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Jury: Lone Juror Wouldn't Convict Blago

Woman wanted 'smoking gun,' prosecution confused case

(Newser) - The jury in the Rod Blagojevich trial came exceedingly close to convicting him on a host of charges, but were held back by a lone, intractable holdout, jurors told the press today. “The person just did not see the evidence that everyone else did,” Juror Stephen Wlodek told...

Chocolate Penis May Trigger Death Trial Redo

Supreme Court rules over bizarre gift from jurors to judge

(Newser) - A Georgia death row inmate may win a reprieve because of a chocolate penis and pair of breasts. Jurors at the 1993 murder trial of Marcus Wellons sent the lewd gifts to the judge and chief bailiff after Wellons was sentenced to death. "There were unusual events going on...

Casey Anthony Will Face Death Penalty

Defense argued sentence violated accused baby-killer's rights

(Newser) - Casey Anthony is eligible to face the death penalty if convicted of first-degree murder, a Florida judge ruled today. Her lawyers had asked that execution be taken off the table in her trial for the murder of her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, arguing that if the prosecution sought the death penalty,...

Lawyer: Knox Is a 'She-Devil'
 Lawyer: Knox Is a 'She-Devil' 
kercher murder trial

Lawyer: Knox Is a 'She-Devil'

Kercher's family sues for millions in damages

(Newser) - An Italian lawyer today called Amanda Knox a “she-devil” for her role in falsely incriminating his client, Patrick Lumumba, in the murder of Meredith Kercher. In early statements to police, Knox said she sat terrified while Lumumba murdered her roommate. Knox appears “angelic,” Lumumba’s lawyer Carlo...

Jurors Used Bible to Decide Death Sentence

Amnesty International troubled by Old Testament justice

(Newser) - Death-row foes are complaining that a Texas jury ordered to consider only evidence presented in court consulted the Old Testament before condemning a man to death. Jurors examined highlighted passages in Bibles passed around the jury room to help them decide the fate of Khristian Oliver. The con killed a...

Mistrial Looms in Astor Trial After 19 Weeks

Jury showing signs of strain after 19 Weeks

(Newser) - After a 5-month trial, the jury deciding the fate of Brooke Astor’s son may be at the breaking point. One juror wants out because she fears for her personal safety, the judge revealed today, a day after he felt compelled to deliver a pep talk in court urging jurors...

Jurors Dodge Duty Amid Financial Fears

Citizens point to recession, unemployment in bid for dismissal

(Newser) - Jury duty has always been a pain, but the tough economy is prompting more and more Americans to ditch their civic responsibility, the New York Times reports. While exact figures aren’t available, officials report that jurors increasingly cite financial worries in bids to get out of duty. “I...

No Verdict on First Day of 'Rockefeller' Deliberations

(Newser) - Jurors in the kidnapping trial of the German man who calls himself Clark Rockefeller ended deliberations for today without a verdict. The Boston jurors got the case shortly after noon, and later asked the judge questions about one of the charges, that of providing a false name to police. Rockefeller's...

'Rockefeller' Jury Won't Hear of Calif. Case

Mystery man is person of interest in couple's disappearance

(Newser) - Prosecutors in the kidnapping trial of the man who calls himself Clark Rockefeller have agreed not to tell the jury that he is a "person of interest" in the 1985 disappearance of a California couple. But they want the jury to hear the dramatic 911 call and subsequent statements...

Jurors' Rapport Swung Spector Conviction: Lawyers
Jurors' Rapport Swung Spector Conviction: Lawyers

Jurors' Rapport Swung Spector Conviction: Lawyers

Lack of 'persnickety' people helped retrial avoid second deadlock

(Newser) - Twelve agreeable jurors made all the difference between Phil Spector's two murder trials, lawyers from both sides tell the Los Angeles Times. The jurors who this week voted unanimously to convict heard the same evidence as the jury that deadlocked in 2007, prosecutors and the music legend's lawyer say, but...

Mistrials Rise as Phone-Wielding Jurors Hit Web

Google searches, Twitter posts force end to cases

(Newser) - When a juror admitted last week that he had done online research during a major Florida drugs case, the judge thought he could dismiss the juror and continue. But he had to declare a mistrial when he questioned the jury—and found eight other jurors had been doing the same...

Psychic Vicar Killed Wife in a 'Rage'

Exorcist lost it when she uncovered his affairs, UK jury rules

(Newser) - A British psychic healer murdered his wife in a fury when she uncovered his numerous affairs, a jury ruled today. David Chenery-Wickens, 52, will serve at least 18 years for killing his wife Diane, who found phone records of his calls to girlfriends and a gay chatline. The 5-week trial...

Sopranos Actor Beats Murder Rap

(Newser) - Ex-Sopranos actor Lillo Brancato beat a cop-killing rap in New York today but faces up to 15 years for attempted burglary, the New York Daily News reports. A jury decided that Brancato, 32, did try to break into a friend's apartment in a hunt for drugs, but bore no guilt...

NH Suspends Jury Trials to Stave Off Layoffs

Savings will prevent courthouse layoffs

(Newser) - As the economy hammers its budget, New Hampshire’s court system is taking the drastic measure of suspending all jury trials for a month, the New York Times reports. The blackout, expected early next year, will save the state roughly $73,000 in $10-per-half-day juror stipends, enough to stave off...

Mom Hatches Sexy Plan to Free Convicted Son

46-year-old woos juror into confession

(Newser) - A Brooklyn mother's bid to have her son's murder conviction overturned reads like a Hollywood script. The married 46-year-old got a makeover, hit the gym, rented an apartment under an alias, then strutted around a juror's neighborhood in six-inch heels and a push-up bra. She taped their flirtatious encounters and...

MySpace Bully Not Guilty on Key Felony Charge

Drew convicted on lesser charges of using computer without authorization

(Newser) - A federal jury has rejected felony charges against cyberbully Lori Drew, convicting her instead of accessing a computer without authorization, a misdemeanor, the AP reports. The Missouri mom violated MySpace terms by creating a fake teen-boy profile to harass a neighborhood girl, but was found not guilty of using a...

MySpace Suicide Case Goes to Jury

Missouri mom accused of bullying neighborhood teen with fake persona

(Newser) - Lori Drew’s fate is in the hands of a California jury as the case of the “MySpace bully” goes into deliberations, Wired reports. After forceful closing arguments yesterday, the jury will decide whether the mother committed computer fraud by creating a false online identity used to bully a...

Women Side Against Rape Victims: Mirren

'Jealous' female jurors would 'say she was asking for it'

(Newser) - Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren caused a stir in London today by saying female jurors are unlikely to side with rape victims. “Women on a rape case would say she was asking for it,” Mirren told the London Times. “The only reason I can think of is that...

Stevens Jury Finds Typo; Defense Urges Acquittal

On indictment, feds charged senator checked 'no' box when he checked 'yes'

(Newser) - The jury in Ted Stevens’ corruption trial has uncovered an error in one indictment, and the defense is springing at the chance, the Hill reports. Jurors sent the judge a note today questioning a discrepancy in the prosecution’s allegations regarding the senator’s 2001 financial disclosure. Where the indictment...

Stevens Jury Wants Difficult Member Out

Woman's 'violent outbursts' sending deliberations off course

(Newser) - The jury in the Ted Stevens trial today asked that one of its number be removed, the Anchorage Daily News reports. A note from the foreman indicated juror No. 9 “is being rude, disrespectful and unreasonable. She has had violent outbursts with other jurors and that's not helping anyone....

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