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'Post-Partisan' Prez Can't Get Traction Across Aisle

Dems and Independents approve of the Prez, but the GOP still doesn't

(Newser) - President Obama's ratings are sky-high among Democrats but have reached a Bush-esque low among Republicans, making for a 61-point gap for the president who campaigned on a "post-partisan" platform. What's causing this problem? It starts with the fact that the public is more polarized than ever, writes Clarence Page...

Google Pay-for-News Scheme Ignores Reality

(Newser) - Google CEO Eric Schmidt's proposed model for online newspapers calls for a cable TV-like approach to subscription content, with tiers like free, basic, and premium. His ideas not only come too late, but they're “deeply flawed,” Douglas A. McIntyre writes for 24/7 Wall Street. And "even if...

Sci Fi to Syfy: Worst Rebranding Ever?
 Sci Fi to Syfy: 
 Worst Rebranding Ever? 

Sci Fi to Syfy: Worst Rebranding Ever?

Channel's 'cutting-edge' new name ripped to shreds

(Newser) - The Sci Fi channel's decision to change its name to "Syfy" is a blunder of galactic proportions, Linda Holmes reports for NPR. The channel says it wants to show that it's about more than just traditional science fiction, notes Holmes, and has evidently chosen to do so by picking...

For Daily Show Prep, Cramer Consults Martha

(Newser) - In anticipation of his visit with Jon Stewart on tonight’s Daily Show, an admittedly “nervous” Jim Cramer sought counsel today from another Stewart—Martha. “You should be nervous,” the lifestyle maven said on her syndicated show. “He’s fast as lightning.” The Mad Money...

Cable, Satellite Providers Push Pay-Per-View Porn

(Newser) - Times are tough, and for cable and satellite TV companies, that means—more porn. Comcast is following DirecTV's lead and ramping up advertising for adult pay-per-view channels, reports Advertising Age. The spots will generally run on guy channels such as Spike TV and ESPN in the wee hours. Meanwhile, the...

FBI Probes Super Bowl Porn Snafu

(Newser) - Comcast, the cable company whose Super Bowl broadcast exposed thousands of Arizona viewers to 30 seconds of pay-per-view porn, has partnered with the FBI to investigate the incident, the Arizona Daily Star reports. The company has denied responsibility for the “malicious act,” which included the display of a...

Local TV Stations Could Go Off the Air

Networks consider jumping straight to cable

(Newser) - For decades, local TV stations ruled the airwaves and were treated with deference by the likes of ABC, CBS, and NBC, which needed them to reach their audiences. But as the recession has pummeled advertising revenue, most have been forced to make drastic cuts, and the networks are contemplating doing...

Comcast Apologizes for Super Bowl Porn

Cable company blames 'malicious act' for randy interruption

(Newser) - Comcast has apologized to Tucson-area viewers whose Super Bowl coverage was interrupted by a porn clip, reports the Arizona Daily Star. The cable company blames a mysterious "malicious act" for the graphic content that flashed across viewers' screens, and is offering a $10 credit to those who saw the...

Porn Interrupts Super Bowl Broadcast
Porn Interrupts Super Bowl Broadcast

Porn Interrupts Super Bowl Broadcast

TV station probes mystery switch from gridiron to graphic

(Newser) - Tucson-area Super Bowl viewers were startled when coverage suddenly cut to a very different kind of action in the final minutes of the game, the Arizona Daily Star reports. The game was interrupted by some 30 steamy seconds from a porn channel, featuring full male nudity. Only Comcast customers were...

Time Warner, Viacom Reach Zero-Hour Deal

Cable provider keeps grip on Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, MTV

(Newser) - The countdown to the New Year was a frantic one for Viacom and Time Warner. The companies had set a midnight deadline in their tense negotiations to keep Viacom’s networks—which include MTV, Comedy Central, and Nickelodeon—on the massive cable provider. As the ball dropped, Viacom granted a...

Sobbing SpongeBob Joins Viacom Fee Dispute

Ads aimed at winning support in Time Warner feud feature a sobbing Spongebob

(Newser) - Viacom is enlisting some of its best-known kid cartoon characters in a contract renewal battle with Time Warner, the Wall Street Journal reports. Viacom wants higher fees from the cable carrier for its channels, which could disappear from Time Warner's service at midnight tonight if no new deal is reached....

Thanks for the Memories, Bob, 'Cuz 2008 TV Stunk

The golden age of TV may have died this year

(Newser) - Today's golden age of TV lost a little shine this year, Heather Havrilesky writes on Salon. Twelve quick months gobbled up all of the momentum and promise from years past, leaving “a haze of crappy, unoriginal new programming, lackluster sophomore shows, flaccid sitcoms and pointless cable comedies.” Old...

7% Not Ready for Digital TV Switch

With switch due Feb. 17, estimated 7% aren't prepared; feds' coupon program shaky

(Newser) - With US television’s transition from analog to digital broadcasting less than two months away, officials are worried that consumers still don’t have the signal-converter box, the Wall Street Journal reports. An estimated 7% aren’t prepared, and Congress, which authorized $1.34 billion for coupons to help consumers...

Oprah Seals Production Deal With HBO

Talk-show host's production company will do films, miniseries on cable mainstay

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey has a production deal with HBO, ending a long-lived partnership with ABC, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The exclusive, 3-year arrangement will allow Oprah’s Harpo Films more flexibility than before. “Being on a cable channel like HBO offers us a tremendous amount of creative freedom not seen...

Monk Will Go Out on Top
 Monk Will Go Out on Top 

Monk Will Go Out on Top

USA says quirky detective show will end after upcoming season

(Newser) - The news that the upcoming eighth season of Monk will be its last has fans in mourning, but the USA Network staple leaves a rich legacy, Media Life reports. Monk ushered in the era of original cable programming and has consistently scored top ratings in key demographics. Tony Shalhoub is...

Drudge Loses Juice as Media Swing Left
Drudge Loses Juice as Media Swing Left

Drudge Loses Juice as Media Swing Left

Tough competition drives Fleet Street-style sensationalism, bias

(Newser) - The Ashley Todd hoax was as good a symbol as any of the decline of the Drudge Report, writes John Gapper in the Financial Times. Liberal blogs, cable TV, and, indeed, newspapers themselves have invaded and occupied Matt Drudge’s sensationalist niche. Tough competition and falling circulation are “pushing...

After Beating Back HD DVD, Blu-Ray Hardly in Clear

Satellite, cable, internet offers enough HD options to keep buyers on fence

(Newser) - Blu-ray might have won the battle against Toshiba’s HD DVD, but it may still be losing the high-definition war as it is forced to compete with other sources of HD content, the Wall Street Journal reports. With cable and satellite TV providers offering more HD channels and video-on-demand services,...

Cable's Mad Men, Adams Sweep Emmys

Broadcast hangs tough in comedy with big wins for 30 Rock

(Newser) - Cable shows trumped network TV in last night’s 60th annual Emmy Awards as HBO’s John Adams grabbed 13 awards, a record for a miniseries, the Los Angeles Times reports. AMC’s Mad Men, which led in nominations, took home six trophies, including one for best drama. Glenn Close...

Cable News Was Biggest Convention Winner
Cable News Was Biggest Convention Winner

Cable News Was Biggest Convention Winner

Broadcasters cede historic role as political pundits

(Newser) - The Democratic Convention made it official, writes Scott Collilns in the Los Angeles Times: The broadcast networks have passed the political torch to the cable networks. CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC not only delivered “wall to wall coverage” compared to the broadcast nets' paltry hour of nightly programming. Their...

Maddow Helps MSNBC Make Left Turn
Maddow Helps MSNBC Make Left Turn

Maddow Helps MSNBC Make Left Turn

Network hopes new anchor will translate into ratings, ad revenue

(Newser) - Rachel Maddow's promotion to prime-time at MSNBC more clearly draws the partisan lines among the cable networks, writes Brian Stelter of the New York Times: MSNBC on the left, Fox on the right, and CNN claiming middle ground. Now the big question: Will the Maddow move translate into more ads?...

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