Russian military

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West Worries as Russia Digs In
 West Worries as Russia Digs In

West Worries as Russia Digs In

Troops seen reinforcing positions in Georgia despite pullback agreement

(Newser) - Russian forces appear to be hunkering down rather than beginning their promised withdrawal from Georgian territory, the New York Times reports. Troops are digging in along the highway to Tbilisi and military vehicles are moving in both directions, alarming the West, according to Reuters. Pentagon officials say they have seen...

Russia Pledges to Start Georgia Pullout Tomorrow

Forces said to occupy villages, major highway and power plant

(Newser) - Dimitry Medvedev said today he'll start pulling troops out of Georgia tomorrow, but has no plans to withdraw from the separatist stronghold of South Ossetia, the BBC reports. The Russian president made the pledge after a phone conversation with Nicolas Sarkozy, who had brokered a ceasefire Friday. Despite signing the...

Bush Sends Aid, Rice to Georgia
 Bush Sends Aid, Rice to Georgia

Bush Sends Aid, Rice to Georgia

Role of Russian military in Georgia unclear

(Newser) - President Bush announced that the US would send humanitarian aid into Georgia today as hostilities threatened to overwhelm the fragile peace agreement, the New York Times reports. In announcing that he was dispatching Condoleezza Rice to mediate the dispute, Bush said that the US “stands with the democratically elected...

Thousands Flee as Russia Attacks Central Georgia

Russian army bombards Gori as war moves beyond provinces

(Newser) - Thousands of Georgians are fleeing the central city of Gori as the Russian army continues to wage major attacks beyond South Ossetia, reports the Times of London. Russia launched a massive aerial bombardment of Gori amid reports that it was on the verge of a ground invasion. The move from...

Bush, Putin to Lock Antlers on Missile Defense

Russian president will host US counterpart for April 6 summit

(Newser) - President Bush accepted Russian President Vladimir Putin's invitation today to continue the two nations' often strained talks over a proposed US missile defense system in central Europe. The two heads of state will meet April 6 in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi, the Washington Post reports, for likely...

NATO Escorts Russian Bombers Away From Alaska

Jets buzz US airspace

(Newser) - Two bombers from the Russian air force flew uncomfortably close to American territory as they patrolled neutral space off the coast of Alaska, Reuters reports. NATO forces deployed several jets to escort the Russian planes away. The incident is yet another case of the Russian military resuming the Soviet-era practice...

Russian "Father of All Bombs" May Be Hoax

US officials are skeptical about new super explosive

(Newser) - Several weeks after Russia boasted of successfully testing the world's most powerful non-nuclear bomb, US experts and officials are beginning to voice doubts. Careful analysis of video footage of the device reveal inconsistencies, particularly about just what kind of bomb it was, Wired reports. "You've got to approach Russian...

Russia Vows to Launch Arms Race in Space

General cautions US, China against new anti-missile systems

(Newser) - Today Russia promised an arms race with the US and China if they keep launching military hardware into orbit.  "We need to have strong rules about space, to avoid its militarization," General Vladimir Popovkin said. Reuters reports that his barb was aimed at Washington for its "...

British Jets Intercept 8 Russian 'Bears'

Kremlin's renewed long-range recon flights buzz Britain, Norway

(Newser) - British fighter jets intercepted eight Russian recon bombers today as they approached British airspace in the latest long-distance forays to display Vladimir Putin's renewed virility in air power. Authorities said the aircraft did not enter British airspace, the Guardian writes. Norwegian planes monitored the same eight bombers in international airspace...

Putin Vows to Boost Production of Military Aircraft

Plan could include new nuclear bombers

(Newser) - Russian Premier Vladimir Putin has announced ambitious new plans to revive Russia's military aircraft production, which could include new nuclear bombers for "strategic deterrence," according to a US aide. Appearing at the largest air show in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union, Putin vowed to make...

Russians Hot for Cold War Habit
Russians Hot for Cold War Habit

Russians Hot for Cold War Habit

Nuclear-capable bombers again tweaking US, NATO forces

(Newser) - Russia's air force has revived the Soviet-era practice of flying to areas policed by NATO and the US, Reuters reports. A Tu-95 bomber "exchanged smiles" today with American pilots who raced to track it as it flew over Guam. As during the Cold War, Russian officials called the incident...

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