Supreme Court

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Trail vs. Pipeline: A Big Case Reaches Supreme Court
Big Case for Famous Trail
Hits the Supreme Court
the rundown

Big Case for Famous Trail Hits the Supreme Court

Justices to rule on whether an oil pipeline can cross the Appalachian Trail in Virginia

(Newser) - Arguments in a big environmental case were being heard at the Supreme Court on Monday, a dispute that pits builders of an oil pipeline versus supporters of the Appalachian Trail. We won't get a decision for months, but the ruling has the potential to snarl not just the construction...

Nation Can 'Breathe Freely' After Ruling on Escalator Case

Canada's Supreme Court says cops overstepped in 2009 in detaining woman who wouldn't hold rail

(Newser) - When Bela Kosoian rode the escalator in a Montreal-area subway station in 2009, she probably never expected to become embroiled in a legal battle that would last for a decade. Kosoian was arrested in the Quebec city of Laval then after police officer Fabio Camacho advised her to hold onto...

Supreme Court Says No to Serial Subject
Monday Brings
Bad News for
Adnan Syed

Monday Brings Bad News for Adnan Syed

Murder case that was the subject of 'Serial' podcast won't be heard by Supreme Court

(Newser) - The highest court in the land has declined to hear Adnan Syed's murder case, but Syed's legal team says this isn't the end of the road for the subject of the Serial podcast, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2000 for the 1999 murder of...

Supreme Court: Border Wall Can Be Built With DOD Funds

$2.5B in Defense Department money can now be tapped by Trump administration for sections of wall

(Newser) - The Supreme Court cleared the way Friday for the Trump administration to tap billions of dollars in Pentagon funds to build sections of a border wall with Mexico. The court's five conservative justices gave the administration the green light to begin work on four contracts it has awarded using...

She Told Boyfriend to Die. Now She Wants to Go to Supreme Court

Michelle Carter's lawyers say her 'words alone' shouldn't make her liable for Conrad Roy's death

(Newser) - Michelle Carter's "words alone" shouldn't be to blame for the death of Conrad Roy. That's the premise her legal team is pushing in a new petition asking the Supreme Court to review her case in her quest to get her involuntary manslaughter conviction overturned, BuzzFeed...

SCOTUS Defers on Abortion, but 2 Justices are 'at War'

Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg have drawn their 'battle lines'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court may have put off for now some of the core questions tied to Roe vs. Wade, but the Cut and CNN note justices Clarence Thomas and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are now "officially at war" and "drawing their battle lines." All of the justices agreed...

UK&#39;s High Court: Sorry, Stay in Your &#39;Loveless&#39; 40-Year Marriage
Court: Sorry,
Stay in Your
40-Year Marriage

Court: Sorry, Stay in Your 'Loveless' 40-Year Marriage

Tini Owens will now have to wait till 2020 to divorce Hugh Owens, who isn't agreeing to the split

(Newser) - "Till death do us part" may have sounded good to Tini Owens in 1978, but the British woman changed her mind on that timeline years ago and has been vying to end what she calls a "loveless," deteriorated marriage. But the UK's Supreme Court has dealt...

Ahead for Gorsuch: Low Man on the SCOTUS Totem Pole

Life for newest justice mixes a bit of humble pie and 'hazing,' Elena Kagan says

(Newser) - What's it like to be the Supreme Court's most junior member? Neil Gorsuch, who will be sworn in on Monday, got the lowdown from Elena Kagan, the justice currently occupying that seat. And it really is a seat: As Kagan explained at a Colorado event last summer, the...

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