Old Faithful

4 Stories

Hiker Falls Into Scalding Water Off Trail in Yellowstone

Woman suffers second- and third-degree burns near Old Faithful

(Newser) - A New Hampshire woman suffered burns on her leg after hiking off trail in Yellowstone National Park and falling into scalding water in a thermal area near the Old Faithful geyser, park officials said. The 60-year-old woman from Windsor, New Hampshire, along with her husband and their dog, were walking...

Man Severely Burned After Fall Into Old Faithful Thermal Pool

He was walking late at night without a flashlight

(Newser) - A Yellowstone National Park visitor has been hospitalized with severe burns and could face charges after falling into a thermal pool at Old Faithful Geyser, park officials said Monday. Cade Edmond Siemers, 48, told rangers he was walking near the famous geyser late Sunday night without a flashlight when he...

Men Charged After Walking Up to OId Faithful

Tourists could have been scalded by boiling water

(Newser) - Two men who walked past the "no trespassing" signs at Yellowstone National Park last week for a close-up view of Old Faithful now have an appointment in federal court. The geyser erupts every hour or so, so the men were at risk for burns from the 200-degree water. Another...

Dumb Old Faithful Stunt Gets Visitor Arrested

Man walks right up to it, which is against the rules, and appears to urinate in it

(Newser) - Taunting a bison is not only unwise, it will land you in legal trouble at Yellowstone . The same applies to tempting fate near Old Faithful. An unidentified man has been charged with multiple offenses, including going off-trail in a thermal area, after he appeared to urinate in the famous hot-spring...

4 Stories