text message

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2010: The Year We Stopped Talking to Each Other

Being in the room with someone doesn't mean they have your attention

(Newser) - In the seemingly unending onslaught of "best" and "worst" of 2010 stories, a declaration that's a mix. Writing for USA Today , Sharon Jayson dubs 2010 "the Year We Stopped Talking to One Another." The upside: We're Facebook BFFs with Kimmy from high school. The downside: We...

911 May Allow Emergency Texts

FCC chair proposes upgrading antiquated call centers

(Newser) - You may soon be able to text an emergency message to 911—and send a photo to boot. The FCC is exploring ways to bring 911 into the "digital age," says chair Julius Genachowski, noting that 70% of 911 calls come from mobile phones. No timetable yet, but...

Facebook Messages Is 'Not Email,' Says Zuckerberg

But congrats on your new @facebook.com address

(Newser) - Facebook today unveiled "Messages," which has been hyped as its " Gmail killer —but Mark Zuckerberg instantly threw his audience a curve ball. “It’s not email,” the CEO announced, according to the Guardian . “This is not an email-killer. This is a messaging system...

Cops Screen Recruits' Texts, Facebook Posts

Racy pics, suicide threats get would-be cops dumped

(Newser) - Law enforcement agencies are probing potential recruits’ digital lives for information that might make them unfit for the job, USA Today reports. More than a third of police agencies look into applicants’ social media presence, says a new report conducted for police executives. Reviewing postings to sites like Facebook, MySpace,...

Hyper-Texting Teens More Likely to Have Sex, Do Drugs

Not to mention binge drink and get in fights

(Newser) - It’s bad enough that some teens text 120 times a day or more—now, a new study shows that those who do so are also more likely to have sex, binge drink, use drugs, or get into fights. The study, based on confidential surveys of more than 4,200...

Brett Favre's Mess About to Get Messier

Jenn Sterger may sue Vikings quarterback

(Newser) - Brett Favre can’t catch a break. Not only is Jenn Sterger thinking about suing him; he was also injured in yesterday’s game. Considering the injury was just a gash to the chin, Fanhouse reports, the Vikings quarterback is probably a bit more concerned about the Sterger situation. The...

Under Fire for Text, Fla. Gov Candidate Fires Staffer

Candidate caught breaking rules by viewing phone message

(Newser) - Facing a ruckus after her campaign sneaked her a message during a debate Monday night, Florida's Democratic nominee for governor has fired a staffer for the rules violation. GOP candidate Rick Scott spotted Alex Sink being shown a message on a cell phone during a commercial break and informed moderators,...

Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones
 Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones 

Our Cell Phones Aren't Phones

We use them for texting, not calling

(Newser) - The age of texting is upon us—and it’s not just for teens anymore. Sure, the average 13- to 17-year-old sends and receives an insane 3,339 texts per month, but 45- to 54-year-olds are catching up with an average of 323 per month—a 75% increase from just...

Apple Plans Anti-Sexting Controls

Patent approved for censoring inappropriate content

(Newser) - Parental controls exist for television, computers … why not cell phones? Apple is looking for a way to ban “ sexting ” once and for all with a new patent approved yesterday. Officially, it's called “text-based communication control for personal communication device,” but we all know what Apple...

Brett Favre Cries, Apologizes

Lewd text message scandal a 'distraction' for team

(Newser) - Brett Favre broke down in tears as he apologized to teammates for the “distraction” of his lewd text message scandal. He “was very emotional” and asked his team to “carry” him through the game, Vikings teammate Ryan Longwell told Michelle Tafoya of ESPN’s SportsCenter. Favre is...

Brett Favre Hit on Me, Too: Jets Masseuse

She adds her story to lewd texting scandal

(Newser) - Will the Brett Favre lewd text scandal snowball into a mess of Tiger Woods proportions? Perhaps not, but you can add at least one more woman to the mix: A married masseuse who worked for the New York Jets claims Favre came on to her while he was playing for...

Cell Phones Squash the Guilt of Being Late

It's time people relearned some manners

(Newser) - Remember the days when you showed up on time—or, if you were late, you at least felt bad about it? Those days are long gone, thanks to cell phones and text messages. "We have so many ways to relay a message that we're going to be tardy that...

3rd Woman: DA Sexted Me, Too

Kenneth Kratz accused of sexual harassment via text

(Newser) - Kenneth Kratz was already in trouble for allegedly "sexting" one of his clients: Now that two more women have come forward, the prominent Wisconsin DA is in even hotter water. Maria Ruskiewicz claims she met Kratz in 2008 to see about getting a drug-conviction pardon, and he quickly started...

Prominent DA Sexted Abuse Victim

But Kenneth Kratz will not step down

(Newser) - Despite accusations of "sexting" a 26-year-old domestic abuse victim whose ex-boyfriend he was prosecuting, a prominent Wisconsin district attorney will remain in his post. Then-married Kenneth Kratz, 50, sent his first—polite—message to Stephanie Van Groll after interviewing her about the case in October 2009. His texts quickly...

Whoops! Teen Accidentally Texts Sheriff to Buy Marijuana

Phone number mix-up lands kid in hot water

(Newser) - A teenager in Montana learned the hard way that he should have saved his drug dealer's number in his cell phone. Instead, he hit a wrong number when sending a text message, and it went to the county sheriff instead. When the sheriff read, "Hey Dawg, do you have...

Text Message Frame-Up Lands Woman in Jail

'Victim' blames ex for threats, gets 1-year sentence

(Newser) - It turns out, you can go to jail for threatening yourself—just call the cops and try to pin it on your ex-boyfriend and his sister-in-law. Jeanne Manunga, a 25-year-old California woman, has been sentenced to a year in jail for sending herself threatening text messages from a prepaid cell...

Schools Struggle Mightily to Deal With Cyberbullying

Disciplining kids can get educators in hot water

(Newser) - As bullying methods evolve from schoolyard taunts into threatening text messages and harassing Facebook groups, schools aren’t sure how involved they should—or can—get. Some parents are increasingly desperate for educators to intervene immediately; others think educators should butt out of what kids do outside of the classroom....

Supreme Court Backs Boss Who Read Employee Texts

Police chief has right to investigate on-the-job texting: justices

(Newser) - The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of a police chief who read sexually explicit text messages on an officer's department-issued pager. In a 9-0 ruling, the court found that a police chief in Ontario, California, did not violate the 4th Amendment's ban against unreasonable searches. The chief been worried...

Blogger Shares Texts About Haley Affair

Will Folks first tried to suppress rumor, then went public

(Newser) - Will Folks, the conservative blogger who says he had an affair with gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley, has released a long string of text messages that he says prove he didn't betray Haley's campaign. The transcript, which you can read on Folks' FITSNews , shows Folks' furiously texting GOP operative Will Donehue,...

Grisly Don't-Text-and-Drive Ad Comes to US

UK mini-movie to be edited to 30 seconds

(Newser) - A blood-soaked UK ad warning of the consequences of driving while texting has made its way stateside, albeit in a highly edited form. The original ad clocks in at four minutes, showing in slow, excruciating detail the results of a fictionalized three-car crash. There's a lot of blood, dead teenagers,...

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