Trayvon Martin

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Zimmerman Foregoes 'Stand Your Ground' Hearing

Decision confuses prosecutors in Trayvon case

(Newser) - George Zimmerman's lawyers have bewildered prosecutors by canceling a hearing that could have seen the murder charges against him dismissed under Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, the Miami Herald reports. The hearing had been expected in April but Zimmerman is now set to go to trial in...

Zimmerman Sues NBC Over 911 Tape Edits

Recording made him look 'racist,' 'predatory': suit

(Newser) - As expected , George Zimmerman is suing NBCUniversal for defamation over its edits to a 911 recording that emerged after Trayvon Martin was killed. The edits make Zimmerman look like a "racist, predatory villain," according to the suit. The edited recording, which the suit says intentionally caused emotional distress,...

Bloody Zimmerman Appears in Color Photo

High-res image from night of Trayvon Martin's death released

(Newser) - George Zimmerman's bloodied face and swollen nose can be clearly seen in a photo taken the night of Trayvon Martin's death and released by his defense team yesterday. The photo is a high-res, color version of the grainy, black-and-white image that was released months ago, the Orlando Sentinel...

Zimmerman Trying to Woo You With His Autograph

Nearly out of cash, he's seeking fresh donations

(Newser) - George Zimmerman has raked in an estimated $340,000 in donations since Trayvon Martin 's death, but the money is running low—so he's trying a new tactic. Now, if you donate at his website , you'll be treated to a card "personally signed by George."...

Man Who Shot Teen May Invoke 'Stand Your Ground'

There's 'no comparisons' to Trayvon Martin, his lawyer says

(Newser) - The man accused of killing an unarmed teen after an argument over loud music in a parking lot may invoke Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, his lawyer says. But "there are no comparisons to the Trayvon Martin situation," where the same defense was used, she adds,...

Trayvon's Shooter May Sue NBC Over Tape Edit

George Zimmerman says distorted version made him appear racist

(Newser) - George Zimmerman is going to sue NBC for the editing of a tape that distorted his comments after the Travyon Martin shooting, reports the Page Six blog of the New York Post . (The Wrap , however, says the suit is just a possibility at this point.) In the version of...

Trayvon Never Touched Gun: DNA Test

Only Zimmerman's DNA found there

(Newser) - Only George Zimmerman's DNA was found on the gun used to kill Trayvon Martin, according to test results revealed today. The findings could undermine George Zimmerman's self defense claims, the LA Times reports. Zimmerman reportedly originally told police that Martin went for the gun. The tests prove that...

Zimmerman Gets a New Judge
 Zimmerman Gets a New Judge 

Zimmerman Gets a New Judge

Appeals court agrees that current one is biased

(Newser) - George Zimmerman has been granted his wish: He's getting a new judge in his second-degree murder trial in the death of Trayvon Martin, reports the Orlando Sentinel . An appeals court accepted his argument that the current judge, Kenneth Lester, is biased against him, as evidenced by some disparaging remarks...

America Still Can't Accept a Black President

Ta-Nehisi Coates takes a long look at Obama and American racism

(Newser) - The Trayvon Martin shooting at first brought much of America together in a "trans-partisan" reaction, with many Republicans and conservatives sympathizing with the unarmed teenage boy who was killed. But when America's first-ever black president commented on the tragedy—with a mild expression of sympathy and a universal...

Chavis Carter's Death Ruled a Suicide

America's 'next Trayvon Martin' died in back of a police car

(Newser) - The man who could be America's next Trayvon Martin died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the back of a police car, according to an autopsy report. The Arkansas crime lab report says Chavis Carter, 21, died from a gun muzzle pressed to his temple. Autopsy results, along with...

Zimmerman Nearly Broke, Wants Floridians to Foot His Bill

Lawyer will seek to declare him indigent

(Newser) - George Zimmerman is almost out of money—so his lawyer is about to ask the public to foot the bill for his trial. "He really has to live as a hermit, unfortunately," says lawyer Mark O'Mara. "He's not doing well. He's getting by."...

Chavis Carter: America's Next Trayvon Martin?

Cops say he fatally shot himself while handcuffed

(Newser) - If Trayvon Martin's death seems suspect, try Chavis Carter's: According to police, the 21-year-old killed himself while handcuffed in the back of a police car. Officers pulled over Carter last month in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and say he was carrying marijuana and little plastic bags often used to sell...

Trayvon's Parents Apply for Fla. Compensation Funds

Not clear how much Sybrina Fulton is seeking

(Newser) - Trayvon Martin's mother has requested money from a state fund that helps crime victims, the AP reports. The Crimes Compensation Trust Fund helps with expenses including funerals, lost wages, medical care, and counseling, but it is not known what expenses Trayvon's family would use the money for, nor...

Zimmerman Prosecutors May Use His TV Interview

Fox sit-down could be entered into evidence in court

(Newser) - George Zimmerman's prime-time interview on Fox might end up playing in court, too. Prosecutors have taken the first step toward having a tape of it admitted as evidence, reports ABC News . In the interview, Zimmerman told Sean Hannity that he didn't regret pursuing Trayvon Martin and carrying a...

Zimmerman: It Was All God's Plan

He apologizes to Martin family in Fox interview

(Newser) - George Zimmerman apologized to Trayvon Martin's parents—and to America—in his first TV interview last night. Calling his shooting of the teen earlier this year a "tragic situation" and "the most difficult thing I'll ever go through in my life," Zimmerman offered an account...

George Zimmerman Goes on Fox Tonight

Sean Hannity will interview him

(Newser) - In his first major interview, George Zimmerman will go on Fox News to be interviewed by Sean Hannity at 9pm today, reports CBS News . "Zimmerman will open up about what happened the night of Trayvon Martin's death and his experience in the aftermath of the fatal shooting,"...

Zimmerman Molested Me for 10 Years: Witness

'Witness 9': The sex abuse began at age 6

(Newser) - A witness in the George Zimmerman trial says Trayvon Martin's killer molested her for up to 10 years starting when they were children, the Miami Herald reports. The woman, known as "witness 9" in court records, says he first fondled and penetrated her with his fingers at age...

George Zimmerman Wants a New Judge—Again

Says current judge's remark showed bias

(Newser) - The ex-neighborhood watch volunteer charged with killing Trayvon Martin asked for a new judge yesterday, claiming the current one is biased because he said George Zimmerman had "flaunted the system." Zimmerman said in a motion he feared he would be unable to get a fair "stand your...

FBI Report: Zimmerman Had a 'Little Hero Complex'

284 pages released, including photos of Trayvon Martin's clothes

(Newser) - Florida prosecutors released 284 pages of evidence yesterday related to the shooting of Trayvon Martin, including images of Trayvon's blood-soaked sweatshirt and other clothing, reports the New York Daily News . Investigator Christopher Serino's name came up again in the FBI report (which was based on interviews with him,...

Sanford Takes Down Trayvon Memorial

Some are outraged, but officials say it had gotten 'incredibly shabby'

(Newser) - The city of Sanford, Fla., is taking heat for removing a makeshift memorial to Trayvon Martin that cropped up outside the gated community where he was shot. The memorial consisted of a curbside heap of teddy bears, laminated photos, silk flowers, and other bric-a-brac, and some activists say removing it...

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