Affordable Care Act

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Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare Is Like Fascism

But ThinkProgress writer begs to differ with John Mackey

(Newser) - Thought Whole Foods founder John Mackey would be an Obama-loving liberal? Not so much. The self-described libertarian, who has compared ObamaCare to socialism in the past, now says "it's more like fascism." The quote comes from a new interview with NPR , and continues: "Socialism is where...

After Tonight, GOP Could Own 66% of Governor Mansions

GOP will pick up 1 seat, and could grab as many as 4

(Newser) - It's a race for the governor's mansion in 11 states today, and the GOP could end the night at the helm of more than two-thirds of the 50 states. The GOP currently controls 29 of the country's top state offices; it's expected to keep the three...

Romney White House Gives Health Insurers Fits

Industry could fave upheaval if he repeals ObamaCare

(Newser) - CEOs of big health insurance companies are surely salivating for a Mitt Romney presidency, right? Not necessarily, the AP reports. Though the insurance industry is no big fan of certain parts of ObamaCare, it has invested tens of millions preparing for it—and it stands to make scads of dollars...

Romney Plan Would Bankrupt Medicare By '16

Experts say restoring reimbursements would hasten its decline

(Newser) - Mitt Romney often promises to restore $716 billion in Medicare funding cut by the Affordable Care Act, but many experts say that pledge is, in the words of one economist, "both puzzling and bogus." That's because what Romney would be "restoring" wouldn't be funds but...

ObamaCare Fallout: Higher Papa John's Pizza Prices

CEO estimates an extra 11 to 14 cents per pizza

(Newser) - ObamaCare may bring health insurance to the masses, but it will also bring them higher Papa John's pizza prices, Politico reports. In a conference call last week, CEO John Schnatter—a Mitt Romney supporter—revealed that should the Affordable Care Act go into effect in 2014 as scheduled, it...

Free Birth Control Rule Kicks In Today

Health plans must now cover women's preventative care

(Newser) - Good news, ladies: Starting today, most insurance plans must cover a range of women's preventative health services, including domestic violence screenings, "well woman visits," and, most controversially, no-cost birth control. Don't run to your gynecologist right away though—the rules will apply to all new plans,...

Romney a Fan of ... Israel's Socialized Health Care

Mitt praises health care system at fundraiser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney simply cannot wait to repeal ObamaCare, but he is a fan of Israel's health care system … which has been socialized since its founding in 1948, BuzzFeed points out. During his visit to the country, Romney today praised Israel for spending so little on health care: "...

Hospitals Worried as ObamaCare Cuts Funding

Immigrants not covered under Affordable Care Act

(Newser) - Hospitals that service poor communities are sweating over a looming cut in the funds they use to care for the uninsured—particularly illegal immigrants. The government currently spends $20 billion annually to reimburse hospitals for covering the uninsured or poorly insured, who can't be turned away from emergency rooms....

Medicaid Expansion Could Save Lives
 Medicaid Expansion 
 Could Save Lives 

Medicaid Expansion Could Save Lives

Lower death rates associated with expansions in 3 states

(Newser) - As states decide whether to expand Medicaid by 2014 under ObamaCare, a new study could give them a compelling reason to do so: Harvard researchers found that fewer people died in states that expanded their programs. The study looked at data from New York, Maine, and Arizona, all of which...

Court Ruling Leaves 3M More Without Insurance

CBO says ObamaCare will be $84B cheaper, too

(Newser) - The Congressional Budget Office has crunched the numbers on ObamaCare in the wake of the Supreme Court ruling, and two main points emerge, according to the Washington Post and New York Times : More people than expected will go without insurance over the next decade, and the law won't cost...

Scalia: Leave John Roberts Alone Already
Scalia: Leave John Roberts Alone Already

Scalia: Leave John Roberts Alone Already

Denies Supreme Court infighting over ObamaCare

(Newser) - Antonin Scalia may have disagreed with John Roberts in the court's health care ruling, but he says that disagreement never became personal—and that "it offends me" to hear criticism of Roberts, or any of his colleagues over how they ruled. "No, I haven't had a...

House Has Voted to Repeal ObamaCare 30 Times

And No. 31 is on deck this week

(Newser) - House Republicans have voted 30 times in the past year and a half to repeal, defund, or otherwise squash ObamaCare, with the first attempt coming just two weeks after they took control of the House last year. This week, in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision on the...

The Next Big ObamaCare Brouhaha: Subsidies

'Drafting error' could mean no subsidies for federal insurance exchanges

(Newser) - Just because the Supreme Court said that the Affordable Care Act was constitutional , don't expect the legal challenges to President Obama's health care law to dissipate anytime soon, reports the New York Times . One of the next big battles is brewing over who will get access to subsidies...

Florida Nixes 2 ObamaCare Features

Gov. Rick Scott says state can't foot the bill

(Newser) - And then there were three: Florida will join Wisconsin and Louisiana in refusing to implement two features of the Affordable Care Act, said Gov. Rick Scott yesterday, stating that Florida does not have the money to expand Medicaid or to create a private insurance exchange, reports Reuters . The Medicaid expansion...

Obama Won, But Medicaid, the Poor Lost

One win for Obama doesn't mean health care battle over

(Newser) - President Obama says the political horse race surrounding yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act is much less important than the good the law will do . So, naturally, the New York Times goes right back to the horse race, with a look at seven consequences of the...

Stewart Jumps on CNN, Fox SCOTUS Flub

Obama, Romney also get jabbed on last night's 'Daily Show'

(Newser) - The AP may have told its reporters to stop mocking CNN and Fox News for getting their initial coverage of yesterday's ObamaCare ruling wrong, but Jon Stewart had no such compunctions last night . "It was a moment of great drama and, like many of our greatest dramas, a...

Palin Thanks God for ObamaCare Ruling

Ruling 'fires up the troops,' she says

(Newser) - One of the loudest cheers for yesterday's Supreme Court ruling upholding ObamaCare came from none other than Sarah Palin, who described it as a heaven-sent gift to the Republican Party. "Thank you, SCOTUS,” she wrote on her Facebook page. “This ObamaCare ruling fires up the troops...

What John Roberts Is Up To
 What John Roberts Is Up To 

What John Roberts Is Up To

Commentators see ulterior, conservative motive behind Roberts' vote

(Newser) - John Roberts upheld the Affordable Care Act today, and "in doing so, he gave a lot of people who don't pay attention a reason to celebrate him on Twitter," writes Mobutu Sese Seko of Gawker . "They're idiots." Seko and some other observers believe Roberts...

Fight's Not Over Yet: More Challenges for ObamaCare

Law must still survive the election

(Newser) - The Affordable Care Act has survived the Supreme Court —without question a victory for President Obama—but that doesn't mean it's a breeze from here on out. Some of the challenges facing ObamaCare, from the Washington Post and the New York Times :
  • The election: Mitt Romney has

Romney Blasts 'Bad Law', as Obama Lauds SCOTUS 'Victory'

Romney vows full repeal on Day 1 if elected

(Newser) - President Obama and Mitt Romney wasted little time responding to the Supreme Court's ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act today. Romney went first, speaking at a podium emblazoned with the words, "Repeal and Replace ObamaCare," and that's indeed the message he pressed. The court, he said,...

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