Swiss Army knives

2 Stories

New Version of Swiss Army Knife Will Lack One Big Thing
New Version of Swiss Army
Knife Will Lack One Big Thing

New Version of Swiss Army Knife Will Lack One Big Thing

There will be no blade, as company tries to adhere to ever-stricter knife regulations around the world

(Newser) - A Swiss Army Knife without the knife? That's what's coming down the pike, per Victorinox, the company that makes the iconic multitool gadget. Victorinox CEO Carl Elsener told a local newspaper on Monday that a new version of the Swiss Army Knife is being designed sans blade, instead...

Swiss Army Eyes Outsourcing
Swiss Army Eyes Outsourcing

Swiss Army Eyes Outsourcing

Opposition mounts against outsourcing a legend

(Newser) - Can a Swiss army knife be made in China and still cut it as an icon? That's become a hot political topic in Geneva since the army announced that, under WTO rules, they have to open up the manufacture of their signature knives to bids from companies in other countries....

2 Stories