Tracy Martin

5 Stories

Trayvon's Mom: He Was Just a Kid Trying to Get Home

Parents speak out, say verdict 'shocked' them

(Newser) - Trayvon Martin's parents made appearances on three of the major networks today, telling each interviewer that they were shocked by the verdict. "We felt in our hearts that we were going to get a conviction," Tracy Martin told the Today show . "We felt that the killer...

Zimmerman Team Can Now Talk About Trayvon's Pot Use
 Zimmerman Team Scores a Win 

Zimmerman Team Scores a Win

Judge reverses decision, attorneys can now discuss Trayvon's pot use

(Newser) - George Zimmerman's defense attorneys will now be allowed to tell the jury about a toxicology report showing that Trayvon Martin had THC in his body when he died. The judge had previously ruled that his lawyers couldn't talk about the traces of marijuana found during the autopsy. But...

Trayvon's Parents Apply for Fla. Compensation Funds

Not clear how much Sybrina Fulton is seeking

(Newser) - Trayvon Martin's mother has requested money from a state fund that helps crime victims, the AP reports. The Crimes Compensation Trust Fund helps with expenses including funerals, lost wages, medical care, and counseling, but it is not known what expenses Trayvon's family would use the money for, nor...

Zimmerman: It Was All God's Plan

He apologizes to Martin family in Fox interview

(Newser) - George Zimmerman apologized to Trayvon Martin's parents—and to America—in his first TV interview last night. Calling his shooting of the teen earlier this year a "tragic situation" and "the most difficult thing I'll ever go through in my life," Zimmerman offered an account...

Trayvon's Parents Find Support on Capitol Hill

'Trayvon was our son, but Trayvon is your son,' says his mother

(Newser) - In a packed forum on Capitol Hill today, the parents of Trayvon Martin got support from members of Congress who turned the death of their 17-year-old's son into a rallying cry against racial profiling. Martin's parents spoke briefly before a Democrats-only congressional panel as cameras clicked noisily in...

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