
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Jenny Sanford's Clothes Send Clear Message

(Newser) - While Mark Sanford spews "sloppy verbiage" in the "salacious terms of a Harlequin bodice-ripper," his wife is also making a statement—with her wardrobe, Robin Givhan writes in the Washington Post. Givhan finds "something splendidly defiant" in Jenny Sanford's white shorts and flowery tops. Other...

Jenny Sanford: I'm Willing to Forgive

(Newser) - It's a relative tidal wave of good news for Mark Sanford: Wife Jenny issued a statement today calling his affair "inexcusable" but reiterating that she's willing to forgive him, reports ABC News. As for his political career, she says it's up to South Carolina voters and lawmakers whether to...

Southern Cheaters Call on God&mdash;but Which God?
Southern Cheaters Call on God—but Which God?

Southern Cheaters Call on God—but Which God?

Sanford used God-talk in confession; Spitzer, McGreevey didn't

(Newser) - Mark Sanford's liberal use of religious rhetoric in confessing his affair prompts Gustav Niebuhr to observe that whether Sanford is pandering or actually penitent, he is very much in the tradition of Southern politicians caught in scandal. Bill Clinton, David Vitter, and John Edwards all applied an ample dose of...

Sanford Digs In as Calls for Resignation Escalate

(Newser) - The vise is tightening around Mark Sanford's political career. South Carolina officials, including fellow Republicans, are lining up to urge the governor to resign, reports the State. The pressure has ramped up considerably since Sanford's admission yesterday that he'd "crossed lines" with other women besides his Argentine mistress. The...

Jenny Sanford a Model for the Betrayed

Guv's wife 'neither enabler nor victim'

(Newser) - Jenny Sanford is showing the world “a new and improved version of the betrayed political spouse—neither enabler nor victim,” writes Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post. She’s not taking the stand-by-the-cheater for the cameras approach; she hasn’t released a “supportive” and “euphemistic” statement....

No-Compromise Jenny Sanford Is SC Hero

Jenny Sanford wins praise for not standing by her man

(Newser) - In the traditional narrative of the philandering politician, the wronged wife is forced to stand by her man and offer unconditional forgiveness. But Jenny Sanford is forging a new path. She has publicly flayed the South Carolina governor—"His career is not a concern of mine," she told...

Mistress Admits Relationship With Sanford

Argentine woman denies beau leaked embarrassing emails

(Newser) - The Argentine woman identified as Mark Sanford’s mistress acknowledged her relationship with the South Carolina governor, the AP reports. María Belén Chapur confirmed that someone hacked her email account last year and sent her correspondence with Sanford to the State newspaper of Columbia, SC. However, contrary to...

Smartphone App Puts Infidelity a Few Clicks Away
Smartphone App Puts Infidelity a Few Clicks Away

Smartphone App Puts Infidelity a Few Clicks Away

Extramarital affair site releases program to help cheaters

(Newser) - Mark Sanford emulators, take heed: A company that hooks up adulterous sex-seekers has released iPhone and BlackBerry apps to make extramarital flings even easier, Jeremy Caplan writes in Time. Unlike its website,, which leaves an electronic trail spouses can track, the company's apps hide safely on cheaters'...

Sanford: I Considered Resigning

'Humbled' governor will strive to restore the trust of public, family

(Newser) - South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford considered resigning from office after his extramarital affair came to light, the Republican revealed today in an exclusive interview with the AP. But Sanford, who hasn't spoken publicly since Friday, said he spoke with close spiritual and political associates who advised him to fight to...

In Affair, Mark Became Marco, 'Canoodling Lothario'

(Newser) - Mark Sanford’s affair stemmed from his love of a woman—and his love of the “dashing new version of himself he saw in her molten eyes,” writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times. Mark, the Sanford we knew, “was the self-righteous, Bible-thumping prig who pressed...

Mistress' Other Man Sent Sanford E-mails to Paper

Argentine mistress saw another man, but told Gov, 'You are my love'

(Newser) - Mark Sanford’s lovey-dovey e-mails were discovered—and e-mailed to a South Carolina newspaper—by another man his mistress was dating, a former coworker tells the New York Times. He says the mistress, who’s been identified as María Belén Chapur, began dating a young Argentinean man a...

Sanford Mistress Dodges Press
 Sanford Mistress Dodges Press  

Sanford Mistress Dodges Press

Chapur worked as journalist in US covering 9/11 attacks

(Newser) - Maria Belen Chapur has been successfully avoiding the horde of journalists camped outside her Buenos Aires apartment for the last few days, McClatchy reports. Chapur—who has been identified by the Argentine media as Mark Sanford's mistress—worked as a journalist and translator for TV station Canal America and went...

Sanford to Wife: Let Me Have This Affair

SC's first lady told him 'in no uncertain terms' to stop seeing her

(Newser) - Gov. Mark Sanford not only had an affair, he asked his wife to condone it, she says. In an interview that ended in tears, South Carolina first lady Jenny Sanford told the AP that he had asked permission to visit his mistress after Jenny discovered the affair. "I said...

Sanford Says He Won't Resign, Cites Bible

Compares himself to David, who 'fell mightily,' in apology

(Newser) - Gov. Mark Sanford apologized today to his South Carolina cabinet, the State reports, but said he wouldn’t resign and compared himself to the Biblical David. David “fell mightily, he fell in very significant ways, but was able to pick up the pieces,” said the Republican, adding that...

Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford
Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford

Rush: Blame Obama for AWOL Sanford

Gov bolted because country's 'going to hell in a handbasket'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh has a novel theory about why Mark Sanford left the US: He was sick of the way the country’s being run. The South Carolina governor's disappearance, it seems, was President Obama’s fault, the Huffington Post reports. “This is almost like: I don't give a damn!...

Sanford Will Reimburse State for Trip Last Year

(Newser) - Mark Sanford acknowledged today that he met with his Argentine mistress while on a state-funded trip last year and promised to reimburse South Carolina's coffers, the State reports. The state paid $8,000 for the governor to travel on business to Brazil and Argentina last June, and he met with...

Sanford Meltdown Mortifying&mdash;but Real
 Sanford Meltdown 
 Mortifying—but Real 

Sanford Meltdown Mortifying—but Real

(Newser) - Mark Sanford went before the cameras to confess and apologize yesterday, a ritual that is typically “a schtick, a plastic act of absolution performed by men who are just as plastic,” writes Gary Kamiya of Salon. But not this time. Sanford “got all weird and human on...

Jackie, Bobby Had Affair: Book
 Jackie, Bobby Had Affair: Book 

Jackie, Bobby Had Affair: Book

Neighbors claim to have seen frisking; experts decry

(Newser) - Jackie Kennedy turned to the arms of brother-in-law Bobby after John F. Kennedy’s assassination—or so a Kennedy biographer claims in Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story, out July 14. C. David Heymann alluded to such claims in two previous books, the New York Daily News reports, but Kennedy...

Sanford Email: I Love Your 'Magnificent Gentle Kisses'

(Newser) - Mark Sanford's hometown paper in South Carolina is revealing cringe-worthy emails between the governor and the woman identified only as Maria in Argentina. In one obtained by the State, Sanford writes in July 2008, "I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses,...

Sanford's Wife Asked Him to Leave 2 Weeks Ago

(Newser) - The wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford says she asked him to leave the house two weeks ago when she learned of his affair. Jenny Sanford says she still loves her husband and is willing to welcome him home if he works on their marriage with "humility and...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>