
17 Stories

Beneath Arlington Cemetery, 3K Mementos Are Quietly Kept

A look at what becomes of what is left on the gravestones in Section 60

(Newser) - Section 60 is a 14-acre parcel of the 624-acre Arlington National Cemetery and the final resting place for those who lost their lives fighting for their country post-9/11. That makes it home to a much more modern generation of fallen soldiers, and to a modern practice as well: the leaving...

Unknown Soldier No More: WWI Gravestone Gets a Name
Unknown Soldier Is
Unknown No More

Unknown Soldier Is Unknown No More

British soldier who died in WWI is identified via DNA as 2nd Lt. Osmund Bartle Wordsworth

(Newser) - For more than a century, the British soldier lay in an anonymous grave, one of so many unidentified victims buried beneath the killing fields of World War I. But now, his headstone finally bears a name: 2nd Lt. Osmund Bartle Wordsworth—a great-great-nephew of English poet William Wordsworth—who was...

Headstone Missing 150 Years Was Used to Make Fudge
Headstone Missing 150 Years
Was Used to Make Fudge
in case you missed it

Headstone Missing 150 Years Was Used to Make Fudge

Gravestone of Peter J. Weller, initially listed in auction, is now restored in Lansing, Mich.

(Newser) - A 5-foot-tall headstone missing for 146 years has been restored to its rightful place in a Michigan cemetery after it was discovered in the home of a family who used it to make fudge. The gravestone of Peter J. Weller was lost in 1875, 26 years after his 1849 death,...

Icon's Grave Gets Protection From Election Tributes

'I Voted' stickers are hard on Susan B. Anthony's gravestone

(Newser) - Susan B. Anthony remains an inspiration, but her headstone just can't take an Election Day honor anymore. Visitors to the cemetery in Rochester, New York, where the suffragette is buried often leave "I Voted" stickers behind. Adhesive residue and solvents that were employed to remove the stickers have...

$20K of Acrylic Now Protects Jefferson's Headstone

University of Missouri's move comes in response to vandalism

(Newser) - A $20,000 acrylic case now protects Thomas Jefferson's original headstone on the University of Missouri campus, a response to vandalism to a Jefferson statue that is also on campus and graffiti written on the sidewalk during the summer making reference to Sally Hemings, a slave who gave birth...

18th-Century Gravestone Could Belong to 'Snow White'

It's now on display in Germany

(Newser) - Choose what's more surprising: that an 18th-century woman may have inspired the tale of Snow White, or that she actually got her own gravestone—a rarity for women of that era—and it's now on display. ABC News has the story of Maria Sophia von Erthal, a German...

Cops: Vandals Didn't Topple Headstones at Jewish Cemetery

They blame neglect, erosion

(Newser) - The toppling of more than 40 headstones in a predominantly Jewish cemetery wasn't part of a disturbing rise in anti-Semitic incidents nationwide, police say. Instead, the NYPD says the 42 headstones at Brooklyn's Washington Cemetery fell down by themselves because of a combination of factors, including neglect and...

Grave of Susan B. Anthony Open Late for Voters

Gravesite hours extended on Tuesday so visitors can celebrate their vote

(Newser) - Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester, NY, is extending its hours on Tuesday from its usual 5:30pm closing time to 9pm—not to let its permanent residents slip out and cast a ballot, but to allow voters to celebrate Election Day at the grave of Susan B. Anthony, the Democrat ...

Trump Tombstone Pops Up in Central Park

Grave marker in NYC made some do a double take

(Newser) - Donald Trump's presidential campaign is alive and kicking, as is Trump himself—though a tombstone found in NYC's Central Park may have had passersby thinking otherwise, ABC News reports. Visitors to the park stumbled across the grave marker , located in the Sheep Meadow section, over the weekend, and...

Mystery Find in Ohio Dorm: 19th-Century Gravestone

'We would really love to find where it belongs,' says local cop

(Newser) - Workers cleaning out a Denison University dorm in central Ohio found a more than the usual assortment of notebooks and pencils left over from the semester. The cleaning crew found part of a 19th century gravestone Wednesday. The 12-by-8-inch fragment apparently marked the grave of a child who died in...

Man Killed by Mother-in-Law's Headstone

He and his wife were visiting cemetery when it toppled

(Newser) - Bizarre, sad, and true: A Pennsylvania man visiting his mother-in-law's grave site was killed when her headstone toppled on him, reports WNEP . Stephen Woytack, 74, of Scranton, was decorating the headstone with his wife for Easter yesterday when the thawing spring ground apparently caused the base to shift. "...

France: 200 Graves Trashed at Jewish Cemetery

French president denounces 'odious and barbaric' act

(Newser) - Hundreds of graves have been vandalized at a Jewish cemetery in eastern France in what President Francois Hollande calls an "odious and barbaric" anti-Semitic act against French values. The vandalism comes at a time of growing insecurity among French Jews and amid general religious tensions in Europe, after Islamic...

'Miracle' as Hawaii Lava Spares Family's Gravestone

Scientist's chance photo shows Pahoa stone survived

(Newser) - As slow-moving lava approached a cemetery in a rural Hawaii town, Aiko Sato placed flowers at the headstone of the family plot she's tended to over the years, thinking it would be the last time she would see it. "I made peace with myself," Sato said yesterday...

Original 'Baby Hope' Cops Visited Grave for 22 Years

Paid for the tombstone themselves

(Newser) - Now that police have finally IDed "Baby Hope" —the toddler found dead in a cooler in New York 22 years ago—the New York Times revisits the original cops who worked her case. Though some are now retired, they haven't stopped visiting her grave—and say they...

One Small Oswald Mystery Gets Solved

NYT unravels 'Nick Beef' grave marker next to his

(Newser) - Plenty of visitors to Lee Harvey Oswald's grave in a Texas cemetery have long wondered about the identity of "Nick Beef," the name etched on the similar-looking gravestone right next to his. Conspiracy theories have sprung up, of course, but now Dan Barry in the New York ...

Whitney's Headstone Has Familiar Lyric

Houston grave reads, 'I will always love you'

(Newser) - The epitaph on Whitney Houston's headstone was written by Dolly Parton, and Houston's fans will immediately understand why. "I will always love you," reads the quote on the bottom of the grave marker, reports AP , a reference to the Parton song that Houston made enormously popular....

Tombstone of Hitler's Parents Comes Down

Austrian site had become shrine for neo-Nazis

(Newser) - Neo-Nazis have lost a familiar haunting ground: The tombstone identifying the burial site of Hitler's parents, Alois and Klara, has been removed from an Austrian cemetery, reports AP . The marker was taken away at the request of a relative, in part because it had become a shrine for extremists....

17 Stories
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