton

Highlights from the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - John McCain has an idea for finally negotiating peace in the Middle East: Send in Bill Clinton. "The United States should obviously be as heavily influential as they can," McCain said on CBS's Face the Nation today when asked about the Israel-Gaza conflict. Thus Clinton, "a...

Obama Can Do Better Than Rice at State
 Obama Can 
 Do Better 
 Than Rice 
 at State 
dana milbank

Obama Can Do Better Than Rice at State

Dana Milbank thinks she's an 'undiplomatic diplomat'

(Newser) - President Obama has decided to stick up for UN ambassador Susan Rice in a big way, and Dana Milbank of the Washington Post thinks that's too bad. John McCain is right about one thing, he argues: "She is ill-equipped to be the nation’s top diplomat." It'...

McCain Wants Watergate-Style Libya Probe

And says he'll do everything in his power to block Susan Rice as secretary of state

(Newser) - John McCain is still fighting mad about the Obama administration's inconsistent statements about the Benghazi attack, and is calling for a Watergate-style congressional investigation into them. "We need a special committee, a select committee, like we did in Watergate, like we did in Iran-Contra … to get to...

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