gay marriage New York

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NY's Gay Marriage Showdown Could Come Tomorrow

Support currently tied at 31-31, with a few Republicans undecided

(Newser) - It's a familiar scene with a major twist: New York lawmakers meet behind closed doors in the frantic last days of a six-month legislative session with a big pile of seemingly unconnected issues on the table in front of them. This year, however, there is intense national focus on...

NY Senate Stalls on Gay Marriage Bill

Vote delayed at least til tomorrow as they argue over religious protections

(Newser) - Old-time, backroom politics faced down hundreds of chanting protesters from each side of the highly charged gay marriage debate in New York today as the issue stalled again over whether religious groups could be protected from discrimination charges. After a three-hour conference behind closed doors, while groups from each side...

NY Is a Single Vote Shy of Legalizing Gay Marriage

If passed, New York will be largest state to allow same-sex marriage

(Newser) - New York is thisclose to legalizing same-sex marriage, and if the bill comes to the Senate floor Friday, many expect it to pass. Two Republican state senators declared support for the measure this week, leaving it just one vote shy of passage, the New York Times reports. Gov. Andrew Cuomo...

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