Pew Internet and American Life Project

5 Stories

Blogging Is on the Decline: Victim of Facebook?

There's been a steep drop among teens

(Newser) - Millennials engage in the widest variety of online activities, but older users have some niches of their own, a new Pew Internet study says. Millennials, loosely defined as people aged 18 to 33, are more likely to use social networking, online classifieds, instant messaging, music sites, and "virtual worlds"...

Gadgets Have Consumers Crying for Help

Buyers frustrated by problems with cell phones, internet access and computers

(Newser) - Digital technology plays a key role in the lives of most Americans, but it's often too complex, frustrating, and prone to failure, a study by the Pew Research Center finds. Nearly half of consumers said they regularly need help setting up a device, learning how to use it, or solving...

Gaming Teens Make Good Citizens

Video play brings kids together, instills community values

(Newser) - The stereotype of the isolated video gamer is as antiquated as Pong—teens, at least, see gaming as a social activity, new research shows. A clear link exists between gaming, in which virtually all teens participate, and civic engagement, MSNBC reports. That doesn’t mean every Grand Theft Auto expert...

To Thine Own Self Be Googled
To Thine Own Self Be Googled

To Thine Own Self Be Googled

Number of adults searching themselves online doubles in three years

(Newser) - More Americans are Googling themselves, friends and dates. A Pew study found that 47% of US adult Internet users have looked up themselves using the search engine, compared with 22% in 2002. The study found 53% Googled neighbors, colleagues, or dates—often checking bankruptcy and divorce proceedings, and other public...

Text Messaging Steers Teens Into Trouble

More than a quarter admit to texting while driving

(Newser) - Text messaging is growing into a serious hazard for young people, ABC reports. A new study showed that teens are texting at rates that border on addiction—some sending thousands of messages a month. Most alarmingly, however, a full 28% of teens admitted to texting while driving, a dangerous practice...

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