
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Why Minnesota's Measles Outbreak Could Get Even Worse

Somali-Americans avoiding vaccines due to unfounded fears of autism

(Newser) - The Minnesota Department of Health has identified 34 cases so far in a measles outbreak, with a University of Minnesota infectious disease expert worried it's leading to a "gas-and-match situation" that will result in more cases and possibly even deaths, NPR reports. What health officials are worried may...

Almost Half of US Adults Are Infected With Genital HPV

Men more likely to have high-risk type, CDC says

(Newser) - Health officials say nearly half of US adults have caught HPV, a sexually-transmitted bug that can cause cervical cancer and genital warts, the AP reports. Some 42.5% of Americans ages 18 to 59 had some form of genital human papillomavirus, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

'Vaccine Conspiracy Theorist' to Maybe Head Trump Vaccine Commission

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. met with Trump on Tuesday

(Newser) - An "outspoken vaccine conspiracy theorist" says he's been tapped by Donald Trump to "chair a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity," the Atlantic reports. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. met with Trump on Tuesday, saying Trump, like himself, "has some doubts about the current vaccine...

10 States With Lowest Vaccination Rates

Wyoming gets worst marks

(Newser) - Concerned about the anti-vaccination movement? Check out 24/7 Wall St. , which ranks all 50 states by their vaccination rates. The 10 with the worst:
  1. Wyoming: 72.8% of infants and toddlers have received the recommended dosage of the DTaP immunization, and 34.3% of adults get inoculated against influenza.
  2. West

Refusal to Vaccinate Tied to Resurgence of Measles, Pertussis

More than half of recent measles cases appeared in unvaccinated people: study

(Newser) - Wondering what's behind recent outbreaks of measles and whooping cough in the US? Perhaps not surprisingly, a new study published in JAMA finds that people who don't vaccinate—for non-medical reasons—contribute to the problem, Reuters reports. Since measles was declared eliminated in the US in 2000, there...

US Has First Measles Death in 12 Years

Washington woman succumbed to pneumonia caused by measles: health officials

(Newser) - A woman in Washington state who fell ill earlier this year and died is now said to have died from pneumonia caused by measles—making it what health officials say is the first measles death in the country since 2003, the Seattle Times reports. The cause of death of the...

California Poised to Make Vaccines Mandatory

Under bill that cleared assembly, no more religious exemptions would be allowed

(Newser) - After its recent major measles outbreak, California is pretty close to becoming only the third state to deny vaccine exemptions for religious reasons. The state assembly today approved legislation that would require all kids entering public or private daycare, elementary school, or secondary school for the first time in the...

Ex Anti-Vaxxer: All 7 of My Kids Got Whooping Cough

Tara Hills tells her story in attempt to reach others like her

(Newser) - Tara Hills used to be anti-vaccination, but a nearby measles outbreak changed her mind and convinced her to get her seven kids, all of whom were under-vaccinated or completely unvaccinated, up to date. The Canadian mom set up a schedule with their family doctor ... but just days before they went...

Study: Here's How Often You'll Get the Flu

Researchers say kids tend to get the flu every 2 years, adults every 5

(Newser) - Historically, it's been challenging to pinpoint how often people get the flu, in part because most of us can't self diagnose it, thinking we have it when we don't or not knowing we have it when we do. Now researchers say they've found the answer—that...

Most Docs Say OK When Parents Push for Vax Delays
Most Docs Say OK When Parents Push for Vax Delays

Most Docs Say OK When Parents Push for Vax Delays

Family physicians know the risks, but they don't want to lose patients

(Newser) - Doctors are reluctantly delaying vaccine schedules for kids, despite knowing the risks of doing so, because they don't want to alienate parents altogether, reports the New York Times . A study published in Pediatrics that surveyed 534 primary care physicians found that 93% of them were asked to delay a...

Measles Outbreak Hits Chicago-Area Daycare

5 kids under the age of 1 diagnosed

(Newser) - Five kids under the age of 1 have been diagnosed with measles at a daycare outside Chicago, reports the Chicago Tribune , in an outbreak that comes on the heels of Cook County announcing last week that it had its first adult case of measles this year. It's not clear...

An End to Major Vaccine Exemption in California?

Lawmakers hope to eliminate 'personal belief' vaccine exemptions

(Newser) - California is at the epicenter of the measles outbreak , which has two state lawmakers hoping to end a major vaccination exemption. As the number of measles cases in the state climbs to 99—with cases in 19 other states and in Mexico—State Sen. Ben Allen and fellow Democrat Richard...

Chris Christie on Vaccines: Parents Should Have 'Choice'

While President Obama says, 'get your kids vaccinated'

(Newser) - Chris Christie is in the UK—technically on a trade mission for New Jersey, but most are looking at the trip as a precursor to his seemingly inevitable presidential campaign—and today in England he was asked about vaccinations in light of the US measles outbreak. "We vaccinate ours...

How to Stop the Anti-Vaccine Movement

Peer pressure—and more regulation, writes Michael Hiltzik

(Newser) - In the wake of the Disneyland-linked measles outbreak, which has now hit 87 cases, columnist Michael Hiltzik takes a look back at Jenny McCarthy in a Los Angeles Times piece whose headline dubs her a "public menace" for popularizing the anti-vaccine movement. Hiltzik also reminds us that McCarthy, who...

Vaccine Mix-Up Kills Infants Within Hours in Syria

Vaccine may have been mixed with muscle relaxant

(Newser) - At least 15 infants died in northwestern Syria on Tuesday after being administered a measles vaccine that may have been accidentally mixed with an anesthetic. The New York Times reports that the victims reacted within minutes: Recipients experienced a slowed heart rate, wheezing, respiratory failure, and shock, while some swelled...

Vaccine Costs Rising, Some Doctors Stop Offering Them

Childhood immunization costs are skyrocketing: NYT

(Newser) - When Breanna Farris moved to Texas last year, her daughter missed the first week of school as Farris searched in vain for a provider who would give her the required vaccinations. Farris ultimately had to lie, pretending she had no insurance and taking the girl to a public health clinic,...

Another Study Finds No Link Between Vaccines, Autism

Researchers conclude vaccinations are generally safe

(Newser) - Another day, another study asserting that vaccines don't cause autism: This time, researchers analyzed 67 different studies and found no evidence that immunizations cause autism. "There is a lot of misinformation out there about vaccines," a co-author tells USA Today . "With the rise of the Internet...

Mother Kidnaps Daughter to Avoid Vaccinating Her

Megan Elizabeth Everett wrote she didn't want her daughter 'brainwashed'

(Newser) - A Florida woman vanished with her 2-year-old daughter Lilly early last month, in an alleged kidnapping case said to revolve around vaccines, schooling ... and the Confederacy. In a note to Lilly's father documented in court records, Megan Elizabeth Everett, 22, reportedly explained that she didn't want their child...

Measles Hasn't Been This Bad in 20 Years

288 cases across 18 states confirmed so far this year

(Newser) - The tide of measles stories is growing stronger—and more dismal: The CDC yesterday revealed that some 288 cases have been recorded across 18 states in the first five months of this year, making 2014's outbreak the biggest in 20 years. Things are worst in Ohio, with the CDC...

Anger Over Anti-Vaccine Jenny McCarthy as View Host

Critics pile on ABC's decision

(Newser) - The View has, apparently, traded one controversial blonde for another. As expected , Jenny McCarthy was officially named as Elisabeth Hasselbeck's replacement on the daytime talk show yesterday; she'll start appearing as co-host Sept. 9. But quite a few people are less than pleased that McCarthy has been given...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>