civil union

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Hawaii Governor Signs Civil Unions Into Law

Becomes 7th state to recognize legal status

(Newser) - Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie signed same-sex civil unions into law yesterday, calling it "a triumph for everyone" that gay and lesbian couples will have the same state rights as married partners. Civil unions in the Rainbow State will start Jan. 1, 2012, making Hawaii the seventh state to permit...

Facebook Recognizes Civil Unions

Move wins praise from rights groups

(Newser) - Facebook has won lots of "likes" from gay rights groups for expanding its list of relationship status options. The social networking giant has added "in a civil union" and "in a domestic partnership" to the list of choices, which also includes options like "single" and "...

Next to Approve Same-Sex Unions? Hawaii

Senate approves civil unions bill; Gov. Neil Abercrombie will sign

(Newser) - Hawaii’s state Senate yesterday approved a bill that provides same-sex couples who enter into civil unions with essentially the same rights and benefits as traditional marriage. It's now off to the governor, who has pledged to sign it into law, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reports. “I have always believed...

Civil Unions Legalized in Illinois

Gov. Quinn: 'We believe in civil rights'

(Newser) - Illinois has become the sixth state to recognize civil unions between same-sex couples. A bill signed into law by Governor Pat Quinn Monday afternoon gives gay and lesbian couples many of the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts, including the right to visit a loved one in hospital, the Chicago ...

In France: Screw Marriage, Give Me a Civil Union

Partnerships simplify breakups, avoid religious ties

(Newser) - In France, civil unions are soaring in popularity—for heterosexuals. PACS, as they are known in France, were established in 1999 and lauded by gay-rights advocates; little did they expect the huge success of the measure ... among straight people, who made up 95% of the civil unions created last year....

Straight Couples Want Same Rights as Gays in Britain

...their campaign is aimed at helping same-sex couples, too

(Newser) - In Britain, couples are fighting for “heterosexual equality”—and though that may sound homophobic, it’s not. Stephanie Munro and Andrew O'Neill plan to apply for a civil partnership this week and expect to be turned down—in Britain, such partnerships are for same-sex couples only—after which...

Illinois Approves Civil Unions
 Illinois Approves Civil Unions 

Illinois Approves Civil Unions

Joins New Jersey; rule to take effect in July

(Newser) - Civil unions are set for legalization in Illinois, with the governor saying he’d sign legislation approved yesterday by state legislators, the New York Times reports. Five states and DC now allow gay marriage, while New Jersey and Illinois, starting in July, will give same-sex couples rights comparable to those...

Kelly McGillis Weds Girlfriend in Civil Union; Top Gun Star Came Out as Lesbian Last Year
 Top Gun Star Weds Girlfriend 

Top Gun Star Weds Girlfriend

Kelly McGillis came out as lesbian last year

(Newser) - Kelly McGillis, perhaps better known as Tom Cruise’s love interest in Top Gun, wed her girlfriend in a civil union ceremony Wednesday. McGillis, who came out last year, met Melanie Leis when Leis was a bartender at a Florida restaurant McGillis owned with then-husband Fred Tillman, Radar reports. The...

Hawaii Guv Vetoes Same-Sex Civil Unions

GOP Lingle: I'm opposed to gay marriage

(Newser) - Ending months of tense speculation, Hawaii's governor yesterday vetoed a bill to allow same-sex civil unions. Republican Linda Lingle made her decision on the last day she had to consider the bill, which the Hawaiian legislature passed in April. State legislators don't have the votes to override her veto. "...

Girls Gone Wild's Joe Francis Engaged

 Girls Gone Wild's 
Joe Francis 
what a catch

Girls Gone Wild's Joe Francis Engaged

Joe Francis proposes domestic partnership

(Newser) - Shockingly, there’s a woman out there who’s agreed to spend the rest of her life with Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild fame. Francis proposed—kinda—to his CBS reporter girlfriend of 4 years in St. Tropez, but he and Christina McLarty won’t actually be getting married....

Hawaii Passes Civil Unions Bill

Governor hasn't decided whether or not to sign

(Newser) - Hawaii's House voted to approve a bill granting unmarried gay and straight couples the same rights as married ones under state law yesterday by a vote of 31-20, the Honolulu Advertiser reports, sending the bill to Gov. Linda Lingle for final approval. The bill would make Hawaii the fourth state...

Mexico City Legalizes Gay Marriage

Latin American first gives gay couples new rights

(Newser) - Mexico City is set to become the first Latin American capital to say "hola" to gay weddings after lawmakers there approved a bill yesterday giving gays full marriage rights, including the right to adopt. The bill is expected to be signed into law by Mayor Marcelo Ebrard. "We...

Keep Anti-Gays in Closet: Colbert
 Keep Anti-Gays 
 in Closet: Colbert 

Keep Anti-Gays in Closet: Colbert

Anti-gay marriage petitioners in Washington value their privacy

(Newser) - Stephen Colbert had a fine time last night espousing the rights of that “persecuted minority”—anti-gay-marriage activists. You see, the group that gathered signatures for a referendum against Washington state’s recently signed domestic partnership legislation is refusing to disclose the names of the signers, the Huffington Post...

150K Gay Couples Check 'Married' on Census

Same-sex couples say knot tied, even in states where it can't be

(Newser) - Nearly 150,000 same-sex couples reported being in marriages last year, many more than the number of actual weddings and civil unions, according to the first US census figures released on same-sex marriages. About 27% of the estimated 564,743 total gay couples in the US said they were in...

Little Backlash as Gay Marriage Spreads
 Little Backlash as 
 Gay Marriage Spreads 

Little Backlash as Gay Marriage Spreads

(Newser) - Gay marriage rights are spreading faster than ever, and it’s happening awfully quietly, reports Rick Klein of ABC News. Conservatives barely made a peep when gay marriage was legalized in Iowa or Vermont, and aren’t mounting much resistance to motions to do the same in New York, Connecticut,...

Vermont House Passes Gay Marriage Bill

Measure now headed for likely veto by governor

(Newser) - The Vermont House of Representatives has followed the state senate in voting to legalize gay marriage, reports the Wall Street Journal. The bill will now head to Gov. James Douglas, who has promised to veto it. The 95-52 House vote falls short of the two-thirds majority needed to override a...

Prop. 8 Fix: Dump Legal 'Marriage' Altogether

Gov't could create civil unions, while marriage would be religious

(Newser) - Confirmations, bar mitzvahs—religious institutions mark a number of rites of passage, but marriage is the only one the government has mucked with. As the heated debate over gay marriage continues, two professors ask: Why not take the government out of the equation? Officially, any couple could have a civil...

Ann Landers Would Advise Voting No on 8
Ann Landers Would Advise Voting No on 8

Ann Landers Would Advise Voting No on 8

LA Times highlights writers with varying opinions on Calif. prop

(Newser) - From the schoolyard to the church, Californians are debating Prop 8, which would bar homosexuals from marriage if it passes Tuesday. The Los Angeles Times opened its opinion page to five more takes on it today:
  • Alexandra Cole, whose 8-year-old daughter polled her friends, says Prop 8's backers have done

Obama Abandons Principle by Hedging on Gay Marriage

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Democrats in general are "pretty squishy" on the issue of gay marriage, and that's a disgrace, writes Joshua Holland at The reticence to embrace full marriage rights for all is a betrayal of  the "very important progressive ideal that the law should apply...

Hallmark Introduces Gay-Marriage Cards

(Newser) - Hallmark has developed a line of four greeting cards themed for same-sex marriages, civil unions, and commitment ceremonies. The designs, in stores this summer, include two overlapping tuxedos, a cascade of rainbow-hued hearts, and a message, "Two hearts. One promise," reports "It's our goal to...

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