Greg Gianforte

12 Stories

Governor Signs Anti-Trans Bills Despite Lobbying by His Son

Montana Greg Gianforte makes no public comment on new law

(Newser) - Gov. Greg Gianforte on Friday signed into law bills restricting transition care for transgender minors in Montana over the pleas of, among others, his son. The governor made no public comment about the legislation, but his spokeswoman emailed the New York Times that "he is committed to protecting Montana'...

As Floods Devastate Yellowstone, Montana Governor Is AWOL

Greg Gianforte was on a 'long-scheduled personal trip'

(Newser) - Yellowstone and other areas in Montana have been devastated by recent floods , while the governor of the state has been conspicuously absent. Amid a slew of criticism, Gov. Greg Gianforte's office said he was returning home Thursday night from a "long-scheduled personal trip" out of the country, which...

Mont. Governor Killed Collared Mountain Lion Outside Yellowstone
Mont. Governor
Killed Collared
Mountain Lion
Outside Yellowstone
in case you missed it

Mont. Governor Killed Collared Mountain Lion Outside Yellowstone

Animal hunted by Gianforte, who has a license to do so, had been chased up tree by hounds first

(Newser) - On Tuesday, Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte announced the 150th anniversary of Yellowstone National Park, praising its beauty and wonder. It's also the same day the governor showed up in a different headline, this one involving his killing of a mountain lion that wandered outside the protected areas of that...

Warned Over Wolf Kill: Montana's Governor

Greg Gianforte, who is expected to loosen trapping rules, received a written warning

(Newser) - Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte has received a warning after violating state hunting regulations in the killing of his first wolf. The newly-elected Gianforte trapped and killed a radio-collared male adult wolf just north of Yellowstone National Park on Feb. 15, per Boise State Public Radio . He had a license to...

Trump: Rep Who Body-Slammed Reporter Is 'My Guy'

Trump celebrated Greg Gianforte's 2017 assault of Ben Jacobs

(Newser) - "Any guy that can do a body-slam, he's my guy," President Trump shouted to a cheering Montana audience Thursday night as he simulated slamming someone to the ground, then noting, "I shouldn't say that." Trump was discussing Rep. Greg Gianforte, who assaulted Guardian reporter...

Congressman Can't Avoid Mug Shot in Assault Case

Greg Gianforte will be booked, photographed, and fingerprinted

(Newser) - Montana Rep. Greg Gianforte has lost his bid to avoid being booked, photographed, and fingerprinted for assaulting a reporter the day before he was elected in May, the AP reports. Judge Rick West ordered the Republican to report to the Gallatin County Detention Center to be booked for the assault...

Gianforte Pleads Guilty, Gets Community Service

'I just want to say I'm sorry,' says the congressman-elect over reporter body-slam

(Newser) - The man who will soon be the nation's newest member of Congress learned his penalty on Monday for roughing up a reporter : 40 hours of community service, a $385 fine, and 20 hours of anger-management counseling. Montana Congressman-elect Greg Gianforte pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault for his infamous body-slam...

Gianforte Apologizes to Reporter, Coughs Up $50K

Money will go to press freedom group

(Newser) - Greg Gianforte, the Republican who body-slammed Guardian journalist Ben Jacobs on the eve of Montana's special election last month, has apologized with words and money. He has agreed to donate $50,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists in a deal that will avoid a civil lawsuit, Guardian reports....

Don't Be So Quick to Call Montana Reporter a 'Wuss'

Felix Biederman pushes back against those mocking a roughed-up journalist

(Newser) - After Montana's Greg Gianforte roughed up a reporter , the general sentiment was that he was way out of bounds. But another view cropped up, most noticeably on conservative media sites, along these lines: "What kind of a wuss files charges over broken glasses?" asked one tweet , and "...

Republican Wins Montana Election After Assault Charge

Gianforte hung on with 51% of the vote

(Newser) - Republican candidate Greg Gianforte has prevailed in the race for Montana's only US House seat despite having been charged with assaulting a reporter on the eve of the special election. Gianforte had 51% of the vote when the race was called for him, with Democratic folk singer Rob Quist...

Montana's Big House Race Takes a Crazy Turn
Montana's Big House Race
Takes a Crazy Turn 
the rundown

Montana's Big House Race Takes a Crazy Turn

But it's possible most ballots were cast before candidate's altercation

(Newser) - We'll know as early as Thursday night whether Montana Republican Greg Gianforte's disastrous campaign appearance Wednesday will cost him a House seat and thus give Democrats a rare victory in a red state. Gianforte faces misdemeanor assault charges after he allegedly body-slammed a reporter asking him about health...

Montana Candidate Charged With Assaulting Reporter

Reporter says Gianforte body-slammed him

(Newser) - Republican candidate Greg Gianforte may have blown the race for Montana's only House seat on the eve of the election. Gianforte was charged with misdemeanor assault Wednesday evening after allegedly attacking Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs, Politico reports. In an account backed up by an audio recording and statements from...

12 Stories
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