
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

China Cracks Down; Dalai Lama Threatens to Resign

Hundreds of Tibetans detained after riots

(Newser) - Chinese paramilitary police in Lhasa have arrested almost 1,000 Tibetans over the past 48 hours as the fallout continues from last week's anti-Chinese riots, reports the London Times. "Many people have been taken away, but we don’t know how many," said one eyewitness. The crackdown comes...

China Cracks Down on Tibetan Rioters

Security forces begin house-by-house searches and arrests in Lhasa

(Newser) - Chinese authorities cracked down on Tibetan rioters today, conducting house-to-house searches in Lhasa ahead of the midnight deadline for rioters to turn themselves in. A convoy of four Chinese trucks marched 40 handcuffed prisoners through the city. The participants in the riots, the worst the region has seen in 20...

Riots Spread Outside Tibet
 Riots Spread Outside Tibet 

Riots Spread Outside Tibet

Protesters torch marketplace, police station in Sichuan province

(Newser) - Following violent protests against Chinese rule that left 80 dead in Lhasa, according to the exiled Tibetan government, rioting flared today in a province bordering Tibet. Ethnic Tibetans in Sichuan besieged the main government building and set fire to a police station and marketplace. "They've gone crazy," one...

Dalai Lama Calls for Tibet Probe

He says 80 protesters killed; Chinese soldiers clamp down in Lhasa

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama today called for an international investigation into China and accused it of engaging in "cultural genocide" in Tibet, the AP reports. The spiritual leader said 80 people have been killed in recent protests. Chinese soldiers and tanks patrolled the streets of the Tibetan capital of Lhasa...

10 Dead in Tibet Protests
10 Dead in
Tibet Protests

10 Dead in Tibet Protests

China gives rioters surrender deadline, threatens 'stern' punishment

(Newser) - Following a day of violent street clashes between protesters and security forces, China reported 10 people dead in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. Embarrassed as the country prepares to host this summer's Olympic games, Beijing set Monday as a "surrender deadline" for rioters to turn themselves in and receive...

Lhasa Erupts as Tibetans Battle Police

Dowtown market in flames in biggest clash in 20 years

(Newser) - Nearly a thousand angry monks and lay Tibetans clashed with police in the capital of Lhasa today in the most dramatic anti-Chinese protests in almost 20 years, writes the Times of London and CNN. Rioters threw rocks at police who tried to block the lamas, and burned Chinese-owned shops, leaving...

China Closes Everest to Curb Protests

Torch route deemed 'unsafe' due to 'environmental' problems

(Newser) - China has closed down Mount Everest, worried that pro-Tibet protesters might disrupt what’s supposed to be the emotional and physical pinnacle of this summer's Olympic torch relay—the ascent to the summit. Just ahead of the climbing season—April, May and early June—authorities  told expedition companies the Tibetan...

India Crushes Tibetan March
 India Crushes Tibetan March 

India Crushes Tibetan March

Police bust exiles trying to march back home

(Newser) - Indian police stopped a group of Tibetan exiles marching back to their homeland after just 30 miles, reports the BBC. The activists set off Monday from Dharamsala, the seat of the exiled Tibetan government, heading for the Chinese border on the 49th anniversary of a failed Tibetan coup to throw...

Tibetan Voices Grow Louder
Tibetan Voices Grow Louder

Tibetan Voices Grow Louder

Plight of Tibet is back in the spotlight

(Newser) - Nearly a half-century after China brutally crushed Tibetan opposition and sent the Dalai Lama into exile, calls for China to give Tibet more freedom are stronger than they have been in decades. While Beijing remains unwilling to budge, activists plan to use China's time in the Olympic spotlight to show...

Tibet Monks Protest China Rule
Tibet Monks Protest China Rule

Tibet Monks Protest China Rule

Dozens arrested in biggest demonstrations since 1989

(Newser) - Tibetan monks staged the biggest protests against the Chinese government in 2 decades yesterday, reports the Times of London. The two sides clashed in Lhasa amid sporadic gunfire. Hundreds of monks and supporters marked the anniversary of a failed 1959 Tibetan uprising. Sources say police arrested as many as 60...

Tibetans Begin Trek Home to Protest China Policies

Thousands bid farewell to marchers as they leave Dharamsala

(Newser) - Cheering thousands bid farewell to more than 100 Tibetan exiles as they began a trek today from India back to their homeland to protest China's rule over Tibet.  "Everybody is pumped up," said one marcher. "Many people were in tears as they said goodbye." ...

Tibet Shoutout Spurs Crackdown
Tibet Shoutout Spurs Crackdown

Tibet Shoutout Spurs Crackdown

Cry supporting independence prompts threat of censorship

(Newser) - Beijing says it will toughen restrictions on visiting artists performing in China in response to Bjork's onstage expression of support for Tibetan independence, the London Times reports. “We shall never tolerate any attempt to separate Tibet from China and will no longer welcome any artists who deliberately do this,...

China: Sorry for This Fake Photo
China: Sorry for This Fake Photo

China: Sorry for This Fake Photo

State news agency apologizes for doctored image of antelopes near train

(Newser) - China’s state-run news service has apologized for running—and honoring—a doctored photo that aided the government’s argument about a new train line's environmental impact. The 2006 image showed antelopes frolicking under Tibetan tracks, purportedly demonstrating that the beloved beasts weren’t affected by them. It worked, until...

Next Dalai Lama May Be Female
Next Dalai Lama May Be Female

Next Dalai Lama May Be Female

Tibetan Buddhist leader opens door to female successor

(Newser) - The Dalai Lama has revealed that his successor might be a woman, the Telegraph reports. Although some lamas, or living Buddhas, are female, the large majority are men and most consider themselves reincarnations of people of the same gender. But the leader of the Tibetan Buddhists, who is currently visiting...

Tibetan Villagers Riot Over Monks' Arrest

190 people demanded alleged thieves' release

(Newser) - Simmering ethnic tensions between Tibetans and Chinese boiled over into a riot in a remote Tibet province, Reuters reports. After 3 monks were arrested following an altercation with a Chinese shop owner, hundreds of Tibetan herdsmen converged on the town to demand their release. When authorities failed to comply, they...

Dalai Lama May Name Own Successor
Dalai Lama May Name Own Successor

Dalai Lama May Name Own Successor

Anti-Chinese maneuver would be huge break from tradition

(Newser) - Fearful that the Chinese will influence the process, the Dalai Lama says he may break with Tibetan tradition and choose his own successor, the BBC reports. For centuries, senior Buddhist officials have searched for a child born around the time the previous Dalai Lama died. "If China selected my...

Canada Hails Dalai, China Rages
Canada Hails Dalai, China Rages

Canada Hails Dalai, China Rages

Latest welcome for Tibetan exile new blow to China

(Newser) - Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper rolled out the red carpet for the Dalai Lama yesterday, provoking the wrath of the Chinese government. The two men exchanged traditional white Tibetan silk scarves, with Harper's gift to his guest embroidered with the Canadian maple leaf. The Chinese are furious over the attention...

China Clashes With Tibetan Monks in Wake of Dalai Award

Authorities crack down on celebrations

(Newser) - Chinese security forces in Tibet have clashed with Buddhist monks celebrating the Dalai Lama's recent honor from the US, the Guardian reported. Police and soldiers in the capital Lhasa and in outlying areas cracked down on monasteries holding special services in honor of the Tibetan spiritual leader, according to Hong...

China Livid at Dalai Lama Award
China Livid at Dalai Lama Award

China Livid at Dalai Lama Award

China tells American ambassador relations 'gravely undermined'

(Newser) - China called the US ambassador on the carpet today, saying that the US had "gravely undermined relations" when President Bush yesterday presented the Dalai Lama with the Congressional Gold Medal. A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman told Reuters that DC is "very aware of what steps it can take"...

US Awards Medal to Dalai Lama
US Awards Medal to Dalai Lama

US Awards Medal to Dalai Lama

Public display angers Chinese government

(Newser) - Congress awarded the Dalai Lama its highest civilian honor today, New York Times reports. At the presentation of the Congressional Gold Medal, which went ahead despite vehement Chinese opposition, the Tibetan spiritual leader congratulated China on its economic growth and gently urged that the country embrace “transparency, the rule...

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>