
18 Stories

Brits Flock to 'Place of Communion' to Sweat, Bond, Relax

Sauna bathing has taken London, and other parts of the UK, by storm

(Newser) - It may be winter, but the dozen men and women packed into a small sauna room in east London are happily sweating away. It's nearly 195 degrees in here, and it's about to get even hotter. Sauna bathing has taken London and the rest of the UK by...

Man's Best Friend May Be Able to Sniff Out Your Stress
Stressed Out?
Your Pooch
May Be Able
to Smell It

Stressed Out? Your Pooch May Be Able to Smell It

New research shows canines can use their noses to detect changes in human breath, sweat samples

(Newser) - Dogs are known for their olfactory superpowers , leading to jobs as drug sniffers and as helpers in search and rescue efforts. Now, those sensitive noses are being credited with something closer to home: being able to detect when their owners are stressed. New research published Wednesday in PLOS One notes...

Woman Can't Stop Sweating Blood From Face, Hands

Doctors say 'most unusual' condition is hematohidrosis, but they aren't sure what causes it

(Newser) - You know there's a problem if you start coughing up blood—but how to react when you start sweating blood? Per the CBC , a 21-year-old Italian woman got to a hospital ASAP, and now doctors are puzzling over her "most unusual" case of bleeding from her face and...

Women Prefer the Smell of Men Who Eat Healthier
Women Prefer the Smell
of Men Who Eat Healthier

Women Prefer the Smell of Men Who Eat Healthier

'Odor is an important component of attractiveness,' and carbs aren't helping

(Newser) - Guys have sort of a weird new reason to opt for the salad over the nachos: In a new study in the journal Evolution & Human Behavior , researchers found that women prefer the smell of sweat given off by men who eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to...

What Life Is Like When You're Allergic to Your Own Sweat

'One step shy of being allergic to breathing or blinking'

(Newser) - A 28-year-old Florida woman says her life has been destroyed by horrible allergies. But it's not pollen, cats, or peanuts she's allergic to; it's her own sweat and tears. "You don't realize how much your body sweats until you become allergic to it," Julie...

Now You Can Test Your Sweat as You Run

Sweat monitor could alert users to early signs of dehydration, stress, and more

(Newser) - That Fitbit on your wrist is about to look "awfully basic," reports the Los Angeles Times , with the introduction of a sweat monitor that the lead author of a new study likens to having "a pathology lab right on the body." Electrical engineers at UC Berkeley...

Why Women Are Injecting Botox Under Their Hair

'Blowtox' does more than just prevent sweating

(Newser) - Women know what a workout can do to their 'do—and now dermatologists have a treatment for it. Called "Blowtox" by some, it's really a bunch of Botox injections in the scalp that prevent sweating and have the pleasant side-effect of keeping blow-dried or straightened hair from...

These Are America's 10 Sweatiest Cities

Tampa, Miami, Orlando make the top 5

(Newser) - Let's hope Tampa has a steady supply of deodorant. A new survey from the makers of Honeywell Fans has produced a list of the 10 sweatiest cities in the country, based on temperature and humidity levels, population, housing density, wind speed, and more, per a press release . The consensus:...

Scientists Study Kids Who, Tragically, Can't Sweat

5 Pakistani children's genomes mapped, leading to protein

(Newser) - Being born without ITPR2 may sound like a blessing: The gene regulates sweat production, and having none of it eliminates one's ability to sweat. Swedish researchers identified the rare genetic mutation after zeroing in on five children in one Pakistani family who are unable to sweat. What's particularly...

Sweat: Power Source of the Future?

'Biobatteries' on temporary tattoos can draw power from lactic acid

(Newser) - Someday, sweating might not just cool you down—it could also power your phone. So-called biobatteries, which can take the form of a temporary tattoo, can already generate a small amount of electricity, the Washington Post reports. "We are working on enhancing (the product) so it can power small...

New Water Shortage Fix: Drinking Sweat

Team creates device to build awareness

(Newser) - If you stop by the Gothia Cup, a world youth soccer tournament in Sweden, you'll get a chance to drink some eminently potable water from a very reliable source: Your own sweat. A group of Swedish engineers has built a "Sweat Machine" that pulls the sweat out of...

Badass Hillary Never ... Sweats?

'No matter how high the heat,' writes traveling reporter

(Newser) - Just when you thought she couldn't get any cooler , it turns out Hillary Clinton apparently isn't even subject to normal bodily functions. The secretary of state doesn't sweat, according to a reporter from Condé Nast Traveler who went to Asia with her. "No matter how high...

Games' Strangest Job: Sweat Mopper
 Strangest Job: 
 Sweat Mopper 

Games' Strangest Job: Sweat Mopper

Volunteers compete for elite, but kinda gross, position

(Newser) - One of the most unusual—and sought-after—volunteer positions in the London Olympics? Sweat mopper. These surprisingly high-profile volunteers are in charge of keeping the players safe from slips on a wet court, and even though they're not athletes themselves, the job is quite intense. Teams of two moppers...

Congrats, Men: You Sweat Better Than Women

Study: Females have to work much harder at it

(Newser) - Men really do sweat more than women, and a team of scientists says it's because they're naturals at it. Japanese researchers found that male exercisers began sweating at a much lower body temperature than their female counterparts. All in all, the scientists found that men lose twice as much moisture...

Want to Be a Chick Magnet? Stop Showering

Smelling chemical in sweat makes women consider men cuter

(Newser) - Men, if you want to win over your date, maybe you should skip the shower. A chemical found in both sexes' sweat attracts women, a study suggests. A researcher in Scotland dabbed a bit of the testosterone-derived chemical on female subjects’ upper lips before a speed-dating session, the Independent reports....

Men Smell Like Cheese, Women Like Onion

Find an animal that smells like tomato and voila—pizza!

(Newser) - Working out at the gym may stimulate your appetite—or maybe it's the enticing scent of the person next to you. Sweaty men smell of cheese, and sweaty women smell like onion or grapefruit, New Scientist reports. Body chemistry accounts for the difference, say Swiss researchers who based their conclusions...

Stench is in Nose of Beholder
Stench is in Nose of Beholder

Stench is in Nose of Beholder

Body odor perceived differently based on genetics, study shows

(Newser) - Good news for men with a nasty smell wafting under their arms: Scientists can prove why it's not so bad to everyone. A report published in Nature says that male sweat can invoke scents from urine to vanilla, thanks to tiny differences in a single receptor gene. How it reacts...

Finn Sweats it Out at Sauna Championship

Competitors bring the heat, but victor lasts 12 minutes at 266F

(Newser) - Hometown favorite Timo Kaukonen was in it for glory, not relaxation, at the Sauna World Championships in Finland. Kaukonen was crowned prince of perspiration, but not before enduring 12 minutes and 26 seconds in a glass-walled sauna on a theater stage. The heat started at 230F and climbed to 266F...

18 Stories
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