Colin Powell

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Powell Endorses Gay Marriage, But Not Obama

Same-sex marriage is 'way we should move,' he says

(Newser) - Colin Powell has come out in favor of same-sex marriage. "I have no problem with it," he told CNN . "In terms of the legal matter of creating a contract between two people that's called marriage, and allowing them to live together with the protection of law,...

Colin Powell: Tea Party Candidates Can't Win

But Dems, GOP also too partisan, he tells Christiane Amanpour

(Newser) - Colin Powell took aim at Tea Party candidates, Democrats, and Republicans alike today in a plea for compromise on Capitol Hill. Speaking on Christiane Amanpour, the former Bush secretary of state said Tea Party contenders are too hard-line to win next year's presidential election: "The Tea Party point...

Herman Cain: Former Biz Whiz? Try Lobbyist

GOP hopeful fought smoking bans, minimum wage increases

(Newser) - Herman Cain is known as the former CEO of Godfather's Pizza and an upstart GOP presidential candidate. But between those pursuits, he filled his Washington Rolodex as a highly effective industry lobbyist in the late 1990s, the New York Times reports. His industry: restaurants. His major issues: fighting smoking...

Powell Aide: Cheney Fears War Crime Trial

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson slams 'vindictive' memoir

(Newser) - It doesn't look as if the Colin Powell-Dick Cheney feud is going to end any time soon. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Powell's longtime chief of staff, says that Cheney—whose new memoir is sharply critical of Powell—"fears being tried as a war criminal" and "was president...

Rush Limbaugh: 'Melanin Is Thicker Than Water,' and Colin Powell Will Vote for President Obama
 Is Thicker 
 Than Water’ 


Limbaugh: ‘Melanin Is Thicker Than Water’

Rush doesn't believe 'ideal Republican' will turn his back on Obama

(Newser) - Colin Powell said this weekend that he wasn't all that sure about voting for President Obama this election, but Rush Limbaugh says that's a load of hooey, reports ThinkProgress . When it comes down to it, the "titular head of the Republican party, the ideal model Republican" will...

Colin Powell: Cheney Took 'Cheap Shots'

Powell says former VP goes 'too far' in pitching his memoir

(Newser) - Colin Powell fired back at Dick Cheney and his revealing memoir yesterday, calling the former veep's revelations "cheap shots that he's taking at me and other members of the administration who served to the best of our ability for President Bush," reports Politico . In particular, Powell...

Hurricane Irene: FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate Says Post-Katrina Overhaul Worked
 FEMA Chief: 


FEMA Chief: Post-Katrina Overhaul Worked

Chris Christie is also impressed with his handling of Irene

(Newser) - Hurricane, er, Tropical Storm Irene proved to be no Katrina, and that's partly because the resulting Federal Emergency Management Agency overhaul actually worked, says FEMA administrator Craig Fugate . "We've learned to really work as one team, not as separate levels of government, and to put everything together...

Dick Cheney Reveals He Wanted to Bomb Syria in New Memoir, 'In My Time'

 Cheney: I 
 Wanted to 
 Bomb Syria 
More Memoir

Cheney: I Wanted to Bomb Syria

Former VP discusses his conflicts with Condoleezza, Powell, Tenet

(Newser) - And the revelations from Dick Cheney's new memoir just keep coming: yesterday, news of a secret resignation letter. Today, the New York Times , which obtained a copy of In My Time , reports that Cheney pushed Bush to bomb what the US believed to be a nuclear reactor site in...

Curveball Fallout: Colin Powell Aide Says He Was Lied To By Cheney
 Powell Aide: We Were Lied To 

Powell Aide: We Were Lied To

Vice president's office 'manipulated' Powell into making Iraq speech

(Newser) - Colin Powell’s former chief of staff says he thinks the secretary of state was deliberately lied to and manipulated by the vice president’s office in the lead-up to the Iraq war. “I think there was some manipulation of this material and there was some outright lying,”...

Kissenger, Powell, et al: Ratify New START
 Powell, et Al.: 
 Ratify New START 

Kissinger, Powell, et Al.: Ratify New START

Kissinger, Powell, Baker call on Senate for 'essential' vote

(Newser) - The New START treaty got some serious firepower behind it this morning, with the past five Republican secretaries of state writing a Washington Post op-ed in its support. "Although each of us had initial questions about New START," write Henry Kissinger, George Shultz, James Baker III, Lawrence Eagleburger...

Colin Powell: We Need Illegal Immigrants...

...Because they're always around to fix my house

(Newser) - Colin Powell thinks the GOP needs to change its attitude on illegal immigrants—because they do great housework. "We have millions of illegal immigrants … who are doing things we need done in this country," he told MSNBC . "They’re all over my house, doing things making...

BP: Oil Will 'Flow for a While'

 BP: Oil Will 'Flow for a While' 

BP: Oil Will 'Flow for a While'

Oil giant hopes for some containment until August

(Newser) - Even as BP readies its next effort to stanch the oil oozing from its busted well, the oil giant was already redefining success, reports Politico. "The oil's going to flow for awhile," Managing Director Bob Dudley told State of the Union, adding, "Our objective is to …...

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

 It's Time 
 to Lay Off 

Powell: It's Time to Lay Off Obama

Republicans, at some point, are going to have to do something, he says

(Newser) - It's time to get past the incessant partisan potshots being taken at President Obama and forge some progress, Colin Powell told Face the Nation today. "I don’t think the country will be well served if the next three years are attempts to bring him down and destroy him...

Colin Powell Backs Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Architect of military's gay ban says times have changed

(Newser) - Colin Powell says he supports efforts to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Powell, who proposed the policy as a compromise in 1993 while serving as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says he "fully" backs the plan outlined by defense chief Robert Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen, who...

Bush a Winner as Motivational Speaker

Former president tells crowd he relied on 'the Almighty'

(Newser) - George W. Bush commanded a 15,000-strong crowd at a motivational megashow in Dallas last night, flanked by signs reading "Achieve!" and "Motivate!" but not by the pyrotechnics that greeted other speakers—Secret Service said no. Bush told stories of both "great and not so...

Dubya's New Gig: Motivational Guru

George W. Bush headlines Texas 'mega show' with $19 tickets

(Newser) - It sure ain't the G8: George W. Bush, nine months retired, is headlining a motivational speaking "mega show" in Fort Worth next week, which promises "more inspirational firepower than a stick of dynamite!" As the event's screaming website reveals, the former president is appearing alongside Colin...

Powell Praises 'Gallant Heroes' of United Flight 93

(Newser) - Colin Powell today honored the "gallant heroes" of United Flight 93 who fought back against their hijackers 8 years ago today. At a ceremony in Shanksville, Pa., where the plane went down, he likened them to the "citizen soldiers" who have fought for the US since its inception....

Powell: Gates, Cops Both at Fault

Both sides overreacted; people should 'cooperate' with police

(Newser) - Speaking to Larry King about Henry Louis Gates’ arrest, Colin Powell said he’d faced racial profiling “many times,” and suggested both the professor and the police were at fault in the incident, the Huffington Post reports. Gates “should have reflected on whether or not this was...

Cheney, Limbaugh Can't Touch Powell in Popularity

Ex-veep far less popular than his target for criticism

(Newser) - When Dick Cheney got in a fight with Colin Powell, it looks like he was punching above his weight class. Cheney dismissed Powell’s views on the Republican Party’s direction, saying, “I didn’t think he was still a Republican”—a comment echoed by Rush Limbaugh. But...

Powell to Rush: I'm Not Leaving GOP
 Powell to Rush: 
 I'm Not Leaving GOP 

Powell to Rush: I'm Not Leaving GOP

Rove blasts Obama; Joint Chiefs head backs gays in military

(Newser) - Sorry, Rush Limbaugh: Colin Powell isn’t leaving the Republican Party. Striking back at critics, the general burnished his GOP credentials on Face the Nation today. “Rush will not get his wish, and Mr Cheney was misinformed” about Powell’s supposed exit from the party. Powell added that if...

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