Project Veritas

16 Stories

NFL's DC Team Suspends VP Over Undercover Video

Rael Enteen of Commanders is caught disparaging players, fans, others

(Newser) - An exec with the NFL's Washington Commanders has been suspended after he was captured dissing players and fans in secretly recorded videos, report ESPN , NBC , the Athletic , and the AP .
  • The videos: Rael Enteen, the team's vice president of content, connected with a woman on the dating app

Woman Gets Jail for Theft of Ashley Biden's Diary

'She wanted to damage the president,' prosecutor tells judge

(Newser) - A 41-year-old Florida woman who stole items from President Biden's daughter Ashley was sentenced Tuesday to a month in federal jail and three months of home detention. Aimee Harris sold Ashley Biden's diary and other stolen items to a right-wing media group shortly before the 2020 presidential election,...

Ousted Project Veritas Leader Under Investigation

James O'Keefe may be in hot water with prosecutors in New York state

(Newser) - The founder of Project Veritas, a conservative nonprofit known for its hidden camera stings , is under investigation by a suburban New York prosecutor's office in the latest fallout after his ouster from the group over allegations that he mistreated workers and misspent organization funds. The Westchester County district attorney'...

James O'Keefe Ousted at Project Veritas

'I’m packing up my personal belongings,' founder says

(Newser) - Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe said in a speech posted online Monday that he has been removed as the right-wing group's leader. In remarks that appeared to have been made at Project Veritas' office, O'Keefe said the board had stripped him of all decision-making, the AP reports....

Pair Admit Selling Ashley Biden's Diary to Project Veritas

For $40K

(Newser) - Two Florida residents pleaded guilty Thursday to stealing Ashley Biden's diary and selling it to Project Veritas, the conservative group raided by the FBI last year regarding the theft of the diary. Also Thursday, federal prosecutors presented new evidence alleging the ways in which the group (which presents itself...

Court: McCloskeys Must Help Needy, Not a Right-Wing Group

Lawyer says he'll try next to do pro bono work opposing critical race theory

(Newser) - The Missouri Supreme Court denied a request by US Senate candidate Mark McCloskey and his wife to give free legal advice to a conservative activist group as a condition of their professional probation, but McCloskey said Thursday he'll try to find another right-wing organization to represent. Mark and Patricia...

Judge Rules Newspaper Must Turn Over Confidential Memos

Decision: New York Times can't publish project Veritas legal memos

(Newser) - A New York judge has upheld an order preventing the New York Times from publishing documents between conservative group Project Veritas and its lawyer and ruled that the newspaper must immediately relinquish confidential legal memos it obtained. The decision Thursday by state Supreme Court Justice Charles Wood in Westchester County,...

Property Tied to Project Veritas Searched
FBI Raids
Home of 
Project Veritas

FBI Raids Home of Project Veritas Founder

Organization says it's related to diary reportedly belonging to Biden daughter

(Newser) - Update: Add James O’Keefe’s home to the list of properties associated with Project Veritas that have been searched by the FBI. Federal agents searched the apartment in suburban New York where O’Keefe lives early Saturday morning, the New York Times reports. A spokesman for the agency confirmed...

Erik Prince Helped Find Ex-Spies to Infiltrate Libs: NYT

The Blackwater founder helped Project Veritas spy on liberal groups, paper reports

(Newser) - The former head of Blackwater—yes, the private military company—has privately recruited former spies to infiltrate liberal groups and report to the conservative Project Veritas, the New York Times reports. Per documents and interviews, Erik Prince helped find American and British ex-spies to dig up intelligence on labor organizations,...

Report: New Project Veritas Sting Hits ABC Again

Correspondent David Wright reportedly suspended after James O'Keefe's latest undercover video

(Newser) - It's not yet clear why an ABC News journalist has been disciplined by his network—but it's apparently the result of yet another Project Veritas "sting." Sources tell the Washington Post that longtime correspondent David Wright has been suspended, reportedly for comments he made while unknowingly...

ABC News' Amy Robach Has to Explain Her Epstein Comments

She's caught on a hot mic airing frustration about an interview not airing

(Newser) - "I'm so pissed right now." So ABC News anchor Amy Robach said in a private August conversation with her producer that was captured by a hot mic and released this week by conservative activist James O'Keefe's Project Veritas, reports Mediaite . Robach was talking about a...

Democratic Candidate's Campaign Team Ousts a Mole
Democrat's Campaign
Unmasks Infiltrator

Democrat's Campaign Unmasks Infiltrator

Trump says 'blue wave is dead'

(Newser) - A Democratic candidate in Virginia says her campaign was infiltrated by Project Veritas, the conservative group that tried to plant a fake story about Senate candidate Roy Moore last year. The campaign of Abigail Spanberger, who is running for a House seat in Virginia's 7th District, says the group...

WaPo: Behind Fake Roy Moore Story, Months of Deception

The paper tracks Jaime Phillips' activity since the summer

(Newser) - The Washington Post says it derailed Jaime Phillips' attempt to plant a fake story about her being impregnated by GOP Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore at age 15—but a different story about Phillips has made its way into the paper. In a lengthy piece, the Post alleges the...

Roy Moore Blasts 'Malicious'' Allegations

He got a standing ovation at his first rally since Nov. 16

(Newser) - Roy Moore doubled down on his denials of sexual misconduct at an Alabama rally Monday night—and received a standing ovation from a crowd of around 200 people. The Senate candidate, making his first public appearance since Nov. 16, likened the accusations against him to the Russia investigation and said...

Post Exposes New Moore 'Accuser' as Part of Sting

The Washington paper believes the woman was working with James O'Keefe's Project Veritas

(Newser) - Two weeks after the Washington Post published a bombshell story about Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore attempting to initiate sexual contact with a 14-year-old girl when he was 32, the paper appears to have been the near-victim of an undercover sting operation by a right-wing organization. The Post reports...

James O'Keefe Makes Grab for Eric Holder's Ballot

'Sting' video intended to prove election fraud is real

(Newser) - James O'Keefe is at it again, and this time he's getting personal with the US attorney general. In a new video released today to Breitbart , the infamous fake pimp puts voter fraud in his crosshairs, and sets out to show the danger inherent in not having voter ID...

16 Stories