bad breath

5 Stories

Cops: After 16-Plus Years, We Nabbed the 'Bad Breath Rapist'

Tuen Kit Lee was arrested in San Francisco Bay area, long after 2005 crime in Massachusetts

(Newser) - Since 2007, authorities have sought a man dubbed the "Bad Breath Rapist," who escaped custody and went on the lam. Now, their suspect is in custody once again, on the opposite coast from where he carried out his crime. Per the AP , Tuen Kit Lee's story begins...

7 Things to Know About Your Bad Breath

First, you might not have it

(Newser) - If you do the old breathe-into-your-cupped hand trick to verify your breath is passable before a big date or meeting, brace yourself for some bad news. The BBC reports it doesn't really work. That's because the huff doesn't push out the breath that occupies the back of...

Finally, Garlic That Doesn't Destroy Your Breath

2 Italian entrepreneurs hope to bring back once-popular Tuscan staple

(Newser) - A construction engineer and a lawyer who've been friends since they were teens were seeking a diversion from their 9-to-5 toil, so they teamed up to revive a Tuscany staple that hasn't been prevalent in four decades: a huge variety of garlic that doesn't stink, tastes sweeter,...

App Tells You When Your Breath Stinks

The 'Mint' measures users' halitosis-inducing compounds

(Newser) - Sticking a sensor into your mouth to calculate your hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen disulfide, and methyl mercaptan levels may sound at first like something you'd see in a sci-fi movie or in NASA astronaut training, but it's actually designed for a more practical, everyday purpose: to measure how bad...

Why You Get Garlic Breath
 Why You Get Garlic Breath 

Why You Get Garlic Breath

One organic compound in particular is to blame

(Newser) - We know it as garlic breath, but a scientist might think of it as allyl methyl sulfide breath. That organic compound is the main culprit in the stench that often results after a garlic-infused meal, explains a new video by the American Chemical Society and the Compound Interest chemistry blog....

5 Stories