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Brutal Stabbing Ends Up Saving Israeli Man's Life

Doctors treating him found a dangerous intestinal tumor

(Newser) - A father of five who said a Palestinian attacker stabbed and tried to behead him last week at an Israeli bus station tells Radio Kol Chai he's actually glad he got assaulted. "The terror attack saved my life," Daniel Cohen says, per the Times of Israel . Why...

Absolutely Huge Tumor Removed From Boy, 11

Monday's surgery took 12 hours, team of 25

(Newser) - It took 25 medical professionals and a full half-day to remove a massive tumor from an 11-year-old Mexican boy who had traveled to the US for help. Reuters describes the growth on the neck, shoulder, and upper torso of Jose Antonio Ramirez Serrano's left side as football-sized: almost a...

Descartes' Skull Reveals Secret About His Life

17th-century French mathematician famously said, 'I think, therefore I am'

(Newser) - French mathematician and father of modern philosophy Rene Descartes is perhaps most famous for his phrase, "I think, therefore I am." But now French medical anthropologist and forensic expert Philippe Charlier is adding a layer of intrigue to the thinker's history. Descartes died in Stockholm in 1650...

Rob Ford Hospitalized With Tumor

Future of Toronto mayor's campaign uncertain

(Newser) - Rob Ford's re-election campaign is in jeopardy again, and this time it's because of his health instead of his scandals. The Toronto mayor has been admitted to a local hospital with a tumor in his abdomen. A hospital spokesman says the tumor is "not small," but...

How 'Devil-Possessed' Girl Was Cured of Laughing Fits

6-year-old was having gelastic seizures caused by tumor

(Newser) - After being called "spoiled, crazy—even devil-possessed," doctors have figured out the cause of a 6-year-old girl's uncontrollable laughing fits. Though the Bolivian girl's often inappropriate bouts of laughter were presented as a behavioral problem, doctors eventually ordered a brain scan and discovered a small, benign...

Woman Has 27-Pound Tumor Removed
Woman Has 27-Pound
Tumor Removed

Woman Has 27-Pound Tumor Removed

Atlanta grandmother now doing fine

(Newser) - The cause of an Atlanta woman's inexplicable weight gain has been identified and removed: a 27-pound tumor about the size of a beach ball in her belly, reports 11Alive . Doctors removed the cystic tumor this week from 59-year-old Doris Lewis in a delicate operation that lasted more than eight...

Cause of Woman&#39;s Weight Gain: 88-Pound Tumor
Cause of Woman's Weight Gain: 88-Pound Tumor

Cause of Woman's Weight Gain: 88-Pound Tumor

Doctors remove huge ovarian cyst

(Newser) - After a year of watching her waistline expand, a 57-year-old Brazilian woman finally consulted doctors when it hit 52 inches ... and they discovered the cause was an 88-pound, mucus-filled ovarian tumor. The woman, who was overweight, had very few other symptoms: just a feeling of "heaviness" in her stomach,...

Neanderthals Got Tumors, Too
 Neanderthals Got Tumors, Too 

Neanderthals Got Tumors, Too

Researchers find the oldest one ever

(Newser) - Looks like cavemen had to deal with tumors, too. Scientists have found evidence of the oldest tumor on record in the rib of a Neanderthal who lived roughly 130,000 years ago, they revealed in PLOS One yesterday. The inch-long bone was dug up more than 100 years ago, but...

Dogs Can Smell Lung Cancer
 Dogs Can 
 Smell Lung 
study says

Dogs Can Smell Lung Cancer

Scientists hope to build 'electronic nose'

(Newser) - Dogs are lung cancer detection experts, a study finds. They "have no problem identifying tumor patients," says a researcher in Austria, and that could lead to earlier diagnoses. Dogs who smelled 120 breath samples were able to sniff out cancer 70% of the time, a very "encouraging"...

Chavez: My Tumor Was Malignant

But tumor was 'totally extracted,' says Venezuela president

(Newser) - The tumor that Hugo Chavez recently had removed from his pelvic area was a recurrence of cancer, he says. The disease didn't spread beyond the tumor, which "was totally extracted" during his procedure in Cuba, the Venezuelan president told viewers in a televised message yesterday. He added that...

&#39;Face&#39; Spotted in Testicle Tumor
 'Face' Spotted in Tumor 

'Face' Spotted in Tumor

Docs find benign growth looking back at them

(Newser) - It's not often you hear about the lighter side of urology. Canadian researchers examining ultrasound pictures of a tumor in a patient's testicle were amazed to see what looked like a ghostly face staring back at them. "It was almost like art coming out of this patient’...

Chavez Stays in Venezuela for 3rd Round of Chemo

Could be a sign the social leader is improving

(Newser) - Hugo Chavez will undergo a third round of chemotherapy for his cancer today, this time in Venezuela instead of Cuba, reports Reuters . The 57-year-old socialist leader went to Cuba in June to have a baseball-sized tumor removed and returned there twice for chemotherapy, but his opting to stay at home...

Aspirin Reduces Risk of Cancer Death: Study

Those who took it consistently over time benefited years later

(Newser) - Aspirin has long been touted as a means of protecting yourself from heart disease, and now a new study suggests it could dramatically lessen your cancer risk, too. Researchers looked at eight past aspirin trials, and found that patients who took aspirin, rather than a placebo, were 21% less likely...

Docs Remove Woman's 56-Pound Tumor
Docs Remove Woman's 56-Pound

Docs Remove Woman's 56-Pound Tumor

Surgeon: 'We were totally shocked'

(Newser) - Surgeons in Argentina removed a 56-pound tumor from a woman's uterus, the AP reports. The cancerous mass was 19 inches across: "We were totally shocked," says the lead surgeon. The woman had felt a growth in her abdomen for a year but chalked it up to weight gain....

Michael Douglas Has Throat Tumor

Star, doctors 'very optimistic' about cancer fight

(Newser) - Michael Douglas has a cancerous tumor in his throat and will undergo eight weeks of radiation chemotherapy. Doctors believe the Wall Street star will make a full recovery, his rep tells People . "I am very optimistic,” Douglas, 65, said in a statement.

'Nanobees' Sting Cancer Cells
 'Nanobees' Sting Cancer Cells 

'Nanobees' Sting Cancer Cells

Scientists abuzz over treatment using bee venom and nanoparticles

(Newser) - Scientists working to harness the power of bee venom in the fight against cancer have created "nanobees" that can actually sting a tumor to death. Melittin, an ingredient in bee venom with anti-tumor properties, was attached to tiny spheres that sought out and attacked cancerous cells in mice. Previous...

Report Revives Fears of Cell Phone-Tumor Link

Industry is downplaying cancer risks, charges group

(Newser) - A new report charges that health organizations and the cell phone industry are downplaying clear links between cell phone use and brain cancer, reports the Los Angeles Times.  The latest research shows that cell phone use significantly increases the risk of some kind of tumors, and that young people...

Promising 'Trojan Horse' Cells Kills Animal Cancer

Sydney biotech firm to begin human trials in coming months

(Newser) - Australian researchers have achieved promising results with a new approach to treating cancer, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Scientists have developed mutant bacteria nanocells that slip into tumor cells to switch off drug-resistant genes, and allow cancer-fighting drugs inside, also delivered by the nanocells. The strategy has achieved near-universal success...

Down Syndrome Gene Holds Cancer Clue

Downs patients long seen to have lower deadly tumor risk

(Newser) - Scientists have noticed for years that Down syndrome patients are far less likely to die from solid tumors—and now, scientists in Boston think they know why. Down syndrome patients’ extra chromosome holds a gene that helps cut blood flow to tumors, restricting their growth, the Globe reports. “Individuals...

New Cancer Strategy: Don't Cure It, Manage It

Radiologist takes 'if you can't beat them, join them' approach

(Newser) - The standard care for cancer patients is to kill tumors by blasting them with chemotherapy. Radiologist Roger Gatenby proposes a different approach in Nature: Forget about curing cancer and eliminating the tumors. Just keep them at a manageable size through drugs instead of chemo. "It just makes common...

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