Chuck Hagel

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Clinton Rumored On Short List for Secretary of State

Clinton under consideration with fellow senators Kerry, Hagel, Gov. Richardson

(Newser) - The Washington rumor mill has spit out an interesting item: Barack Obama may be considering erstwhile archrival Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State, the Post reports. Obama is not pleased with names floated for the position, including Sens. John Kerry and Chuck Hagel and Gov. Bill Richardson. Clinton might salve...

Foreign Policy Drove Wedge Between Hagel, McCain
Foreign Policy Drove Wedge Between Hagel, McCain

Foreign Policy Drove Wedge Between Hagel, McCain

Fellow GOP senators and Vietnam vets 'fundamentally disagree' on key issues

(Newser) - Though Chuck Hagel and John McCain have plenty in common as Republican senators and Vietnam veterans, the Nebraskan says foreign policy is why he’s not on board. “In good conscience, I could not enthusiastically—honestly—go out and endorse him,” Hagel tells the New Yorker, “when...

Obama ISO VP Who Can Govern
 Obama ISO VP Who Can Govern

Obama ISO VP Who Can Govern

Dem says he won't choose based on home region

(Newser) - Barack Obama won’t pick a veep based on trying to win a specific region, he said today on Meet the Press. Instead, he’ll focus on “somebody who can help me govern,” Politico reports. The Dem also complimented both Clintons, saying the former first lady “would...

Brzezinski Down on Idea of Afghan 'Surge'

Security expert: McCain camp on path to world war

(Newser) - The presidential candidates seem to agree that Afghanistan needs a troop surge, but Zbigniew Brzezinski doesn’t. Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, now a Barack Obama backer, says he's concerned that the US is “literally running the risk of unintentionally doing what the Russians did,” and being...

Obama Arrives in Iraq
 Obama Arrives in Iraq 

Obama Arrives in Iraq

Candidate to meet with commanders and troops on third leg of world tour

(Newser) - Barack Obama landed in Basra today and headed to Baghdad for the latest leg of his world tour, the Washington Post reports. The candidate, who made a brief stop in Kuwait last night after 2 days in Afghanistan, will meet with US commanders and Iraqi officials and speak with US...

Obama Meets Afghan Leaders, Reiterates Support

Says he's interested in listening, not talking

(Newser) - Barack Obama met today with officials from one of Afghanistan’s most hard-fought regions, the AP reports, and re-iterated his commitment to intensifying US efforts there if elected president. Together with Chuck Hagel and Jack Reed, Obama visited Jalalabad Air Field in Nangarhar province. Nangarhar lies next to the Pakistani...

VP Picks Lieberman, Hagel: Disasters for Party Bases

Candidates seem certain to pay for aisle-crossing tickets

(Newser) - With talk that John McCain and Barack Obama could pick Joe Lieberman and Chuck Hagel, respectively, to round out their tickets, liberal and conservative stalwarts tell Politico the aisle-crossing VPs would likely wreak havoc with the parties’ bases. While each has broken with his party on Iraq, Lieberman is far...

Obama to Meet With Abbas During Mideast Swing

Dem to meet Palestinian president in Ramallah

(Newser) - Barack Obama will visit Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank next week, a top Palestinian official said today. The Ramallah meeting with the president of the Palestinian Authority will happen on July 23, CNN reports. Details on the international trip have been guarded, but the Times of London says Obama...

GOP's Hagel Will Travel to Iraq With Obama

Republican has been a vocal critic of the war

(Newser) - GOP national-security stalwart and longtime McCain friend Chuck Hagel will join Barack Obama on his upcoming trip to Iraq, sources tell the Wall Street Journal. The retiring Nebraskan senator has been a vocal critic of the war and the Bush administration. Despite his Republican credentials, he has been floated as...

McCain Camp 'Winces,' Waits for Powell Defection

Hagel not expected to endorse either candidate

(Newser) - John McCain’s team is holding its breath for the “expected” endorsement of Barack Obama by the ever-popular Colin Powell, Robert Novak writes in a Washington Post tour of the “Obamacon” movement. Such Republicans-turned-blue are less energized by Obama's candidacy than they are in agreement with one of...

Obama-Hagel Ticket? Tempting, but Forget It

Rumored running-mate possibility more promising in theory than in practice

(Newser) - Republican maverick Chuck Hagel is being bruted as a possible running mate for Barack Obama, and it's a tempting fantasy. He's a Vietnam vet with abundant foreign policy experience and a very public split with Bush on the Iraq war; having him on the ticket would also give serious cred...

Lieberman, Hagel Cross Aisles to Pound Candidates

Senators cross party lines with foreign policy criticism

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman and Chuck Hagel are fighting a duel of aisle-crossing foreign policy critiques, as the former Dem candidate takes aim at Obama and the GOP heavyweight scolds McCain. “How did the Democratic Party get here?” Joe asks in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, accusing Barack of kow-towing to...

Senators OK After Emergency Afghan Landing

Snowstorm grounds choppers carrying Kerry, Biden, Hagel

(Newser) - Helicopters transporting three US senators over mountains in Afghanistan were forced to make an emergency landing today due to a snowstorm, the Associated Press reports. US troops sent ground transportation for Democrats John Kerry and Joseph Biden and Republican Chuck Hagel, none of whom was injured, and returned them to...

Waterboarding Is Illegal: Justice Dept.

Legal expert to tell House committee it's no longer acceptable

(Newser) - A top Justice Department official will declare to a House subcommittee today that waterboarding is no longer legal—a day after Congress defied President Bush's veto threat to explicitly outlaw the controversial interrogation tactic. "The set of interrogation methods authorized for current use is narrower than before, and it...

Critics Call on Bloomberg to Run or Pipe Down

NY mayor's doing everything short of launching a presidential campaign

(Newser) - Mike Bloomberg is under increasing pressure to decide whether he's going to enter the presidential race or stay above the fray. New York's billionaire mayor has criticized the field of candidates, talked with potential running mates, and studied intricate polls—and is now beginning to test the public's patience, reports...

Obama Surge Could Pull Plug on Bid by Bloomberg

Both men after independent voters

(Newser) - The ongoing popularity surge by Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama may short-circuit potential plans by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to enter the race as an independent, reports the New York Times. “Obama is trying to reach out to independent voters, and that clearly would be the constituency that...

Moderates May Field Indie Candidate
Moderates May Field Indie Candidate

Moderates May Field Indie Candidate

Bloomberg to attend bipartisan meeting

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg may run in 2008 after all, if a bipartisan group of politicos fail to see progress from the major parties, the Washington Post reports. Bloomberg and a gaggle of figures, including former senators and governors, will meet next week in Oklahoma. They plan to demand that major presidential...

Senators: Vets Need New GI Bill
Vets Need
New GI Bill

Senators: Vets Need New GI Bill

Hagel, Webb argue US owes it to today's soldiers

(Newser) - The US needs a spruced-up GI Bill for today's veterans, Chuck Hagel and Jim Webb say in an op-ed in today's New York Times. The Vietnam vets argue that the measure "was one of the most important pieces of legislation in our history" and call for a new version...

Bush Picks Ex-Governor to Head the Farm Team

Schafer could overhaul way Agricultural Department does business

(Newser) - Edward Schafer has extolled the virtues of smaller government, but he is President Bush’s nominee to head the mammoth Agriculture Department, which employs more than 100,000 people and spends $90 billion a year. If approved by the Senate, the former North Dakota governor would likely be thrust into...

GOP Doves Risk Seats
GOP Doves
Risk Seats

GOP Doves Risk Seats

Lawmakers who backed Iraq troop withdrawals face reelection battles on home front

(Newser) - The handful of Republican lawmakers who have supported a withdrawal of troops from Iraq may soon find themselves out of a job if GOP loyalists have their way. Republicans like Rep. Walter B. Jones Jr. of North Carolina, and Maryland's Wayne Gilchrest are facing tough new challenges from pro-war primary...

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