Democratic Republic of Congo

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Congo's Rape Crisis Isn't What You Think

Weapon of war? That's not the full picture: Laura Seay

(Newser) - News that 48 women are raped in the Congo every hour has led to understandable condemnation of how rape has become a weapon of war, writes Laura Seay in the Atlantic . The problem is that "a growing body of literature suggests that the prevailing journalistic and activist accounts of...

In Congo, 48 Women Raped Every Hour

New survey finds numbers even worse than thought

(Newser) - Reports of mass rape as a weapon of war have been common in Congo for years, but a new survey shows the problem to be far worse than thought. An estimated 1,152 women are raped every day, or 48 per hour, according to a study to appear in the...

UN Plane Crash in Congo Kills 10
 UN Plane Crash 
 in Congo Kills 32 

UN Plane Crash in Congo Kills 32

Only one survivor from Kinshasa crash

(Newser) - More heartbreak for the UN : A small passenger plane carrying United Nations staffers crashed yesterday in the Congo and broke into pieces, killing 32 of 33 people onboard, UN officials have confirmed.The UN peacekeeping mission in New York described the craft as a small passenger plane and said it...

International Women's Day: Yemen Has the Lowest Ranking in How it Treats Female Citizens
 5 Worst Countries for Women 

5 Worst Countries for Women

Yemen, Congo, Niger among lowest ranking

(Newser) - To mark International Women's Day, AoL News takes note of countries that treat their women the worst. The findings are based on a UN index that factors in categories such as jobs, education, political representation, and reproductive health. The worst offenders:
  1. Yemen: Its female citizens routinely face "violence and

Congo Commander Accused in Mass Rapes

Assaults on 51 women linked to death of soldier

(Newser) - An army commander of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been accused by a victim and local officials of leading a mass rape of some 50 women. It's the largest single rape attack linked to the Congo army, reports the BBC . "Those who raped me were members of the...

New Mass Rape in Congo
New Mass Rape
in Congo

New Mass Rape in Congo

33 women beaten, bound

(Newser) - Women were restrained with ropes or beaten unconscious when some 33 of them were raped in the latest mass assault in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The coordinated New Year's Day attack, in front of some of the women's children, involved several men in each assault, said Doctors Without Borders....

Acclaimed Kayaker Missing After Croc Attack

Renowned outdoorsman Hendrik Coetzee presumed dead after Congo horror

(Newser) - A first-of-its-kind kayaking expedition in the Congo ended in disaster after a crocodile snatched the leader, acclaimed outdoorsman Hendrik Coetzee, from his kayak. The South African is presumed dead. His two shocked American companions managed to paddle to safety, AP reports. The attack occurred on a stretch of a Congo...

Congo Leader's War Crimes Trial Starts in Hague

Ex-VP Bemba accused of leading murderous militia in 2002

(Newser) - Congolese politician Jean-Pierre Bemba went on trial in The Hague today for war crimes, becoming the highest-ranking official to face the International Criminal Court. He's accused of leading a militia that raped, murdered, and tortured victims in the Central African Republic in 2002 and 2003, the New York Times reports....

Plane Crash Blamed on Crocodile

Congo survivor says smuggled reptile caused stampede

(Newser) - The sole survivor of a plane crash in the Congo says an escaped crocodile is to blame for the tragedy. The crocodile had been smuggled on board in a sports bag and sparked panic after it freed itself, causing a stampede of passengers which destabilized the plane and caused the...

Congo's Rape Victims Go on the March

Women fill the streets with a call to end sexual violence

(Newser) - Congo’s rape survivors “have had enough, enough, enough, enough,” says one activist—and to show it, many of them marched yesterday to protest the country’s rash of sexual violence. Some victims even left hospital beds to join up, singing, “My heart is in pain, why...

Congo's Troops Accused of Raping, Murdering Citizens

UN envoy points finger at government troops

(Newser) - Congolese government troops have raped and murdered their own country's civilians, says a UN envoy to the region. Ironically, the alleged abuses were committed by troops deployed in response to the mass rape of 300 civilians and more than 50 children by rebel forces in the Walikale region this summer,...

In Rape-Plagued Congo, UN a Total Failure

10 years and billions of dollars later, it's not protecting the people

(Newser) - Over four horrific days at the end of July, at least 200 women were gang-raped in the Congolese village of Luvungi—just down the road from UN peacekeepers. The incident is shining a spotlight on the UN's abject failure to protect civilians there, despite spending more than 10 years and...

UN Accuses Rwanda of Genocide in Congo

Leaked report details atrocities

(Newser) - It looks like the UN is ready to use the G-word. A leaked 546-page report obtained by Le Monde says that war crimes committed by the Rwandan army in the Congo in the '90s could possibly be classified as genocide. The investigation outlines years of atrocities, and accuses Rwandan forces...

UN Probes Congo Rapes of 200 Women, Baby Boys

Peacekeeping forces couldn't stop attacks

(Newser) - The United Nations has launched an investigation into reports that close to 200 women and baby boys were gang raped over a series of days by Congolese rebels and Rwandan fighters—just a few miles from a UN outpost. "The secretary-general is outraged by the rape and assault,"...

UN Helpless as Congo Rebels Go on Rape Spree

Rebels terrorize town a few miles from UN base

(Newser) - Congolese and Rwandan rebels continue to sow terror across eastern Congo, holding an entire town hostage earlier this month and gang-raping nearly 200 women and baby boys, the AP reports. The violence occurred only a few miles from a base of UN peacekeepers, but the force of 25 was unable...

Congo Tucked Into Depths of Financial Reform Bill

Provision targets conflict minerals...used in your cell phone

(Newser) - Hidden in the recesses of the financial reform bill is a provision that could rock the US electronics industry. From now on, companies will be required to disclose what steps they’re taking to ensure their products—think cellphones, laptops, and medical devices—don’t contain minerals from the Congo,...

Oil Tanker Explodes, Kills 204 in Congo

Many victims were indoors watching World Cup match

(Newser) - At least 204 people were killed in Congo when a tanker truck transporting oil flipped over and exploded overnight in the east of the country, a Red Cross official said today. The truck was carrying fuel from neighboring Tanzania when it overturned at high speed late yesterday in the village...

'Charity App' Helps Gorillas
 'Charity App' Helps Gorillas 

'Charity App' Helps Gorillas

iGorilla lets users track Congo animals

(Newser) - A new application for iPhones and iPads lets users use their gadgets to help save Congo's critically endangered population of mountain gorillas. The iGorilla app makes it possible for users to follow gorilla families around remote areas of the war-torn country with updates from the rangers at Virunga National Park,...

African Seeks Ban on Racist Tintin in Belgium

Tintin in the Congo ' offensive'

(Newser) - A Congolese man living in Belgium wants a Tintin book banned in the cartoon character's homeland. Tintin in the Congo, written in the late 1920s, has been widely attacked for its crude and offensive racial stereotypes. "It makes people think that blacks have not evolved," said Bienvenu Mbutu....

Gang Rape Epidemic Cripples Congo

New study shows growing problem

(Newser) - The Democratic Republic of Congo is in the midst of a horrific and deepening gang rape crisis, according to a new report commissioned by Oxfam. Of the roughly 4,000 rape victims researchers interviewed, 60% said they’d been attacked by groups of armed men. The sheer number of such...

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