iPhone 4S

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New iPhone 'Beautifully, Unapologetically Plastic'

Apple officially unveils iphones 5S, 5C, and more

(Newser) - Apple is hoping its new, cheaper iPhone can make plastic cool. As expected , Apple unveiled two new iterations on its popular smartphone today, the premium 5S, and the budget-friendly 5C. "The iPhone 5C is beautifully, unapologetically plastic," designer Jonathan Ive said, according to the Washington Post . Here's...

You'll Finally Be Able to Trade in Your Old iPhone
You'll Finally Be Able to
Trade in Your Old iPhone
sources say

You'll Finally Be Able to Trade in Your Old iPhone

Sources say Apple's first upgrade program is coming

(Newser) - You know that ancient iPhone 4 from 2011 that you're still saddled with? Well, multiple sources tell Bloomberg that you'll soon be able to trade it in for a discount on the shiny and (relatively) new iPhone 5. It's the first time Apple has allowed such a...

iPhone No Longer Most Popular Model ... for Now

Samsung Galaxy S III takes the lead from iPhone 4S

(Newser) - Who says Samsung's Galaxy isn't as cool as the iPhone? Only one model can occupy the No. 1 sales slot, and in Q3 the honor went to Apple's main competitor—though the title is probably a temporary one, reports Mashable . Samsung shipped 18 million Galaxy S III...

Apple Unveils Thinner, Lighter iPhone 5

New version has a 4-inch screen

(Newser) - And it's here: Apple has unveiled its sleeker iPhone 5, and if you've been following the leaks ahead of time, there are no big surprises. Some highlights:
  • It is the thinnest and lightest iPhone yet (0.3 inches thick and 4.3 ounces). The phone is made entirely

Coming Soon: Contract-Free iPhone

Cricket to debut pre-paid version, but phone will cost you

(Newser) - We hear you: You've always wanted an iPhone, but you've got commitment issues. You don't want to hop into bed with AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon for two whole years. Well, good news: Soon Cricket, a regional carrier owned by Leap Wireless, will be offering a contract-free...

Apple Finally Realizes Siri's Best Use: Getting Laughs

New commercials stop trying to paint it as a serious game-changer: Essay

(Newser) - Apple seems to be finally waving the white flag in its quest to push Siri as some kind of hyper-efficient personal assistant of the digital variety, writes Rebecca Greenfield at AtlanticWire . Witness the new commercial with John Malkovich: He's goofing around with Siri, "using it as a form...

IBM Thinks Siri Is Spying, Bans It

Or at least, it might if it was allowed on company's network

(Newser) - IBM has banned employees from using Siri on its network, because it doesn't trust the iPhone digital assistant. On Monday, IBM's CIO told the MIT Technology Review that though employees are free to use their personal iPhone at work, it was having problems with apps posing security risks....

Siri Sucks, Lawsuit Alleges
 Siri Sucks, Lawsuit Alleges 

Siri Sucks, Lawsuit Alleges

iPhone assistant 'at best a work-in-progress'

(Newser) - A disgruntled iPhone 4S user is suing Apple for its "misleading and deceptive" advertising of Siri. In real life, the plaintiff alleges, Siri will not help you learn to play guitar, find you a restaurant, or make an appointment with nearly the aplomb depicted in Apple's commercials. More...

Siri Is Great ... Unless You're Scottish

iPhone 4S virtual assistant has some trouble with Scottish brogue

(Newser) - Apple's Siri can help you order take-out, give you directions, or just make you laugh —but not if she can't understand you. Scottish iPhone 4S owners are finding that the voice-controlled digital assistant has a hard time deciphering their signature brogue, the Los Angeles Times reports. In...

How Siri Could Hurt Everyone's Cell Service
 How Siri Could 
 Hurt Everyone's 
 Cell Service 

How Siri Could Hurt Everyone's Cell Service

She's a giant 'bandwidth guzzler': Paul Farhi

(Newser) - Siri is knowledgeable, convenient, even funny—but she has a dark side. "Siri’s dirty little secret is that she’s a bandwidth guzzler, the digital equivalent of a 10-miles-per-gallon Hummer H1," writes Paul Farhi in the Washington Post . Indeed, the iPhone 4S, which brought us Siri,...

Rumor: An iPhone 5 Summer
 Rumor: An iPhone 5 Summer 

Rumor: An iPhone 5 Summer

Next generation could feature 4-inch screen: 9to5Mac

(Newser) - A fresh new rumor declares an iPhone 5 launch this summer with a screen enlarged to at least 4 inches (compared to 3.5 inches on the iPhone 4S). Prototypes of the iPhone 5 are apparently "floating around," claims the Apple-centric blog 9to5Mac , which is getting its info...

Beijing Apple Store Egged After Botched iPhone Launch

Angry crowd is told 4S sale canceled

(Newser) - If notorious perfectionist Steve Jobs was still alive, today's bungled launch of the iPhone 4S in Beijing might have given him a heart attack. Would-be customers who waited all night in freezing temperatures became furious when Apple's flagship Beijing store abruptly announced that the phone would not go...

iPhone 4S to Be Launched in China Next Week
 iPhone's Siri Learning Chinese 

iPhone's Siri Learning Chinese

4s to be launched in China, 21 other countries

(Newser) - Apple is about to get more than a billion new potential customers for the iPhone 4s—but many of them may find it tricky communicating with Siri just yet. The smartphone will be launched in China and 21 other countries next week, and while its voice-activated virtual assistant currently only...

Apple's Siri Tells Boy to 'Shut the F*** Up'

iPhone voice system insults 12-year-old shopper

(Newser) - An eager 12-year-old experienced the techno-shock of a lifetime when Apple's Siri voice system told him to "shut the f*** up" the other day. His question: "How many people are there in the world?" The boy, Charlie Le Quesne, had grabbed a demo iPhone while shopping with...

Apple iPhone Slipping in Europe
 iPhone Losing Ground Abroad 

iPhone Losing Ground Abroad

Europe's economic mess, cheaper competitors a problem for Apple

(Newser) - There's actually a pocket of the world that's beginning to be less iPhone obsessed—and it's a big pocket. While Americans and Brits are still snapping up the latest Apple phones, the company's share of the continental European market is slipping, thanks to a weakened economy...

Google's Own 'Siri' Named for Star Trek
 Google's Own 
 'Siri' Named 
 for Star Trek 
rumor mill

Google's Own 'Siri' Named for Star Trek

Software to be called 'Majel' after Enterprise voice: reports

(Newser) - Siri's got competition. Google is reportedly working on its own version of the voice-activated smartphone assistant, and rumor has it the software's name honors Star Trek. Google is apparently calling the system "Majel," after Majel Barrett, who did the voice for Star Trek's talking computer,...

Apple Looking for Help With Siri

Pair of job listings go up for engineers

(Newser) - Hey iPhone 4S users, is Siri all you hoped and dreamed it would be? No? Well don't worry, Apple plans to fix it—just as soon as it hires someone up for the job. 9to5 Mac spotted a pair of new job postings on Apple's site, seeking new...

iPhone's Siri 'Can't Find' Abortion Clinics

But it will point users toward escorts, marijuana, and body dumps

(Newser) - Siri, the iPhone 4S' virtual assistant, can tell you how much wood a woodchuck could chuck or where to hide a dead body, but it draws a blank when asked for the location of abortion clinics or emergency contraception services. In Washington, DC, users are directed to anti-abortion pregnancy centers...

iPhone Battery Fix Doesn't Seem to Be Working

Lots of users still complaining after iOS 5 update

(Newser) - The early reviews are in, and Apple's software update to fix the fast-draining battery of the iPhone 4S isn't working for everyone, reports Gizmodo . Sample complaint in the Apple Support forums: "New update is not help at all. I opened Safari and lost 2% just by opening...

Apple Releases iOS 5 Battery Fix

Software update designed to correct weak battery life in iPhone 4S

(Newser) - The battery troubles of the iPhone 4S may be over. After acknowledging that “a small number of users” were having issues with their batteries when using iOS 5, Apple has produced a new version of the operating system, iOS 5.0.1, aimed at fixing the bug. The source...

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