electric chair

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Tenn. Senate Votes to Bring Back Electric Chair

Meanwhile, Ohio considers sweeping new restrictions

(Newser) - What do you do when you can't get your hands on the drugs in your lethal injection cocktail? As far as Tennessee's Senate is concerned, you fire up Old Sparky. The state's Senate yesterday voted 23-3 to advance a bill allowing the state to execute inmates via...

Lethal Drugs Now Rare, States Eye Old-School Executions

Drug shortage raises talk of firing squads, electrocution

(Newser) - With lethal-injection drugs in short supply and new questions looming about their effectiveness, lawmakers in some death penalty states are considering bringing back relics of a more gruesome past: firing squads, electrocutions, and gas chambers. Most states abandoned those execution methods more than a generation ago, but to some elected...

Fla. Politician: It's Time to Bring Back Firing Squads

Lethal injection is too painless, argues state Rep. Brad Drake

(Newser) - Lethal injection is just such a pleasant way to die. At least according to Florida state Rep. Brad Drake, who wants to put an end to the execution method in the state. He argues that Death Row killers shouldn't be allowed to "get off that easy"; the electric...

Jilted Husband Built Electric Chair for Wife

British man tried to fry himself after wife escaped

(Newser) - When Andrew Castle's wife told him she wanted a divorce, he asked her to come and talk about it in the garage—where he had built her a special electric chair. The 61-year-old British man hit his wife in the head with a rubber club, intending to knock her...

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