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What It's Like to Be on America's 'Kill List'

Malik Jalal describes his life, being hunted by drones

(Newser) - Malik Jalal has been targeted by drones four times, resulting in the death of many innocent bystanders and members of Jalal's own family being killed and seriously injured. He's on the "Kill List" of America and its allies, he explains in an essay for the Independent , and...

Afghans: Haqqani Son Is Dead
 Afghans: Haqqani Son Is Dead 

Afghans: Haqqani Son Is Dead

Scion Badruddin Haqqani reported killed in US drone strike

(Newser) - Afghanistan's intelligence agency said today its operatives have confirmed that the son of the founder of the powerful Haqqani militant network was killed in an airstrike in Pakistan, even as the Taliban vowed that he was alive and well. A spokesman for Afghanistan's National Directorate of Security said...

Victims of US Strikes in Pakistan: Mostly Militants

But drone critics say covert program still needs greater oversight

(Newser) - The Pakistani public widely believes that American drone strikes there overwhelmingly hit civilians, not militants. However, an investigation of the 10 deadliest attacks over the past 18 months in the main militant region along the Afghan border shows that 70% of those killed were militants, according to an investigation by...

US Kills Taliban Commander With al-Qaeda Ties

Drone strike indicates again that drones are back in action in Pakistan.

(Newser) - A US drone fired two missiles at a house in Pakistan's northwest tribal region today, killing five suspected militants, according to intelligence officials. The Taliban identified one of them as Badar Mansoor, a prominent commander who has served as a key link to al-Qaeda. Mansoor led a group of...

US Restarts Drone Attacks, Kills 4 in Pakistan Strike

Officials insist there was no moratorium

(Newser) - The US' drone war in Pakistan is back on. The US launched its first strike last night since a November attack that killed 28 Pakistani soldiers and ratcheted the already fraught tensions between the two nations to a new high. The attack hit a North Waziristan home just before midnight,...

US Drone Strike Kills al-Qaeda's No. 2: Official

Atiyah Adb al-Rahman reportedly died in Pakistan on Monday

(Newser) - A CIA drone strike killed al-Qaeda's new second-in-command in a Pakistani tribal region on Monday, a US official says. The New York Times reports that Atiyah Adb al-Rahman, a Lybian national, became al-Qaeda's top operational planner this year and was part of a new generation of leaders poised...

20,000 Flee Pakistani Border Offensive

Army cracks down on Mohmand province al-Qaeda fighters

(Newser) - A huge Pakistani army offensive against militants in the tribal region of Mohmand near the Afghan border has forced 20,000 to 25,000 people to flee their homes, officials and witnesses tell the BBC . The assault has been going on for a week now, and has killed 60 to...

Pentagon Presses for Special-Ops Raids in Pakistan

But some in administration fear political fallout will be too great

(Newser) - Frustrated US military commanders in Afghanistan are pushing for a series of Special Ops ground raids in Pakistan, sources tell the New York Times , in essence opening up a new front in the war. The raids would likely need approval from President Obama himself, and the wary administration fears political...

New Wave of Drone Attacks Scorch Khyber

Almost 60 killed in Pakistan

(Newser) - Nearly 60 people have been killed in Pakistan’s Khyber district in a sudden onslaught from CIA drones. Three strikes in the Tirah Valley killed at least 50, while another nearby killed seven more, the BBC reports. Security officials say all those killed were militants, but that hasn’t been...

5 German Terror Suspects Die in Pakistan Drone Strike

Hamburg cell believed to be behind Europe terror plot

(Newser) - An American missile attack has killed at least five German nationals suspected of being part of a terror cell training in Pakistan, Pakistani officials say. The missile hit a house in Waziristan, the region where authorities believe a terror cell training for an attack on Europe was hiding out, the...

US: Terror Team Already Inside Europe

Plot for Mumbai-style attack still active, officials say

(Newser) - European counterterrorism officials say they have intelligence that strongly suggests that a team of Islamic extremists is planning a Mumbai-style shooting spree in a European city center—but they have no idea which one. Drone attacks in Pakistan earlier this week were aimed at foiling the plot, but US officials...

NY Bomb Probe Focusing on Pakistani Taliban

Militant group appears ready to go global

(Newser) - The Pakistani Taliban's claim of responsibility for the Times Square bombing was greeted with widespread skepticism, but investigators are now focusing on the group in the wake of suspect Faisal Shahzad's arrest. Shahzad has told interrogators that he received training in Waziristan—a militant hotbed in Pakistan's frontier region—and...

Suspect Says He Trained in Pakistan

Faisal Shahzad tells authorities he studied bomb-making

(Newser) - Times Square bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad told investigators that he received training on how to make bombs during a 5-month visit to Waziristan, Pakistan, reports the Wall Street Journal . He reportedly got back in February. Authorities say Shahzad continued talking—and, in fact, implicating himself—after being read his Miranda...

US Strike Didn't Kill Pakistan Taliban Chief

Reports of Hakimullah Mehsud's death greatly exaggerated

(Newser) - Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud is now believed to have survived a US missile strike earlier this year, but has lost clout within the militant network, a senior intelligence official says. The revelation contradicts initial confidence among intelligence officials that the brash militant leader died in a mid-January missile attack...

Pakistani Taliban Leader Reported Dead

Army probes reports that drone strike killed Hakimullah Mehsud

(Newser) - The Pakistani army is investigating reports that the leader of the Taliban in the country has died after being injured in an American military drone strike. Hakimullah Mehsud, 28, had been at the helm of the Pakistani Taliban for 5 months, having taken over after the death—also in a...

Musharraf: Don't Abandon Afghanistan Again
Musharraf: Don't Abandon Afghanistan Again

Musharraf: Don't Abandon Afghanistan Again

Time limits won't work, says former Pakistan leader

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf comes out of retirement with an op ed piece today, arguing that a time limit on American involvement in Afghanistan is repeating the mistakes that put the country in the hands of al-Qaeda and the Taliban. A political strategy needs to be found that will stabilize the country...

Dozens Dead in Pakistan Blast
 Dozens Dead in Pakistan Blast 

Dozens Dead in Pakistan Blast

Suicide bomber duo injure 40 near bank

(Newser) - A pair of suicide bomb blasts rocked Pakistan today, killing at least 26 people. Two bombers on motorcycles blew themselves up near a queue outside a Rawalpindi bank close to army headquarters, injuring 60, many of them women and children. "There were many people lying on the ground with...

Clinton: Pakistan Has to Fight
 Clinton: Pakistan Has to Fight 

Clinton: Pakistan Has to Fight

Terrorism fight a no-brainer, she tells students

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton said today that Pakistan had little choice but to take a more aggressive approach, starting last summer, in combating the Taliban and other extremists that threaten to destabilize the country. In a lively give-and-take with students at the Government College of Lahore, Clinton said inaction by the government...

US Secretly Speeds Pakistan Military Aid

Washington funnels helicopters, arms, technology for Taliban fight

(Newser) - The Pakistani government keeps insisting that the US has little to no role in its offensive in Taliban-controlled border regions—but out of sight, Washington has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars worth of arms and equipment to the country's forces this year. President Obama himself intervened at one point...

Bomb Kills 80 as Clinton Arrives in Pakistan

More than 100 injured in attack on family market in Peshawar

(Newser) - At least 80 people were killed today when a bomb ripped through a busy market in Peshawar, hours after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in the country to show American support for its campaign against Islamist militants. Clinton, on her first official visit to the country as secretary of...

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