Arab Spring

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>

US to Demand Assad Go: Sources

Obama administration will call for Syrian president to step down

(Newser) - After months spent turning up the heat on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Obama administration is finally ready to demand his departure. Officials tell the AP that the White House's new, tougher line will come tomorrow or by the end of the week, as a direct response to Assad'...

Syrian Death Toll Rises Above 2K

Other nations ramp up pressure on government

(Newser) - More than 2,050 people have been killed in Syria since the uprising began, according to the Syrian Observatory, and the army is continuing its crackdown on protesters. At least five civilians, including two children, were killed today around Hama, activists tell al-Jazeera . Also today, two civilian deaths were reported...

Assad Forces Kill at Least 31 in Continued Crackdown

Toll could hit as high as 69, activists say

(Newser) - Two Syrian rights groups say government forces have killed at least 31 people in the latest phase of their crackdown on dissent, and the toll for the day could rise to 69. Today's casualties were mainly in the eastern city of Deir el-Zour and the central city of Houleh....

24 More Die Amid Syria Crackdown

Humanitarian situation in Hama reportedly desperate

(Newser) - The Syrian military tightened its suffocating siege on the city of Hama today, and activists said security forces killed at least 24 civilians the day before in a nationwide crackdown on anti-government protesters. A Hama resident, who snuck out yesterday for supplies, said tanks shelled the city last night, which...

UN Condemns Syria as 45 More Die

Security Council issues statement, falls short of resolution

(Newser) - In its first meaningful action since the Syria uprising began five months ago, the UN Security Council issued a statement yesterday condemning the government's use of force against civilians. The statement, finally agreed upon after three days of talks , "condemn[s] widespread violations of human rights" and calls on...

Mubarak: 'I Have Not Committed Any Such Crimes'

Ousted Egyptian leader caged in courtroom, pleads not guilty

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak's day began in a Cairo courtroom, in a cage. The 83-year-old ousted Egyptian leader lay on a hospital bed contained by mesh and iron bars as he pleaded not guilty to charges of corruption and ordering the killing of protesters during the uprising that ousted him. The...

Amid Clashes, Egypt Troops Clear Tahrir Square

Soldiers clean out last remaining activists

(Newser) - Swarms of Egyptian soldiers, riot police, and armored vehicles rolled into Cairo today to clear the last remaining protesters from Tahrir Square. Troops fired shots into the air and reportedly used clubs and electrified batons on activists demanding justice for the 850 protesters killed during the uprising in February, reports...

Syria Kills 62 in Pre-Ramadan Crackdown

Mostly in city of Hama

(Newser) - The Syrian army raided cities across the country before dawn today, killing at least 62 people—most of them in the flashpoint city of Hama where a barrage of shelling and gunfire left bodies scattered in the streets, activists and residents said. The government is escalating its crackdown ahead of...

Libya Rebels Advance on All Fronts

They are within 80 miles of one of Gadhafi's strongholds

(Newser) - After months of an apparent stalemate, the Libyan rebels have made significant progress in recent weeks, and are now within reach of Moammar Gadhafi's southern stronghold. Sebha, full of Gadhafi loyalists and once thought to be impenetrable, is an important hub for channeling supplies to the north and is...

Clinton Blasts Syria After Embassy Hit

The US has 'absolutely nothing invested' in Assad regime

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is fighting mad over yesterday’s attack on US and French embassies by pro-regime protesters in Syria. In a statement yesterday, Clinton said the US “strongly condemns Syria’s failure to protect diplomatic facilities,” and essentially disowned the regime. “If anyone, including President Assad, thinks...

Bandaged Saleh Makes First Appearance in Weeks

Slams 'undemocratic' attempt to drive him out

(Newser) - Yemen’s president yesterday slammed opponents for what he called an undemocratic attempt to drive him from power; the televised appearance was his first since he was injured in last month’s attack on his compound. Wearing loose clothing and bandages on his hands, Ali Abdullah Saleh’s complexion looked...

Libyan Rebels Close In on Tripoli

Pincer attack coming from south and west

(Newser) - Libyan rebels closed in on Tripoli from two sides today, bringing them closer than ever to Moammar Gadhafi’s stronghold. Rebels from the Nafusa mountains, armed with French weaponry, took the desert village of Gualish a scant 62 miles south of the capital, according to an AFP reporter embedded with...

Gadhafi: Stop, or I'll Hit Europe

US is less than terrified

(Newser) - For a guy largely on the run between NATO bombs and arrest warrants , Moammar Gadhafi struck a defiant tone yesterday, threatening in a broadcast message to take Libya's fight “to Europe, to target your homes, offices, families, which have become legitimate military targets, like you have targeted our...

Clinton: Assad Is 'Running Out of Time'

Says Syria needs democratic reforms, or there will be more violence

(Newser) - Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and his allies are "running out of time," and need to begin democratic reforms, said Hillary Clinton today, or else his government is “going to see increasingly organized resistance.” Clinton was speaking at a democracy conference in Lithuania when she targeted...

Saudis Bust Women Drivers
 Saudis Bust Women Drivers 

Saudis Bust Women Drivers

Kingdom should grant more freedoms, princess says

(Newser) - Two women who defied Saudi Arabia's ban on women drivers and three who defied the nation's ban on being driven by women have been arrested by the country's religious police, according to the Saudi Women for Driving coalition. The arrests appear to be the first in the...

Suu Kyi: In Arab Spring, Burma's Revolution

Previous BBC lecturers; Bertrand Russel, J. Robert Oppenheimer

(Newser) - Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has delivered a prestigious annual BBC radio lecture, telling an international audience that her compatriots are envious of people in Tunisia and Egypt, where long-serving dictators have been toppled. On recordings smuggled out of Myanmar, also known as Burma, and broadcast today,...

Libya: 19 Civilians Killed in Another NATO Strike

Government says they were killed when NATO bombed an official's home

(Newser) - Fresh woes for NATO: The Libyan government yesterday claimed that a NATO strike on the residence of one of Moammar Gadhafi's officials killed 19 civilians, including members of the official's family. This comes on the heels of NATO's admission Sunday that nine civilians were killed in another...

Syrian Men: We Will Marry Rape Victims

One group plans to end the brutality

(Newser) - A group of Syrian men wants to overthrow more than just the regime in their country—they also want to change the brutal practice of killing women who have been raped or, at the very least, not allowing them to marry. Upon hearing about the recent rapes of four sisters...

Tunisia Ex-Prez Gets 35 Years, $65.6M Fine

Ben Ali and wife convicted in absentia

(Newser) - Tunisia took less than a day to convict its deposed former ruler, reports Reuters, sentencing Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his wife in absentia to 35 years in prison and ordering them to pay fines totaling $65.5 million. The convictions revolve around theft and unlawful possession of cash...

Syria Deserter: We Were Ordered to Shoot Civilians

Story supports claim that Syrian army is tearing apart

(Newser) - A Syrian Army deserter says he fled after his unit was ordered to shoot at unarmed anti-regime protestors, reports the Christian Science Monitor. Darwish Mohammed Fidou also says he saw soldiers shooting each other as the army further split over orders to kill civilians. “My heart is broken to...

Stories 261 - 280 | << Prev   Next >>