cage free

6 Stories

Cage-Free Eggs Become Standard After Years of Debate

Producers have yielded to animal welfare groups, grocers, and restaurants

(Newser) - With little fuss and even less public attention, US egg producers are in the midst of a multibillion-dollar shift to cage-free eggs that is dramatically changing the lives of millions of hens in response to new laws and demands from restaurant chains. The percentage of hens in cage-free housing has...

Ryan Gosling Shames Costco Over Eggs

Retailer should go cage-free, he writes in new letter

(Newser) - Taylor Swift isn't the only celebrity activist of the week. Ryan Gosling, moved by a Humane Society investigation that found gruesome mistreatment of chickens at one of Costco's big egg suppliers, has written a letter to Costco's CEO asking the chain to start selling only cage-free eggs,...

Burger King to Go Cage-Free
 Burger King to Go Cage-Free 

Burger King to Go Cage-Free

By 2017, all eggs, pork will come from cage-free animals

(Newser) - If you typically start your day with a Croissan'wich, go ahead and pat yourself on the back: You'll soon be supporting cage-free farming. Burger King made major fast-food news this morning with the announcement that it will exclusively use eggs and pork from cage-free chickens and pigs by...

Group Cracks Down on McDonald's Eggs

(Newser) - McDonald's will soon be faced with an epic decision: Which comes first, the cage-free chicken or the profit margin? The Humane Society plans to press the fast-food behemoth at a shareholder meeting in May to use cage-free eggs, but the fast food giant’s response is anything but certain,...

Farm Boy Mulls What's Good for Goose, Gander
Farm Boy Mulls What's Good for Goose, Gander

Farm Boy Mulls What's Good for Goose, Gander

As California considers cage ban, Kristof looks at animal rights

(Newser) - Californians go to the polls in November with a high-profile ballot initiative to decide: whether to ban factory farms from raising livestock in small cages. For Nicholas D. Kristof, it's an apt moment to consider our transforming attitudes toward animal welfare. The Oregon farm boy turned New York Times columnist...

Consumers Scramble for Cage-Free Eggs

'Happy' hens can't lay them fast enough to meet demand

(Newser) - The hottest new trend to hit the food industry is the cage-free egg, laid by ostensibly happier chickens allowed the run of large barns, the NY Times reports. Mega-brands like Whole Foods and Ben and Jerry’s now use only cage-free eggs, and even Burger King is switching, but overheated...

6 Stories