executive order

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Nancy Pelosi: This Is &#39;Absurdly Unconstitutional&#39;
Nancy Pelosi: This Is
'Absurdly Unconstitutional'
the rundown

Nancy Pelosi: This Is 'Absurdly Unconstitutional'

The fight is on over Trump's executive orders

(Newser) - Trump's executive actions are a done deal, right? Well, maybe not. Democrats and White House officials say they're still open to negotiating as questions swirl around the constitutionality of Trump's dramatic move Saturday—signing four actions to provide coronavirus relief amid stalled congressional talks, the Hill reports....

Trump Ditches Congress, Signs 4 Executive Orders
'We've Had It': Trump
Signs 4 Executive Orders

'We've Had It': Trump Signs 4 Executive Orders

The president defers payroll taxes and extends unemployment benefits at a reduction

(Newser) - President Trump on Saturday bypassed the nation's lawmakers as he claimed the authority to defer payroll taxes and replace an expired unemployment benefit with a lower amount after negotiations with Congress on a new coronavirus rescue package collapsed, per the AP . Trump's orders encroached on Congress' control of...

Trump: I'll Act on My Own on 4 Issues

He's preparing executive orders on jobless benefits, student loan relief, others

(Newser) - The workweek came and went without a deal in Congress for pandemic relief, and that's despite a two-hour meeting Friday with Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Treasury's Steven Mnuchin, and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Afterward, the latter two said they would recommend that Trump issue executive...

Clemency Order Came With Extras for Stone

Trump ally also escapes probation, $20K fine

(Newser) - President Trump's clemency order doesn't just mean Roger Stone is free to campaign for him . It also means Trump's longtime ally will escape two years of probation in addition to a $20,000 fine, reports USA Today . That was clarified Monday as the Justice Department released Trump'...

Trump Keeps His Focus on Monuments With Executive Order

Penalty for damaging monuments, statues, memorials could be 'up to 10 years' imprisonment'

(Newser) - Earlier this week, President Trump promised to sign a "very strong" executive order regarding the protection of monuments around the US, and on Friday he got his pen out. "I just had the privilege of signing a very strong Executive Order protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues -...

Executive Order, US Marshals to Protect Nation's Monuments

Trump promises 'very strong' order this week

(Newser) - US marshals have been ordered to prep to protect the nation's monuments as part of a new effort by the Trump administration, also said to involve an upcoming executive order. In an email with the subject line "Attorney General Assignment," Marshals Service Assistant Director Andrew C. Smith...

Trump&#39;s Order Could Upend 26 Key Words
Trump's Order Could
Upend 26 Key Words

Trump's Order Could Upend 26 Key Words

An executive order might strip social media companies of legal protections under 1996 law

(Newser) - "This will be a Big Day for Social Media and FAIRNESS!" President Trump tweeted Thursday morning. The reason? Late in the afternoon, he signed an executive order that could deal a big blow to Twitter, Facebook, and other social media companies. Among other things, the move could strip...

This State Will Send Everyone a Mail-In Ballot for November

Gavin Newsom has issued executive order in California amid coronavirus pandemic

(Newser) - In a US first, one state has committed to sending mail-in ballots to all voters for November's election. Per KGO , Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order on Friday announcing that ballots would be sent to eligible Californians as the state slowly starts to reopen during the coronavirus pandemic....

Some Meat Products Are Already Scarce
Here's What Is Happening
at America's Meat Plants

Here's What Is Happening at America's Meat Plants

Unions cry foul after Trump orders plants to stay open

(Newser) - President Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday to keep meat processing plants open as "critical infrastructure"—but with coronavirus outbreaks sickening workers and closing plants, some meat products are already in short supply. Poultry plants say they are doing less de-boning as a way to function with...

'Essential' Hobby Lobby Keeps Trying to Reopen Stores Amid Virus

Arts and crafts chain has been defying stay-at-home orders, states are pushing back

(Newser) - Although parents holed up at home with young kids during the coronavirus outbreak may consider arts and crafts supplies a necessity to keep their little ones occupied, the state of Colorado doesn't deem stores that sell those supplies as essential businesses. That's the gist of a cease-and-desist letter...

Executive Order Will Frame Judaism as a Nationality

In a move designed to strengthen response to anti-Semitism on campuses

(Newser) - President Trump plans to sign an executive order Wednesday that will classify Judaism as a nationality, a move that will add teeth to federal efforts to fight anti-Semitism on college campuses. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination based on race, color, or national origin but...

Trump Hints at Big Move on Census Question

Reports predict president will announce executive action Thursday afternoon

(Newser) - If a slew of reports are correct, President Trump is about to make an aggressive move to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census. But for now, the only thing known for certain is that Trump plans to talk about the issue at an afternoon news conference—and there'...

Trump: I'm Going to End Birthright Citizenship

He tells Axios he'll use an executive order to end the longstanding practice

(Newser) - President Trump tells Axios that he plans to make a fundamental change to US citizenship rules: Babies born on American soil will no longer automatically be considered citizens. The president says he's been advised by constitutional experts that he can make the change to what's known as birthright...

Trump May Have a Plan for Blocking Migrants

He's said to be weighing executive orders

(Newser) - President Trump hasn't built his wall across America's southern border—but as a "caravan" of thousands migrants from Central America moves north through Mexico, he may try to block them with executive orders instead. Insiders tell the Washington Post that the president is considering an executive order...

Key Order Floats Around White House, 'Author Unknown'

The document would trigger a federal crackdown on Silicon Valley

(Newser) - President Trump is about to hit America's tech giants with federal antitrust probes, if a newly leaked document holds any water—and it may not hold any water at all, the Washington Post reports. Revealed Friday by Bloomberg , the draft executive order would empower federal agencies to investigate Google,...

Trump on Border Separations: &#39;I&#39;ll Be Signing Something&#39;
Trump's Border Separation
Move Could Pose Legal Issue
the rundown

Trump's Border Separation Move Could Pose Legal Issue

Executive order would likely violate Flores settlement agreement

(Newser) - After weeks of outcry, President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order to end the controversial practice of separating migrant children from their parents at the US border. The order declares that it is the administration's policy to "maintain family unity," including by detaining entire families together...

New Executive Orders Curb Civil Service Protections

White House says the action will reduce waste; others call it an assault on democracy

(Newser) - President Trump has signed three executive orders that will make it easier to fire federal workers and will restrict the activities of unions representing them, reports the New York Times :
  • The first order reduces the time in which poor performers have to improve their effectiveness from up to 120 days

Trump Gets a Hard No on Crackdown on Sanctuary Cities

After 2 Calif. counties sue, a federal judge permanently blocks executive order

(Newser) - A federal judge on Monday permanently blocked President Trump's executive order to cut funding from so-called sanctuary cities that limit cooperation with US immigration authorities. US District Court Judge William Orrick rejected the administration's argument that the order affects a relatively small pot of money, reports the AP...

Trump: Americans Will Be 'Very Happy' on New Health-Care Move

Executive order would give individuals flexibility to choose cheaper plans, could roil markets

(Newser) - With his ObamaCare repeal repeatedly foiled in Congress, President Trump vowed to use the "power of the pen" to change things instead. On Thursday, he began the process by signing an executive order designed to loosen the rules on how individuals can buy insurance, reports the New York Times ...

Trump Is Back to Using a Term That May Cause Legal Issues

'I am calling it what we need and what it is, a TRAVEL BAN!'

(Newser) - While members of the Trump administration have tried to downplay his immigration executive order as simple vetting to keep the country safe, the president himself doubled down Monday on what he considers the order to be, the Hill reports. In an initial tweet Saturday that has since been criticized for...

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