Mo'ne Davis

2 Stories

Mo'ne Davis: Ahead of the Boys, for Now

Sports Illustrated cover aside, she's got long odds ahead of her

(Newser) - Even though Mo'ne Davis's incredible 70mph pitch is on this week's Sports Illustrated cover , it doesn't seem likely that the teen phenom has a baseball career ahead of her. "The most likely scenario is that Davis has no future in professional baseball," writes Amanda...

It's the 'Mo Show': Girl Dominates in Little League Tourney

Mo'Ne Davis becomes first winning female pitcher

(Newser) - She did it again. Mo'Ne Davis pitched a shutout to get her team into the Little League World Series, and yesterday she pitched another to help her team advance, reports USA Today . In doing so, the Philadelphia 13-year-old becomes the first girl to record a win in the tournament....

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