Affordable Care Act

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Only 6 People Enrolled on Health Site's First Day

And just 248 were enrolled by second day: documents

(Newser) - Another painful morning in the press for Just six people signed up via the federal website on the first day, according to documents released by Congress last night. By the second day, only 248 had successfully enrolled, USA Today reports. On Wednesday, Kathleen Sebelius testified to Congress that...

Liberals Have a New No. 1 Priority: Fix ObamaCare

Alex Pareene: Progressives seeking office better embrace the reality

(Newser) - The problems with the Affordable Care Act have at least accomplished this much for candidates on the left: They now should know what job No. 1 is going forward, writes Alex Pareene at Salon . "The immediate priority—and progressives running for office in 2014 and 2016 should practice saying...

Obama: 'No Excuse' for Website Mess

President takes 'full responsibility,' promises it will get fixed

(Newser) - Just hours after his health chief got grilled on Capitol Hill , President Obama traveled to Boston to ask for patience on ObamaCare's tech trouble, reports AP . "I'm not happy about it," he said. "There's no excuse for it. And I take full responsibility for...

Sebelius: I'm Sorry, Blame Contractors

As Republicans grill her and Democrats prop her up

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius apologized for ObamaCare's flubbed web debut in her testimony on Capitol Hill today, but stopped short of falling on her sword. "Access to has been a miserably frustrating experience for way too many Americans," she said, according to Fox News . "You deserve...

Obama's 'Keep Your Plan' Claim Gets 4 Pinocchios

Glenn Kessler says his promise came with a very large caveat

(Newser) - The Washington Post 's Fact Checker blog does its thing with President Obama's much-criticized claim that "if you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period." The verdict? Four Pinocchios, which happens to be the max. Though he...

6 ObamaCare Questions for Sebelius as She Hits Hot Seat

She testifies before Congress today

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius is testifying before Congress this morning in eagerly anticipated remarks about problem-plagued, but you may not hear anything new. Politico reports that her eight pages of prepared testimony are, almost verbatim, the same as the testimony offered to Congress yesterday by head of the Centers for...

Suzanne Somers Blasts ObamaCare, Gets Blasted
Suzanne Somers Blasts ObamaCare, Gets Blasted

Suzanne Somers Blasts ObamaCare, Gets Blasted

Her WSJ piece has since had 3 corrections tacked on

(Newser) - Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed written by Thighmaster maven Suzanne Somers. The reception has not exactly been kind . Her piece, titled, "The Affordable Care Act Is a Socialist Ponzi Scheme" lays out all the reasons why Somers thinks ObamaCare is exactly that, in roughly 500 words....

Under ObamaCare, Millions Must Change Policies
Millions Will Lose Current Policy Under ObamaCare

Millions Will Lose Current Policy Under ObamaCare

White House pushes back on NBC report

(Newser) - NBC News and the White House are locked in a showdown over whether millions of Americans will see cancellation letters from their health insurers due to ObamaCare: Despite President Obama's assurances that "if you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan,"...

ObamaCare Website Will Be Fixed in a Month: Official

Jeffrey Zients says most should have no trouble by end of November

(Newser) - One of the contractors involved with the ObamaCare website mess simply wouldn't go there yesterday when asked to predict when things might be fixed. Today, the White House official in charge of repairs clarified things: The site should be humming "for the vast majority of users" by the...

ObamaCare Contractor Won't Guess When Site Will Work

Capitol Hill testimony results in lots of finger-pointing

(Newser) - It doesn't exactly inspire hope that the ObamaCare website will be zipping along anytime soon: Asked today during testimony on Capitol Hill when the problems will be fixed, a VP for main contractor CGI responded, "I cannot give you an exact date," reports the Guardian . "I...

Health Exchanges Pretty Lousy for Rural Customers

Competition is low, and prices are high

(Newser) - ObamaCare's technical difficulties are well-documented—the House is dragging four contractors in to talk about them today—but it has one problem no web developer can solve: It's pretty lousy in rural areas. The theory behind the Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplace is that forcing insurers...

Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare
Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare

Why Jon Stewart Is a Big Problem for ObamaCare

Left-wing darling might turn vital young people against the service: Chris Cillizza

(Newser) - ObamaCare's most dangerous critic right now "isn't John Boehner or Mitch McConnell or even Ted Cruz. It's Jon Stewart," argues Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post . Stewart dedicated three full segments on Monday night's show to mocking ObamaCare's ugly web debut, and put...

Another ObamaCare Issue: Health Co-Ops Are Failing

And problems aren't helping

(Newser) - As the nation focuses on the many issues dogging the ObamaCare website, the Washington Post points out another big Affordable Care Act headache: The health co-ops—nonprofit insurance companies established by Congress to increase competition and lower insurance costs—are floundering. One has shut down entirely and at least 10...

Sorry, Obama, Spin Won't Help Health Site Debacle

President's sales pitch fails to reassure, and might make things worse, say pundits

(Newser) - Barack Obama's speech yesterday defending and apologizing for the ObamaCare rollout has pundits talking—and more or less agreeing unanimously that it was a feeble attempt to save face. Here's what they're saying:

Woman Faints During Obama Speech
 Woman Faints 
 During Obama Speech 

Woman Faints During Obama Speech

President reaches back to steady her

(Newser) - President Obama took a break in the middle of his speech on ObamaCare's less-than-sterling web debut to steady a woman who appeared to be fainting directly behind him. The moment, captured by Mediaite , is a brief one; the woman stumbles only a bit before being steadied by both the...

The ObamaCare Fight's New Front: States

GOP state senators in Virginia say anti-ACA groups are trying to intimidate them

(Newser) - The whole federal government shutdown thing didn't work out so well for anti-ObamaCare activists, so expect the next war to be waged at a state level, predicts the New York Times . In Virginia, the Republican state senator heading a commission to decide whether to expand Medicaid says he's...

ObamaCare Site Has Reported Spouses as Kids

Insurers report getting botched data from much-maligned website

(Newser) - The ObamaCare website hasn't just been plagued by traffic problems and design flaws ; it has also collected inaccurate or incomplete data on a number of people who have managed to enroll, insurance companies tell the Wall Street Journal . Among the mistakes: Some spouses were reported as children, many people...

House to Buck Senate, Pass Own Bill
 Dems Lash Faltering 
 House GOP Bill 

Dems Lash Faltering House GOP Bill

Boehner says 'no decision has been made'

(Newser) - House Republicans don't look ready to fall in behind Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell's plan to end the shutdown, and Democrats are lining up to take a swing at their effort. The House leadership today proposed an alternative plan that would include extra changes to ObamaCare, including a...

GOP&#39;s ObamaCare Brawl May Win Over Young People
GOP's ObamaCare Brawl
May Win Over Young People

GOP's ObamaCare Brawl May Win Over Young People

Health care law supporters can't ignore Millennial grumbles, warn Robert Hahn, Peter Passell

(Newser) - The commentariat has widely written off the GOP's crusade against the Affordable Care Act as a short-sighted tactic, either cynical or foolhardy. But Robert Hahn and Peter Passell think it might actually "prove a plausible strategy" for winning over voters Republicans have been losing badly: People in their...

ObamaCare Website Undershot Volume by a Mile

It can accommodate 50K at a time, and that's 'weird,' says former HHS official

(Newser) - One salient fact about why the new federal website for ObamaCare has had so much trouble: It was built to handle about 50,000 visitors at a time, a former Health and Human Services tech official tells the Washington Post . Given the intense interest of the rollout, that's just...

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