Republican candidates

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Top GOP Donors Focus Early on 3 Names

NYT says Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, and Mitt Romney are focus of talks

(Newser) - If you had to name the Democratic candidate in 2016, one name that ends in Clinton quickly comes to mind. But for Republicans? The Washington Post recently counted up no fewer than 23 potential candidates. Which might explain why the New York Times reports that the GOP's top donors...

Scott Walker Is GOP's Best Bet Right Now

Virginia's Larry Sabato: And only Elizabeth Warren has a chance of beating Hillary

(Newser) - University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato is out with his updated "crystal ball" on the 2016 presidential elections, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker sits atop it on the GOP side. (Note that this is a reflection of his strength in the Republican primary and not necessarily a general...

Gingrich: 'CNN Is Less Biased Than Fox'

Newt claims Fox News has been shilling for Romney all along

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is not happy with his former employer , Fox News, which he accused yesterday of backing Mitt Romney since the beginning of the Republican nomination race. "Callista and I both believe CNN is less biased than Fox this year," he said at a private meeting of Delaware...

Rumors Grow Santorum Will Drop Out

Loss in Pennsylvania would be big embarrassment

(Newser) - The Boston Globe takes stock of the GOP race today with this front-page headline: "Santorum moves fuel predictions he will exit." Team Santorum is taking a few days off for the Easter weekend and is saying all the right things about getting back on the trail in force...

Obama, GOP Blowing Hot Air on Tax Plans
 Obama, GOP Blowing 
 Hot Air on Tax Plans 
Michael Bloomberg

Obama, GOP Blowing Hot Air on Tax Plans

Mayor Bloomberg: Let Bush cuts expire and pass Bowles-Simpson

(Newser) - Mike Bloomberg sounds a little weary of election-year politics as it pertains to the economy. President Obama, for instance, is tacking way left with his populist call to soak the rich. His tax plan "is a political strategy, not an economic one," writes Bloomberg in the Wall Street ...

Want a Pic With Newt? That'll Be $50

Gingrich starts charging for photos

(Newser) - A picture might be worth 1,000 words, but a picture with Newt Gingrich is now worth 50 clams: As of yesterday, the candidate is charging supporters $50 to take a picture with him. In the past, a campaign staffer had been taking pictures of Gingrich and attendees at his...

&#39;The Real Mitt Romney&#39; Channels Eminem

 'The Real 
 Mitt Romney' 

'The Real Mitt Romney' Channels Eminem

'Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up?'

(Newser) - Flip-flopping Mitt Romney has been plagued by the question, "Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up?" In a new, brilliant mash-up by Hugh Atkin spotted by the Huffington Post , it's President Obama asking that question in a send-up of the Eminem classic "The Real Slim Shady....

Gingrich Lambastes De Niro for 'White First Lady' Joke

Comment at Obama fundraiser 'inexcusable,' says candidate

(Newser) - Watch out, Robert De Niro, you're on Newt Gingrich's bad side: Gingrich slammed the actor today after De Niro made a joke about first ladies last night at an Obama fundraiser. De Niro, speaking before Michelle Obama at the New York event, wondered, "Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum....

Santorum: I Don't Care About Unemployment

Well, yes he does, he explains after gaffe

(Newser) - Rick Santorum had a pretty big oops moment yesterday while campaigning in Illinois, when he boldly stated, "I don't care what the unemployment rate's going to be. Doesn't matter to me." His campaign "doesn't hinge on unemployment rates and growth rates," apparently....

Santorum: Fox News 'Shilling' for Romney

He gets into heated debate during radio show

(Newser) - The big political focus today is on Alabama and Mississippi, but Rick Santorum managed to draw some attention with a volatile charge against Fox News. The network is "shilling" for Mitt Romney, he said today on Brian Kilmeade's show on Fox News Radio, according to the Hill . The...

How Palin Destroyed US Politics
 How Palin 
 US Politics 

How Palin Destroyed US Politics

Richard Cohen: Now, ignorance is a virtue

(Newser) - HBO's Game Change is aptly titled: Sarah Palin did indeed change American politics, and not for the better, writes Richard Cohen in the Washington Post . Palin aides have confirmed the accuracy of the film's portrayal of an "ignoramus" who was "determinately incurious"; this year's "...

What to Watch for in Today&#39;s Primaries
 What to Watch for 
 in Today's Primaries 

What to Watch for in Today's Primaries

Alabama, Mississippi primaries could seal the deal for Romney

(Newser) - Today's primaries in Mississippi and Alabama are playing an unexpectedly pivotal role in the GOP presidential race. What to keep an eye on, per NPR and Politico :
  • Will Mitt finally win in the South? He's failed to take any of the southern states so far, but he's

GOP Candidates Stupidly Diss College Education
GOP Candidates Stupidly Diss College Education

GOP Candidates Stupidly Diss College Education

Opinions: Santorum, Romney hear it from the right and left today

(Newser) - Republicans are coming across as education bashers on the campaign trail, a sentiment that columnists on both the left (Paul Krugman) and right (Michael Medved) express frustrations with today:
  • Medved, Wall Street Journal : He warns that the "angry, populist tone" of the campaign is alienating the GOP from college

Gingrich: &#39;I&#39;m the Tortoise&#39;
 Gingrich: I'm the Tortoise
the speeches

Gingrich: I'm the Tortoise

All candidates focus on moving on

(Newser) - Super Tuesday began with four candidates in the mix, and it ended the same way. All four are focusing on what comes next:
  • Rick Santorum, speaking before Ohio's results were in, said he would pick up a "couple of gold medals" tonight along with a "whole passel

Gingrich: Romney Too Rich to Get Gas Prices

Mitt doesn't understand importance of lowering prices, Newt says

(Newser) - Mitt Romney recently panned Newt Gingrich's promise of $2.50-per-gallon gasoline if he's elected president, and Gingrich fired back today on Fox & Friends , claiming Romney just doesn't understand the importance of lowering the price. "If you’re Mitt Romney and you’re rich enough, maybe...

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What
election preview

Super Tuesday: Who Looks Poised to Grab What

Mitt Romney basically has 4 of the 10 states in the bag

(Newser) - Tomorrow is looking good for Mitt Romney, who will likely take more of the 422 delegates up for grabs in Super Tuesday contests than his opponents (an additional 15 super delegates aren't bound to tomorrow's wins). He may even walk away with a delegate majority, writes Nate Silver....

Only Santorum 'Drubbing' Can Save GOP

Like Dems in 1980s, GOP has forgotten center: Joe Nocera

(Newser) - The Republicans need to nominate Rick Santorum, and not just because he would ensure President Obama's re-election. No, an even more important reason is that Santorum represents the most extreme wing of today's GOP, and only his nomination and "drubbing" will force the party to return to...

Romney, Santorum Tied in Ohio

Super Tuesday outcome too close to call in new poll

(Newser) - Ohio is by most accounts the most important prize at stake in next week's Super Tuesday voting, and right now it's too close to call, says a new poll from Quinnipiac University . The survey has Rick Santorum at 35% and Mitt Romney at 31%, within the margin of...

Gingrich's Billionaire Backer Coughs Up Yet More Dough

'Substantial' contribution made to pro-Newt super PAC

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson has injected yet more money into the super PAC supporting Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign. The billionaire casino owner donated another "substantial" amount to Winning Our Future, helping it to air new TV ads in seven states starting today, the AP reports. A source says the new...

Rick Santorum: Here's My Alternative to 'Obamanomics'

Unveils 'Economic Freedom Agenda'

(Newser) - Rick Santorum unveils his "Economic Freedom Agenda" in the Wall Street Journal today, arguing that "Obamanomics has left one in six Americans in poverty, and one in four children on food stamps" and opponent Mitt Romney's economic plan doesn't go far enough. He lists 10 key...

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