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Archbishop Excommunicated for the 'Crime of Schism'

In rare move, Vatican boots Carlo Maria Vigano for not recognizing Pope Francis, among other things

(Newser) - Carlo Maria Vigano used to be the Vatican's envoy to the United States. Today, he's a former archbishop, excommunicated on Friday in a rare move by the Holy See for refusing to recognize Pope Francis, among other things, per the Washington Post . On June 20, Vigano announced he'...

UK Archbishop: Word in 'Our Father' May Be 'Problematic'
Archbishop Takes Issue With
Key Word in 'Our Father' Prayer
in case you missed it

Archbishop Takes Issue With Key Word in 'Our Father' Prayer

Stephen Cottrell told Church of England's General Synod the word has 'patriarchal' leanings

(Newser) - Christians worldwide who've committed the "Our Father" prayer to memory for 2,000 years would likely be thrown if the opening words—also the prayer's title—were suddenly altered. That tweak doesn't seem to be imminent, but eyebrows are raised after one of the Church of...

Archbishop to Pelosi: No More Communion for You

San Francisco's Salvatore Cordileone says House speaker must repudiate support for abortion rights

(Newser) - The conservative Catholic archbishop of San Francisco said Friday that he'll no longer allow US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to receive Communion because of her support for abortion rights. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said he sent Pelosi a letter April 7 expressing his concerns after she vowed to codify the...

Exorcism Performed Where Statue Came Down in California

The archbishop of San Francisco said prayers in Latin

(Newser) - The archbishop of San Francisco performed a short exorcism ceremony Saturday outside a Catholic church where protesters had earlier toppled a statue of Father Junipero Serra, saying the ceremony was intended to drive out evil and defend the image of Serra. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone performed the ritual before some 150...

Catholic Archbishop Slams Trump's Visit to DC Shrine

He calls it 'baffling and reprehensible'

(Newser) - President Trump has now angered two Washington, DC religious leaders in two days. Washington Archbishop Wilton Gregory slammed the president Tuesday ahead of the Trump's visit to the Saint John Paul II Shrine, the Washington Post reports. "I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would...

Archbishop Punishes School That Won't Fire Gay Teacher

Archbishop of Indianapolis Charles Thompson says it can no longer call itself Catholic

(Newser) - A Jesuit high school that refuses to fire a longtime teacher who is in a same-sex marriage no longer qualifies as Catholic, according to the Archbishop of Indianapolis. Archbishop Charles Thompson plans to issue a decree Friday saying Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School "can no longer use the name Catholic...

Cardinal on Sex Abuse Allegations: They Slipped My Mind

One alleged victim isn't buying that story from DC's Donald Wuerl

(Newser) - Cardinal Donald Wuerl says there's a reason why he hasn't been completely forthcoming about abuse allegations against Theodore McCarrick, the man who held the post before him: He forgot he knew about them, or at least some of them, per the Washington Post . That's the story the...

Pope Accepts Resignation of Disgraced Archbishop

Australian acknowledges 'growing level of hurt'

(Newser) - After repeatedly insisting that he would remain in his position until the appeals process was exhausted, the most senior Catholic cleric ever to be convicted of covering up sexual abuse has resigned. Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Adelaide Archbishop Philip Wilson, who was sentenced to 12 months of...

Church Abuse Scandal Claims Highest-Ranking American Yet

Pope Francis accepts resignation of former DC archbishop Theodore McCarrick

(Newser) - The Catholic Church's sexual abuse scandal has just claimed its highest-ranking American church official. Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of 88-year-old Cardinal Theodore McCarrick while an investigation into multiple allegations of abuse continues, reports the AP . McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, DC, had been removed from public...

Vote by US Bishops Seen as Call to Resist Pope Francis

Conference picks conservative archbishop, rejecting Francis ally

(Newser) - In a move seen as pushback against Pope Francis' agenda for the church, US Catholic bishops broke with tradition and elected a conservative archbishop to lead a top committee. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops voted 96 to 82 Tuesday to name Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann chief of anti-abortion...

Workers Found Hidden Stairs, Then a Crown and Coffins

Remains of 5 archbishops of Canterbury found by mistake in former medieval church

(Newser) - The Telegraph calls it the "perfect Easter story," except with ex-archbishops of Canterbury instead of Jesus, and a rather full tomb replacing Jesus' empty one. Workers renovating the Garden Museum (once a medieval-era church) next door to the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lambeth Palace stumbled across a vault...

US Archbishop Quits Amid Sex Abuse Coverup Charges

As Vatican announces former envoy will stand trial on molestation charges

(Newser) - The archbishop of St. Paul, Minn., stepped down this morning over allegations that his deeply troubled archdiocese repeatedly failed to protect children from what the AP is calling "unspeakable harm from a pedophile priest." Out of a job is Archbishop John Nienstedt, as well as Auxiliary Bishop Lee...

Vatican Charges Ex-Archbishop With Pedophilia

Jozef Wesolowski's arrest is first ever in Vatican for child sexual abuse

(Newser) - The Vatican arrested former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski yesterday on pedophilia charges and placed him under house arrest until trial—the first official charges within the city-state's walls for child sexual abuse, Reuters reports. It's the latest step for Pope Francis, who has a "zero tolerance" philosophy for...

Satanists Stole Holy Wafer for Black Mass: Archbishop

His lawsuit asks judge to halt Satanic ritual in Oklahoma City

(Newser) - A Satanist group has stolen a holy wafer from a Catholic church to use in an upcoming "black Mass," or so alleges a lawsuit filed yesterday by the Oklahoma City Catholic archbishop. Paul S. Coakley asked an Oklahoma County district court judge "to halt the desecration" of...

Atlanta Archbishop Selling $2.2M Home

Proceeds to go to Catholic community: Wilton Gregory

(Newser) - Trying to appease angry parishioners, the Roman Catholic archbishop of Atlanta said today that he will sell a $2.2 million mansion just three months after he moved in. Archbishop Wilton Gregory announced the decision following a closed-door meeting with members of several church councils at his headquarters north of...

America Has a Longshot Contender for Pope

Cardinal Timothy Dolan is unlikely fit for Vatican, but US' first chance

(Newser) - He's taken on the White House over ObamaCare's birth control mandate, jokingly kissed Stephen Colbert's ring, blessed both 2012 political conventions, dismissed some former popes as "lemons," and tackled the fallout of a predecessor's sex abuse scandal. He is frank and charismatic yet thoughtful,...

In 'Extraordinary' Move, Cardinal Relieved of Duties

Former LA archbishop Roger Mahony remains 'in good standing': rep

(Newser) - The former archbishop of Los Angeles has been removed from all public duties due to the central role he played in the coverup of child abuse . Tens of thousands of pages revealing the extent of the abuse crisis, now posted on the church's website, are "brutal and painful...

Prop. 8 'Architect' Set to Take Over as SF Archbishop

Gay Catholics reeling

(Newser) - Critics are calling it "bombshell by the Bay." The pope has sent a strong message to his Left Coast faithful by naming a key backer of Proposition 8 against gay marriage as the new archbishop of San Francisco. Salvatore Cordileone, who officially takes charge next week, is considered...

Catholic Church Seeks Exorcists
 Catholic Church 
 Seeks Exorcists 
Tough Job, But...

Catholic Church Seeks Exorcists

Clergy attend weekend training session in Baltimore

(Newser) - Do you have a knack for battling Satan? The Catholic Church may have just the job for you. With just five or six of US priests capable of performing an exorcism and demand for exorcisms rising as Catholics who hail from countries where the rite doesn't evoke head-spinning immigrate to...

Israel Slams Catholic Call to End Occupation of Palestine

Calls archbishop's comments 'libel'

(Newser) - Israel blasted a statement by Catholic bishops made during a conference in Rome that called for “an end to the occupation” of Palestinian territories. “We express our disappointment that this important synod has become a forum for political attacks on Israel in the best history of Arab propaganda,...

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