Trayvon Martin

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Doc: Zimmerman Had Black Eyes, Busted Nose

He had been prescribed Adderall, Temazepam before shooting

(Newser) - After the encounter that left Trayvon Martin dead, George Zimmerman had a "closed fracture" of his nose, two black eyes, and lacerations to the back of his head, according to a report compiled by his family doctor and obtained by ABC . The report notes that Zimmerman—who appeared unbloodied...

Zimmerman May Face Hate-Crime Charges

Which carry death penalty: WFTV

(Newser) - A local TV station in Orlando says FBI investigators are questioning witnesses to seek evidence for hate-crime charges against George Zimmerman. The killer of Trayvon Martin currently faces second-degree murder charges that could send him to prison for life. If the feds add hate-crime charges and get a conviction, Zimmerman...

Prosecutors Release Zimmerman Witness List

Audio experts, Trayvon Martin's family on the list

(Newser) - Prosecutors gave the public a small, censored look at their case against George Zimmerman yesterday, delivering an eight-page list of witnesses it intends to call to the stand and evidence it intends to use. It also sent evidence to Zimmerman's defense team, though the team would say only that...

Woman Gets 20 Years for Firing Warning Shot

Florida's Marissa Alexander was fending off husband

(Newser) - A Florida woman was sentenced to 20 years in prison today for firing what she says was a warning shot to scare away her attacking husband. In the intensely controversial case, Marissa Alexander claims she was fleeing from her abusive husband when she fired a gun into the wall of...

Man Sells Trayvon Martin Shooting Range Targets

Anonymous entrepreneur admits he's trying to cash in on controversy

(Newser) - You might want to be sitting down for this one: An anonymous and extremely classy businessman has been selling shooting range targets designed to look like Trayvon Martin online, WKMG of Orlando reports. The targets don't actually use Martin's face but the intent is clear: They show a...

Zimmerman: Trayvon Martin Circled My Car

...Which he strangely did not mention while talking to dispatcher

(Newser) - There's a new wrinkle in George Zimmerman's version of the night of Trayvon Martin's death. Zimmerman has been telling investigators that while he was on the phone with police, Martin was circling his car menacingly on foot—so menacingly that Zimmerman rolled up his window "to...

Zimmerman's Old MySpace Page Houses Racist Comments

2005 page had not-so-nice things to say about Mexicans

(Newser) - George Zimmerman now has a legal site , a defense-minded Twitter feed , and a 7-year-old MySpace page that's causing some fresh trouble. The Miami Herald unearthed the page, which has been confirmed as authentic by his lawyer, and reports on the less seemly details contained within. Most notably: not-so-nice comments...

Lawyer: Zimmerman Supporters Donated $200K

Judge didn't know about defense fund when he set bail

(Newser) - Looks like nationwide notoriety isn't all bad news for George Zimmerman. More than $200,000 was donated to a website created to raise money for his defense, according to his lawyer. Attorney Mark O'Mara says Zimmerman only told him about the website on Wednesday as they were working...

Menacing Pit Bull Led Zimmerman to Get Gun

Complex portrait emerges of Trayvon Martin's killer

(Newser) - In a bizarre twist in a killing that has come to stand for deadly racial violence, it turns out that the great grandfather of Trayvon Martin's killer was African-Peruvian. George Zimmerman was generally regarded as trustworthy by his racially mixed Florida neighbors, who asked him to launch a community...

Trayvon Martin Case Spurs Chicago 'Hate Crime'

Teen beat white because of anger over case: cops

(Newser) - A black teenager in suburban Chicago told police that he beat up a white youth during a robbery because he was angry about the Trayvon Martin case, according to the state attorney's office. Alton Hayes, 18, has been charged with a hate crime, as well as aggravated battery and...

Sanford to Trayvon Police Chief: You're Not Quitting

Bill Lee had tendered resignation

(Newser) - Sanford refused to accept its police chief's resignation today despite his handling of the George Zimmerman case, CBS News reports. The Florida city's commissioners voted 3-2 to reject Bll Lee's resignation, and most of them blamed tumult surrounding the Trayvon Martin shooting on outsiders. "The city...

Zimmerman Posts Bail, Goes Back Into Hiding

Lawyer requests permission for his client to leave Florida

(Newser) - George Zimmerman is out of jail and back in hiding. He was released just after midnight today on $150,000 bond as he awaits his second-degree murder trial for the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the AP reports. Zimmerman—who apologized to Martin's parents in a court hearing Friday—has...

Zimmerman Apologizes, Can Go Free on Bail

Tells Trayvon's parents he's sorry; judge sets bond at $150K

(Newser) - George Zimmerman could be out on bail as early as tomorrow. The judge at his bond hearing today set the amount at $150,000, reports the Orlando Sentinel . Zimmerman, who will have to wear a GPS monitor, took the stand himself before the ruling and apologized to Trayvon Martin's...

Zimmerman: Trayvon's Last Words Were 'OK, You Got It'

Insider gives his account to Daily Beast

(Newser) - When Trayvon Martin knocked him to the ground, George Zimmerman told police, he forgot for a moment that he even had a gun. It was only when Martin noticed the pistol that he pulled it from its belt holster and fired a single round into the teenager's chest. "...

Trayvon Martin Case Gets New Judge

Original one steps aside over conflict of interest

(Newser) - George Zimmerman's defense team got its wish : The judge assigned to the case has recused herself over a conflict of interest, reports AP . Judge Jessica Recksiedler's husband works with Mark NeJame, who is being paid by CNN to comment on the case. NeJame also turned down a request...

The Truth About &#39;Stand Your Ground&#39;
 The Truth About 
 'Stand Your Ground' 

The Truth About 'Stand Your Ground'

Florida's law isn't as crazy as it's being made out to be, Robert Leider argues

(Newser) - A lot of misinformation is flying around about Florida's Stand Your Ground law in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, but the truth is, it's "neither extreme nor an outlier," argues Robert Leider of the Wall Street Journal . Even under Stand Your Ground, to claim...

Zimmerman Wants New Trial Judge

Trayvon Martin shooter not happy with Judge Recksiedler

(Newser) - The neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing an unarmed black teenager in Florida asked a judge in the case to step down today after she revealed a potential conflict of interest. George Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, filed the request and said Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler revealed the potential...

Miami Fire Captain Blames &#39;S**tbag Parents&#39;
 Miami Fire Captain 
 Blames 'S**tbag Parents' 
trayvon shooting

Miami Fire Captain Blames 'S**tbag Parents'

Captain Brian Beckmann lets loose on Facebook

(Newser) - A Miami-Dade fire captain weighed in on the Trayvon Martin shooting last week with a withering Facebook message—apparently aimed at Martin's parents, Huffington Post reports. "Listening to Prosecutor Corey blow herself and her staff for five minutes before pre-passing judgment on George Zimmerman," wrote Captain Brian...

NRA Exec: Media Cooked Up Trayvon Controversy

NRA members always 'stand their ground,' declares Wayne LaPierre

(Newser) - A National Rifle Association honcho has accused the media of manufacturing controversy over the Trayvon Martin case. "By the time I finish this speech, two Americans will be slain, six women will be raped, 27 of us will be robbed, and 50 more will be beaten. That's the...

Bill Cosby: Trayvon Case About Guns, Not Racism

Zimmerman needed that gun to shoot Martin, comic says

(Newser) - Bill Cosby argues that the Trayvon Martin debate should focus on guns rather than race, the AP reports. In an interview on CNN's "State of the Union" today, Cosby said that accusing George Zimmerman of racism solves nothing. "What is solved by saying, 'He’s a...

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