Hobby Lobby

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People Believe These 10 Brands Are Most Partisan

Quartz lists the brands people consider liberal or conservative

(Newser) - As people become more divided over politics , brands choosing to stay neutral so they don't alienate consumers makes financial sense. But Quartz reports that whether or not US companies take a public stand, most Americans attribute liberal or conservative values to them. Using data from YouGov, the outlet reports...

Cops: Suspect Dead After Hobby Lobby Shooting

Man allegedly killed manager at Oklahoma City distribution center

(Newser) - A man who allegedly killed his manager at a Hobby Lobby distribution center in Oklahoma City on Wednesday afternoon died after a police chase, authorities say. Police say the suspect crashed a red Dodge Charger on Highway 33 northwest of Oklahoma City and barricaded himself inside the vehicle, KFOR reports....

'He Gets Us' Jesus Campaign Ticks Off Left and Right
'He Gets Us' Jesus Campaign
Ticks Off Left and Right
the rundown

'He Gets Us' Jesus Campaign Ticks Off Left and Right

A look at the group behind the ads putting Jesus in the spotlight

(Newser) - One of the ad campaigns during the Super Bowl that continues to draw attention pushed neither beer nor snacks. Instead, the two "He Gets Us" spots pushed none other than Jesus Christ. A look at the continuing reaction:
  • The spots: One shows Latin American families heading toward the US

Hobby Lobby Founder's Heirs Won't Get the Company

Wealth is a 'curse,' David Green says of decision to move control to trust

(Newser) - Hobby Lobby founder and CEO David Green says he chose to give away ownership of the company, as described in his 2017 book , to avoid the "curse" of "wealth" that "can really wreck a family." "From the very beginning, our purpose was to honor God...

Gilgamesh Dream Tablet Is Finally Returned to Iraq

It was looted years before Hobby Lobby bought it in 2014

(Newser) - Update: A 3,500-year-old clay tablet looted from an Iraqi museum 30 years ago and bought by Hobby Lobby in 2014 is now officially Iraq's property again. The Gilgamesh Dream Tablet was formally returned at a repatriation ceremony at the Smithsonian Institution Thursday, CNN reports. Fareed Yasseen, Iraq's...

Authorities: Gilgamesh Tablet Needs to Leave the US

They say it must be returned to Iraq

(Newser) - A 3,500-year-old clay tablet bought by the Hobby Lobby for display in the Museum of the Bible should be returned to Iraq, US federal prosecutors said in a civil complaint Monday. The cuneiform tablet is inscribed with a portion of the Epic of Gilgamesh, hence, its name: the Gilgamesh...

'Explosive' Biblical Fragment Leads to Byzantine Scheme
'Explosive' Biblical Fragment
Leads to Scholar's Arrest
in case you missed it

'Explosive' Biblical Fragment Leads to Scholar's Arrest

Dirk Obbink, once a leading papyrologist, is now in hot water

(Newser) - Dirk Obbink seemed eerily calm when a reporter knocked on his door near Oxford University last year. "I'd like to tell it," the scholar said of his alleged role in a major antiquities scandal. "But I'm under a duty not to speak about the matter...

'Essential' Hobby Lobby Keeps Trying to Reopen Stores Amid Virus

Arts and crafts chain has been defying stay-at-home orders, states are pushing back

(Newser) - Although parents holed up at home with young kids during the coronavirus outbreak may consider arts and crafts supplies a necessity to keep their little ones occupied, the state of Colorado doesn't deem stores that sell those supplies as essential businesses. That's the gist of a cease-and-desist letter...

Oxford Professor Accused of Hawking Ancient Artifacts to Hobby Lobby

13 ancient fragments found in Green family's Museum of the Bible

(Newser) - An Oxford professor stands accused of selling fragments of texts dating as far back as the third century BC ... to Hobby Lobby. Thirteen fragments from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri—a collection, held at Oxford University, of more than 500,000 pieces of ancient Greek papyrus and parchment discovered by archaeologists in...

Hobby Lobby's Smuggled Artifacts Headed Back to 'Rightful Owner'

3.8K of the ill-begotten artifacts are heading back overseas on Wednesday

(Newser) - Hobby Lobby's "passion for the Bible" may have made it a bit overzealous when it came to purchasing antiquities from other lands. The arts and crafts retailer obtained thousands of illegally smuggled artifacts from Iraq in 2010—then subsequently agreed to send them back —and now that...

Hobby Lobby Has to Return Smuggled Artifacts

Chain will pay $3M over 'regrettable mistakes'

(Newser) - Hobby Lobby President Steve Green has apologized for what he calls "regrettable mistakes"—including buying thousands of artifacts after being warned they could have been looted from Iraq , and then shipping them to the US described only as "samples" or "ceramic tiles." The arts-and-crafts chain...

2.8M Bottles of Craft Paint Recalled for Possible Bacteria

Sargent Art warns people with weak immune systems could be at risk

(Newser) - No injuries or illnesses have yet been reported, but Sargent Art isn't taking any chances after finding that 13 different types of its craft paint may be contaminated with a harmful bacteria, Consumerist reports. Per a notice on the art supplier's site and one from the Consumer Product...

Hobby Lobby Clan Suspected of Looting Iraq Antiquities

4-year federal probe looks into whether ancient tablets were smuggled into US

(Newser) - The Museum of the Bible being built in DC by the Christian family behind one of the nation's biggest arts-and-crafts retailers is coming along nicely. Maybe too nicely, per law enforcement sources, who tell the Daily Beast that the Green family—the ones whose Hobby Lobby chain claimed a...

Obama to Sign Orders Protecting Gay Workers

(Newser) - President Barack Obama plans to sign executive orders prohibiting discrimination against gay and transgender workers in the federal government and its contracting agencies, without a new exemption that was requested by some religious organizations. Obama's action comes on the heels of the US Supreme Court's recent ruling in...

Senate Kills Bill to Reverse Hobby Lobby Ruling

As GOP announces plans to introduce its own contraception bill

(Newser) - Senate Democrats' attempt to nullify the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision has met its end—at least for now. Republicans yesterday blocked the motion, which fell four votes short of the 60 it needed to proceed to the House. The bill, defeated 56-43 on a procedural vote, would have...

Hobby Lobby Family Plans $800M Bible Museum in DC

Critics fear project is attempt to influence Congress

(Newser) - Fresh from winning their battle against ObamaCare's birth control mandate , the evangelical Christian family behind Hobby Lobby has a new project: A huge museum in Washington, DC, devoted to the Bible. Steve Green, president of the chain of craft stores and son of its founder, has spent tens of...

Faith Groups to Obama: Let Us Discriminate Against Gays

They want Obama to grant them a 'robust' exemption in executive order

(Newser) - In the wake of the Hobby Lobby ruling , another faith-based issue for President Obama: Religious group leaders—including Michael Wear, the man who led the president’s faith-outreach initiative in 2012—are spearheading an effort that seeks a "robust" exemption for religious organizations from Obama’s still-unsigned anti-bias executive...

Gitmo Detainees Sue, Cite Hobby Lobby

Hunger striking detainees want to participate in Ramadan prayers

(Newser) - Just how slippery a slope did the Supreme Court lay out in its controversial Hobby Lobby decision? Lawyers for two Guantanamo Bay detainees aim to find out. In a legal motion last week, they demanded that courts step in and order the detention facility to allow their clients to pray...

White House Rushes to Find Contraception Solution

Obama seeks way to cover thousands of women

(Newser) - After the Supreme Court threw a wrench in ObamaCare's contraceptive coverage plans, the White House is hurrying to find a new way to cover birth control for thousands of women, the New York Times reports. The paper cites two possible solutions. One approach would call on companies' insurers to...

Why Are Employers Still Providing Health Insurance?

Hobby Lobby decision should push Congress to end practice, Jon Healey argues

(Newser) - The Hobby Lobby decision still looms large over the opinion pages today. The Wall Street Journal called it "an important vindication of religious liberty," while the New York Times complained that the justices gave "for-profit companies an unprecedented right to impose their religious views on employees."...

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