
Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev 

New Zealand Hosts 'Penguathlon'

Event draws attention to world's penguin capital

(Newser) - Penguins and people are swapping places at New Zealand’s Penguathlon, a sort of penguin Olympics. As the birds face off in icy versions of soccer, Frisbee, surfing and waddle races, spectators are invited to try waddling themselves in giant penguin feet. The month-long event is meant to showcase how...

Forget Snakes: Penguins Get Their Plane Ride

Flightless birds fly home with a little help from Brazil

(Newser) - The wayward penguins marooned on Brazil's beaches got a one-way ticket home over the weekend, but ferrying hundreds of birds 2,000 miles is no simple feat, explains Nina Shen Rastogi in Slate. After being fed and tagged, 399 Magellanic penguins were crated and loaded aboard an Air Force plane...

Baffled Brazilians Rescue Wayward Penguins

Country's beachgoers grapple with invasion of cute birds from Argentina

(Newser) - Every year a few Magellanic penguins, native to southern Argentina, accidentally make the 2,000-mile trip to the beaches of Brazil. But this year the influx is looking less like a wayward few and more like an invasion, with sunny beaches overrun by more than 1,000 exhausted and starved...

Norway Knights King Penguin
 Norway Knights King Penguin 

Norway Knights King Penguin

Military, royalty honor beloved bird with grand ceremony

(Newser) - Nils Olav, an honorary colonel-in-chief of the Norwegian King’s Guard—and a 3-foot-tall king penguin—was knighted today by Norway's King Harald V, the AP reports. Nils, named after former Norwegian King Olav V, caught the attention of the guards while they were touring the Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland...

8 Signs the Animal Kingdom Is in Trouble

On land, at sea, and in sky, planet's woes threaten inhabitants

(Newser) - Biologists have mounting evidence that human activity is causing real damage to the natural world. LiveScience lists overlooked indications that things are seriously out of whack.
  1. Earlier migration: Several bird species are getting their timing wrong.
  2. Jellyfish rule: The creatures are hitching rides on ships.

Hundreds of Penguins Found Dead in Rio

Cause of influx mysterious

(Newser) - More than 400 penguins, most of them only babies, have been found dead on the tropical beaches of Rio de Janeiro over the past 2 months—an unusual and as-yet unexplained phenomenon, the AP reports. While Brazil’s beaches are no stranger to the occasional penguin—dead or otherwise—the...

Penguin Takes the Plunge in a Wetsuit

Custom dive gear puts balding bird back in the swim

(Newser) - A wetsuit for a penguin might  sound as useful as a fur coat for a bear, but it was just the thing for an elderly penguin at San Francisco's Academy of Sciences who was losing his feathers, reports AP.  A suit designed by dive experts made it possible for...

SEALs to Get Swimming Gizmo
SEALs to Get Swimming Gizmo

SEALs to Get Swimming Gizmo

New device will help fighters swim up to 150% faster and arrive less tired

(Newser) - Navy SEALs will be swimming to their targets up to 150% faster when they get a new Pentagon gizmo called a PowerSwim. It looks like a mini-glider that attaches to a diver's legs, Popular Mechanics reports. SEALs reportedly take about 2 hours to master it; they have to learn a...

Giant Penguin Fossils Found in Peruvian Desert

Spearfishing birds waddled the earth 36 million years ago

(Newser) - Penguins haven't always lived on ice, scientists have concluded after unearthing fossils of giant penguins in Peru's Atacama desert. The penguins, nearly human-sized at 4.5 feet tall, had extraordinarily long beaks apparently used for spearfishing, and waddled the earth some 36 million years ago, the National Geographic News reports....

Stories 21 - 29 | << Prev