NYPD demographics unit

6 Stories

NYPD Ends Program to Spy on Local Muslims

'Demographics Unit' remains focus of 2 lawsuits

(Newser) - The NYPD is dropping a controversial undercover operation set up in the wake of 9/11 to spy on Muslims in the city, reports the New York Post . Under the Demographics Unit, later renamed the Zone Assessment Unit, plainclothes officers would infiltrate Muslim gathering places to learn what they could. The...

NYPD Secretly Labeled Mosques 'Terror Enterprises'

Designation allowed them to spy on anyone attending

(Newser) - The New York Police Department secretly opened "terrorism enterprise investigations" into at least 10 of the city's mosques, effectively designating every single congregant as a valid surveillance target. Documents uncovered by the AP show that the NYPD spied on countless Muslims, and even tried to get informants onto...

NYPD Chief Defends All the Racial Profiling He's Not Doing

Ray Kelly boasts of department's success

(Newser) - Ray Kelly has heard all the grumbles about the NYPD's Stop and Frisk policy —which almost exclusively ensnares minorities —and its practice of spying on Muslims , and he wants you to know that those claims are sensationalized, and anyway there's nothing wrong with targeting minorities. In...

NYPD Infiltrated Liberal Groups
 NYPD Infiltrated Liberal Groups 

NYPD Infiltrated Liberal Groups

Undercover officers kept files on them: AP investigation

(Newser) - Looks like Muslims aren't the only ones the NYPD has spied on . The AP has uncovered documents showing that undercover NYPD officers infiltrated liberal political organizations, attending meetings and keeping intelligence files on activists. The effort ranged well outside their jurisdiction; in April 2008, for example, an officer was...

NYPD's Muslim Surveillance Used White House Funds

Anti-drug grant pays for cars, computers: AP report

(Newser) - The NYPD's controversial Muslim surveillance programs were funded in part by millions of dollars directly from the Bush and Obama administrations, the AP reports. Since the 9/11 attacks, $135 million has been provided through the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program (HIDTA), which hands out grants, under the watch...

Newark to Probe NYPD Muslim Spying
Newark to
Probe NYPD Muslim Spying

Newark to Probe NYPD Muslim Spying

After AP shows mayor huge file detailing snooping in the city

(Newser) - When the AP showed Newark Mayor Cory Booker a file detailing the extent to which the NYPD's " Demographics Unit " had spied on his city's Muslims, he was caught off-guard. "Wow," he said. "This raises a number of concerns." Soon after, he said...

6 Stories
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