Tim Pawlenty

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Coleman May Have Shot as Governor
 May Have 
 Shot as

Coleman May Have Shot as Governor

Newser Newsroom 2.11.1

(Newser) - As if Minnesota politics needed another twist: Tim Pawlenty's announcement that he won't seek a third term as governor has all eyes on Norm Coleman as a potential successor, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Because he's still locked in a legal fight with Al Franken over a Senate seat, Coleman...

Pawlenty Won't Run Again in Minn.; Prez Push Possible

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty will not seek a third term as Minnesota governor, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. Pawlenty is seen as a probable Republican candidate for 2012, but he was mum on the subject. “I don’t have any plans beyond serving out my term,” he said today. “I’...

Republicans Hang Pawlenty Out to Dry
Republicans Hang Pawlenty Out to Dry

Republicans Hang Pawlenty Out to Dry

By refusing to certify Franken, Minn. gov risks own future

(Newser) - By refusing to certify Al Franken’s Senate win, Tim Pawlenty is taking a big political risk, writes Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight.com. The Minnesota governor’s numbers have dropped precipitously since November; he currently has just a 46% approval rating, with 50% disapproving. The Franken/Coleman fracas may not bear...

Minnesotans to Coleman: Concede

Both candidates low on cash

(Newser) - A whopping 63% of Minnesota voters want Norm Coleman to concede the Senate race to Al Franken, with only 37% supporting more appeals, according to a new survey from Public Policy Polling. Another 59% said they want Gov. Tim Pawlenty to certify Franken’s victory. “It appears that most...

Pawlenty In Squeeze Over Franken's Fate

Mulling White House run, guv faces heavy choice

(Newser) - The Minnesota Senate race is set for the state Supreme Court, and after that, it’s in GOP Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s hands. If the court puts Democrat Al Franken on top, that puts Pawlenty, eyeing a 2012 presidential run, in a tight spot, writes Manu Raju for Politico: Does...

GOP Vows to Fight WWIII if Dems Try to Seat Franken

Months after vote, legal course murky

(Newser) - With the Minnesota court ruling on the Senate race between Al Franken and Norm Coleman just days away, GOP honchos are warning that if they lose this round, they plan to go all the way to the highest court, even if it leaves the state's voters without a senator for...

Minn. Court Rejects Franken Bid to Be Seated

(Newser) - The Minnesota Supreme Court today rejected Democrat Al Franken's petition for an election certificate that would put him in the US Senate without waiting for a lawsuit to be resolved. Franken is ahead of Republican Norm Coleman by 225 votes. Coleman's ongoing lawsuit argues some uncounted absentee ballots were wrongly...

Coleman Still Has a Chance: Minn. Governor

Pawlenty warns Senate that GOP will fight seating of Franken

(Newser) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty wants his constituents—and Democratic senators—to know that Franken-Coleman race isn't over, the Hill reports. The Republican governor stresses that "to be able to guess how it's going to come out is challenging," due to legal intricacies, and he promises woe to the...

Governator: Obama Needs 'Team Players'
Governator: Obama Needs 'Team Players'

Governator: Obama Needs 'Team Players'

Calls out fellow GOP as McConnell calls for fast Burris hearing

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger is urging politicians of all political stripes to line up behind President Obama. “I feel very strongly that President Obama right now needs team players,” the California governor told ABC’s This Week, noting that partisan wrangling creates “insecurity.” Schwarzenegger also called his fellow...

McCain 'Can't Promise' to Support Palin for Prez

Tells ABC his 'corpse is still warm,' and there are other 'great governors'

(Newser) - John McCain can't guarantee that he would back his own vice presidential candidate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin if she ran for president in 2012, he conceded in a surprisingly weak show of support on ABC's This Week. McCain praised Palin, but repeatedly ducked questions about backing her in a future...

GOP Split on How Dire the Post-Election Straits Are

Older members see perfect ugly storm in '08 loss; youngsters see broader woes

(Newser) - Successive election disasters have the Republican Party split over its health, Politico reports. Older figures, like Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, say it’s been worse, and the GOP just needs to hold tighter to its core principles. But up-and-comers disagree. Says Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, “The Republican Party is...

Newt: Palin's Not It in 2012
 Newt: Palin's 
 Not It in 2012 

Newt: Palin's Not It in 2012

Group of frontrunners will emerge, Former House Speaker predicts

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich predicts that Sarah Palin will not be the Republicans’ 2012 presidential nominee, the Hill reports. “I think that she is going to be a significant player,” the former speaker of the House told Face the Nation. “But she’s going to be one of 20...

Pawlenty to GOP Govs: 'Comb-Over' Not Enough

(Newser) - Republican governors got their election post-mortem under way today, with leading light Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota warning that the party needs "more than a comb-over." Another rising governor, Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, said voters now trust Democrats to control spending and cut taxes more than Republicans. "...

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way
2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

2012 Campaign Gets Under Way

Huckabee, Jindal among possible GOP candidates hitting trail in Iowa, elsewhere

(Newser) - Likely candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination are playing it cool, but their feet tell a different story, Jonathan Martin writes for Politico. Mike Huckabee, for example, says 2012 is “way too far away” to think about, but his book tour has lots of stops in Iowa and...

‘Kindred Spirit’ Palin Wowed McCain Right From Start

'Maverick’ was always top pick: Mac camp

(Newser) - Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was a strong contender to be John McCain's running mate all along, his campaign has revealed. Looking to diffuse speculation that Palin was a hasty, last-minute choice, aides told the Washington Post that she was high on McCain’s list since their first meeting in February....

Pawlenty, Romney Said Out; Odds Rise for Alaska's Palin

Rumor says Alaska gov. Palin is the one

(Newser) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has been told he won’t be John McCain’s running mate, MSNBC reports. The governor told listeners to his radio show that “I'm not going to be” at the nominating rally planned for today in Ohio. “I plan to be at the state...

McCain Picks Running Mate, But He's Not Telling Yet

Pair heads for debut rally Friday

(Newser) - John McCain has picked his running mate, but he's not telling just yet, Politico reports. McCain will reportedly inform his vice-presidential pick tomorrow, then unveil his choice to the nation on Friday. The two are then expected to campaign in battleground states this weekend, ahead of the GOP convention on...

Biden Complicates McCain's Veep Calculus
Biden Complicates
McCain's Veep Calculus

Biden Complicates McCain's Veep Calculus

Dem's strengths expose key gaps in armor of Republican's rumored short-listers

(Newser) - Joe Biden presents a problem for John McCain, Jeanne Cummings notes on Politico. “McCain knows Biden well," says one Republican insider. "He knows how good he is as a knife fighter." Stacked up against Biden, all of the rumored GOP short-listers reveal potentially fatal flaws:  ...

Leno's McCain Jokes Hit Homes
 Leno's McCain Jokes Hit Homes

Leno's McCain Jokes Hit Homes

McCain's quips aimed at diffusing age, wealth concerns

(Newser) - John McCain yesterday made what has become a mandatory stop on the campaign trail: The Tonight Show. He used the appearance to defuse jokes about his age in advance of his 72d birthday this week and attempt to do some damage control over his recent confusion about how many homes...

Ambition Carries Pawlenty to VP Short List

But critics say his eye on moving up has hurt his Minnesota reign

(Newser) - Tim Pawlenty grew up in the blue-collar stockyards of south St. Paul, but through ambition and charm he’s climbed his way to the top office in Minnesota—and the top tier of John McCain’s VP short list. But critics say that ambition could prove his undoing, the New ...

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