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Woman Forced to Undergo Catfishectomy

 Woman Forced 
 to Undergo 
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Woman Forced to Undergo Catfishectomy

Fish embeds itself in woman's abdomen

(Newser) - A tourist swimming at a Sao Paulo beach resort ended up needing surgery ... to have a catfish removed. The fish embedded itself in the woman's abdomen while she was in the waters off Itanhaem; the Independent reports that a catfish's barbed spines will "sting and lock in...

Tumors Require Boy, 11, to Undergo Mastectomy

Lewis Deakin tells the girls at school his scar is from a shark bite

(Newser) - After Lewis Deakin, an 11-year-old boy in the United Kingdom, had several benign tumors grow in the arteries of his chest thanks to a condition called arteriovenous malformation, he became the first child in the country to undergo a mastectomy—and he's taking it all in stride. "He...

New for US Troops: Another Man's Penis

Johns Hopkins surgeons willing to try experimental surgery

(Newser) - We know about missing arms and legs. But US troops have also suffered a "hidden injury" in Iraq and Afghanistan—genitalia destroyed by bomb blasts. Now, doctors at Johns Hopkins University say they want to try repairing these wounds with experimental penis transplants, the New York Times reports. "...

Conjoined Twin Girls Successfully Separated

Doctors are 'cautiously optimistic' about the infants' future

(Newser) - Doctors at a Kentucky hospital have successfully separated conjoined twin girls. Kosair Children's Hospital in Louisville said in a statement that the eight-hour surgery was performed on the 7-week-old girls on Nov. 11. While both remain on ventilators, the statement said they are getting stronger each day. The girls...

Study: Benefits of Teen Obesity Surgery Worth the Risks

Study finds health gains can last at least 3 years

(Newser) - The largest, longest study of teen obesity surgery shows huge weight loss and health gains can last at least three years, and many say it's worth the risks. "I feel awesome. It's like a new life," said Miranda Taylor, a Cincinnati nursing student in the study...

Errors With Meds Happen in Half of All Surgeries

And the longer your procedure, the greater the risk

(Newser) - In past studies, doctors rarely self-reported medication errors during surgery. But a new study out of Massachusetts General Hospital, based on researcher observations during 277 procedures in the anesthesiology department, arrived at a far different conclusion: that about half of all surgeries involve a medication error or "adverse" drug...

How a Medical Team Reattached a Toddler's Skull

The 16-month-old is in a halo brace after a car accident, but walking

(Newser) - In mid-September, Rylea Taylor and her two children survived a 70mph head-on collision in Australia. But when Rylea pulled 16-month-old Jaxon out of the wreckage, she didn't need to be an expert to see her son's neck was broken. Indeed, his top two vertebrae were fractured, and both...

Mom Accused of Forcing Surgeries on Child for Years

Malinda Lugin allegedly did so for 7 years—beginning when she was pregnant

(Newser) - A New Jersey woman was indicted by a grand jury yesterday for allegedly forcing her 7-year-old daughter to undergo "unnecessary and potentially harmful" surgeries and tests, the Star-Ledger reports—and authorities say the 36-year-old started the abuse while she was pregnant with the girl, per the New Jersey Herald ...

First Head Transplant Has a Patient and a Date

A 30-year-old Russian computer scientist has volunteered to be the first in 2017

(Newser) - Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero made headlines in 2013 when he said the first human head transplant is just years away, and again earlier this year when he said the surgery could happen as soon as 2017 . Now he is announcing that, if everything goes "smoothly," he will be...

Bizarre Surgery Saves Man's Burned Hand

Doctors attached it to patient Frank Reyes' stomach

(Newser) - An 87-year-old Texas man just spent three weeks with his left hand surgically attached to his stomach, the AP reports. "It's a funny feeling," Frank Reyes says of the experience. Why did he have to go through it? Back in June, Reyes was changing a tire when...

It's OK If Your Surgeon Is Short on Sleep

It makes no difference at all to complications rate, study says

(Newser) - Given the choice between a well-rested surgeon and one who's been up half the night, nobody in their right mind would choose the latter, but a new study says it doesn't seem to make any difference at all to their performance. Researchers looked at almost 40,000 patients...

Botched Surgery Allegedly Left Man With Deformed Penis

Former surgeon Mark Schreiber has been arrested

(Newser) - In 2008, Mark Schreiber pleaded guilty to practicing medicine without a license after four women say he bungled work on their lips, eyes, and breasts. His admission of guilt got him a two-year jail sentence, but police say it didn't stop him from practicing medicine once he was released—...

This Doctor Is Doing Head Transplants—Small Ones

Xiaoping Ren to perform head transplant on monkey this summer

(Newser) - A head transplant may sound like something out of a horror movie, but Dr. Xiaoping Ren has completed about 1,000 on mice. This summer, he'll attempt his first such procedure on a monkey in a case that will be closely watched. Ren, who worked in the US for...

Why Do Docs Botch Surgeries?
 Why Do Docs Botch Surgeries? 

Why Do Docs Botch Surgeries?

Researchers detail why 69 major errors occurred among 1.5M surgeries

(Newser) - To err is human, and deadly when those humans are doctors. Major surgical errors are pretty rare—some estimates put them at one in 12,000 surgeries—but they do happen, even egregious ones like leaving instruments behind or performing the wrong surgery altogether. Mayo Clinic researchers recently set out...

Nurse Undergoes Breast Surgery After Medical Mix-up
Nurse Undergoes Breast Surgery After Medical Mix-up
in case you missed it

Nurse Undergoes Breast Surgery After Medical Mix-up

Elizabeth Dawes was wrongly told she had breast cancer

(Newser) - A mom in the UK has been left physically and emotionally scarred after the hospital where she worked as a breast care oncology nurse mixed up her own test results with another patient's and told her to undergo surgery to remove aggressive breast cancer. Four days after the 2013...

Guy Volunteers for World's First Head Transplant

Valery Spiridonov is chosen to undergo radical surgery

(Newser) - Some call it insane. One describes a fate "worse than death." But for a 30-year-old Russian man whose muscles are wasting away, Dr. Sergio Canavero's plan to transplant a human head is highly appealing, reports Medical News Today . "I can hardly control my body now,"...

Owner Spends $750 on Surgeries for 2 Goldfish

Star and Nemo are reunited and recovering in their tank in Scotland

(Newser) - With another doctor administering anesthetic and a nurse on hand to keep an eye on heart rates, the attending surgeon in a hospital in Scotland recently pulled off two complicated operations in the same day. The team's patients: a pair of pet goldfish who both had cancer, LiveScience reports....

Jahi McMath Suit Tells Brutal Tale of Surgery Gone Wrong

Mother was pushed to donate McMath's organs while she prayed

(Newser) - As Jahi McMath , declared brain-dead in 2013, remains hooked up to machines in New Jersey, her family is filing suit against the Oakland hospital where her surgery for sleep apnea went terribly wrong, the San Jose Mercury News reports. The suit against UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland and surgeon...

Transplanting a Human Head? That's Insane

Even ignoring ethics, the science just isn't there: Nick Stockton

(Newser) - We've been hearing a lot of hype about head transplants , largely thanks to a single surgeon who suggests he's pretty much got it figured out. Well, don't believe it for a second, writes Nick Stockton in Wired : The "plan is insane. Like, James Bond villain insane....

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Released From Hospital

She'll be at work on Monday: rep

(Newser) - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was released from the hospital today after having a heart stent implanted to clear a blocked artery, a Supreme Court spokeswoman says. The 81-year-old jurist was sent home and was expected to be at work when the court hears its next round of oral arguments on...

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