Chinese spies

12 Stories

Philippine Mayor Accused of Being Chinese Spy

Alice Guo said to be in hiding following allegations of fraud, human trafficking

(Newser) - Philippine officials are searching for a local mayor accused of being a Chinese spy. Alice Guo, mayor of the town of Bamban, has gone into hiding after refusing multiple requests to appear at investigative hearings centered on scams operating out of a casino facility "on land partially owned by...

Spy Chiefs in 5 Nations Sound Warning on China

Five Eyes intelligence chiefs say Chinese spies are operating at an 'epic scale'

(Newser) - Spy movies have taught us to suspect figures lurking around military bases and federal buildings, yet the focus of Chinese spying in the US looks quite different, according to the heads of spy agencies in the Five Eyes coalition—US, Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand—who gathered for an...

Report: 'Lost' Chinese Tourists Could Be Gathering Intel

They've turned up at US bases, sensitive sites 'as many as 100 times in recent years'

(Newser) - Lost tourists, or something more sinister? Sources tell the Wall Street Journal that Chinese nationals have attempted to make their way onto military bases and other sensitive US sites "as many as 100 times in recent years," ostensibly to collect some kind of intelligence or test the security...

Suspected Chinese Spies Keep Giving the Same Excuse

They claim to be lost tourists in emerging trend with cases in Florida and now Alaska

(Newser) - Chinese citizens claiming to be lost tourists have been caught trying to access military facilities in Alaska in recent years as part of a suspected spy operation that appears to extend well beyond the Last Frontier, USA Today reports. Multiple US soldiers tell the outlet of Chinese attempts to learn...

13 Face US Charges in Chinese Spy Cases

Plots include recruitment of agents, interference with prosecution, Garland says

(Newser) - Attorney General Merrick Garland announced charges Monday against 13 people in three cases of Chinese spying or efforts to exert illegal influence in the US. Two of those facing criminal charges are Chinese intelligence officers who, the Justice Department said, paid a US government employee for confidential information in an...

FBI Director: China's Spying Has 'Reached a New Level'

Country has stolen more data 'than every other country combined'

(Newser) - FBI Director Christopher Wray says China's economic espionage campaign is more damaging than ever, which is saying something, considering the scale of the Chinese government's spying stunned Wray when he became FBI director in 2017. "This one blew me away. And I'm not the kind of...

Rubio: Chinese Consulate Was a 'Massive Spy Center'
Rubio: Chinese Consulate
Was a 'Massive Spy Center'

Rubio: Chinese Consulate Was a 'Massive Spy Center'

State-run newspaper runs poll on which US consulate Beijing should close

(Newser) - The Chinese consulate in Houston was a "massive spy center," lawmakers say—and the fact that officials were seen burning documents at the Texas facility after the government ordered it to close seems to confirm it. The Houston Fire Department, which was praised by Chinese officials after putting...

Neighbor: 'I Can't Believe Ed Was a Chinese Spy!'

California tour operator charged with being an illegal foreign agent

(Newser) - A California tour operator charged by US officials with illegally ferrying information to China was a quiet and friendly man with a taste for luxury cars, a neighbor said. Xuehua Edward Peng, 56, of Hayward was charged in documents unsealed Monday with being an illegal foreign agent and delivering classified...

One Plan to Counter Chinese Spies: 5G
Trump Officials
Are Dreaming of
Nationalized 5G
the rundown

Trump Officials Are Dreaming of Nationalized 5G

Axios reports on a discussions happening among National Security Council officials

(Newser) - It's nowhere near a sure thing, but the idea is percolating: Fearful of a spying China, members of the Trump administration's national security team say a mobile 5G network needs to be in the cards, and that maybe the government should be the one to build it. The...

China Not Messing Around Hunting Down Fugitive in US

Brother of ex-aide to ex China president may have 'sensitive' info on Chinese leaders

(Newser) - The Obama administration has warned China to stop sending over undercover agents to wrangle its "economic fugitives," but that hasn't stopped Xi Jinping's henchmen from traveling overseas to find the brother of a man who used to be a top aide to ex-Chinese President Hu Jintao....

China Media: US a 'Mincing Rascal,' Hypocrite on Spying

Because America spies on a host of foreign companies

(Newser) - China's media is crying hypocrisy over US allegations that its military spied on American companies , pointing out that the US isn't exactly a stranger to espionage. The Global Times decried the US a "mincing rascal" and a "high-level hooligan," that had "severely infringed" on...

China's Spies Have Seen Our Top Weapon Designs

Hackers have accessed info on missile defense, aircraft, ships, more: report

(Newser) - Chinese hackers have managed to access the designs for dozens of America's most advanced weapons systems, according to a confidential report from the Defense Science Board obtained by the Washington Post . The designs accessed include the heart of the Pentagon's missile defense shield for Asia, along with combat...

12 Stories