9.0 earthquake

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Regulators Ignored Warning Signs at Fukushima

Despite noted problems, an extension was granted for oldest reactor

(Newser) - Government regulators were concerned about the oldest reactor at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant—but still approved a 10-year extension for reactor No. 1, just a month before the devastating earthquake and tsunami that landed the country in its current nuclear crisis. A report from the regulatory committee noted...

Japan Nuclear Pool Near Boiling Point

Work resumes at stricken plant

(Newser) - Workers resumed efforts to bring Japan's Fukushima nuclear complex under control today but a pool for storing spent fuel at the plant has presented yet another problem, AP reports. A nuclear safety official says the pool is heating up and temperatures are at or near the boiling point. The pool...

First American Victim of Japan Tsunami Confirmed

Taylor Anderson, 24, was last seen biking home from the school where she taught

(Newser) - From Japan, fresh heartbreak that truly hits home: The first known American victim of the earthquake has been confirmed. "It is with deep regret that we inform you that earlier this morning we received a call from the US Embassy in Japan that they had found our beloved Taylor's...

World's Costliest Natural Disasters

The price tag of 2008's earthquake in China? $147B

(Newser) - Japan's devastating earthquake has pushed natural disasters back into the headlines again, and the Telegraph runs down the most costly in history:
  • Earthquake in Sichuan, China, 2008: The 7.8-magnitude temblor killed more than 70,000 and left 11 million homeless. Cost: $147 billion.
  • Earthquake in Kobe, Japan, 1995: The

US Could Learn From Japanese Grace
 US Could 
 Learn From 
 Japanese Grace 

US Could Learn From Japanese Grace

Less pushiness, more selflessness is the solution, says Nick Kristof

(Newser) - Japan has long had an extreme dichotomy between its people and its politicians, and last week's earthquake underscored that fault line: "The Japanese government has been hapless. And the Japanese people have been magnificent, enduring impossible hardships with dignity and grace," writes Nicholas Kristof in the New York ...

Japan Pulls 2 Survivors From Rubble

Eighty-year-old and grandson rescued after 9 days

(Newser) - An 80-year-old woman and her 16-year-old grandson emerged today from the rubble in northeastern Japan, nine days after the 9.0 earthquake that leveled their two-story house. The teen, Jin Abe, finally managed to pull himself out of the wreckage, and authorities spotted him waving for help from the collapsed...

Japan Earthquake: California's the Next Big One

 Earthquake Prediction: 
 California Is Next 


Earthquake Prediction: California Is Next

And hit to San Andreas or Cascadia faults could be even 'scarier'

(Newser) - Is what happened in Japan set to repeat itself in California? Author Simon Winchester thinks so. In an article for Newsweek that’s turning some heads , Winchester notes that though scientists aren’t sure why, major earthquakes have a tendency to happen in clusters, with a quake on one side...

Japan Finds Radiation in Water, Milk, Spinach

But official cautions that levels not high enough to affects humans

(Newser) - Japan has detected elevated radiation levels in spinach and milk in the prefecture containing its foundering Fukushima nuclear plant and a neighboring prefecture, reports the Wall Street Journal . Milk produced roughly 30 miles away from the plant had around five times the normal amount of radioactive material iodine-131, while spinach...

Fukushima Plant Worker: 'Please Stop Attacking Us'

My coworkers are putting their lives on the line, she says

(Newser) - Michiko Otsuki is sick of people ripping on Tokyo Electric Power Co. Otsuki is one of the workers who evacuated from the Fukushima nuclear plant on Monday, and afterward she took to her blog to give the people she left behind there a voice. “People have been flaming Tepco,...

'48 Hours to Worse Than Chernobyl'

 '48 Hours to Worse 
 Than Chernobyl' 

'48 Hours to Worse Than Chernobyl'

The Japanese have lost control, officials warn

(Newser) - Officials around the world are increasingly concerned that Japan's mounting nuclear disaster is out of control. "It would be hard to describe how alarming this is right now," an American official tells ABC News . He warns that unless Japan can get all of its crippled nuclear plants under...

Traces of Radiation to Reach US Friday

UN charts radiation plume

(Newser) - A plume of radiation from stricken Japanese nuclear reactors is crossing the Pacific and will be detectable in southern California by tomorrow, according to a United Nations forecast. Experts stress that the radiation in the plume will be extremely diluted and will, at worst, have very minor health consequences for...

Another Reactor May Be Leaking Radioactivity

Japan doubles number of workers inside to 100

(Newser) - The news remains grim from Japan's Fukishima Dai-ichi plant. Two of the six reactors there may now be leaking radioactive steam, reports the New York Times , which again characterizes the official pronouncements as confusing. In the meantime, the 50 emergency workers who were yanked off the site earlier have returned,...

Rush Laughs at Japanese Refugees

Why would 'Gaia' do this to such an eco-conscious country?

(Newser) - Leave it to Rush Limbaugh to find some levity in the plight of Japanese refugees. Specifically, the radio show host is amused by the fact that one refugee camp is still recycling. A caller on yesterday’s show—after hearing a clip Limbaugh played of a Diane Sawyer report on...

Japan Nuclear Power Plant Crisis: Government Was Warned of Safety Issues in 2008, WikiLeaks Cables Reveal
 Japan Was Warned 
 About Nuke Safety in '08 
wikileaks reveal

Japan Was Warned About Nuke Safety in '08

WikiLeaks cables also reveal a number of other past concerns

(Newser) - The Japanese government was warned in 2008 that a strong earthquake would be a “serious problem” for the country’s nuclear power stations, WikiLeaks cables reveal. An International Atomic Energy Agency official declared twin concerns at a meeting of the G8’s Nuclear Safety and Security Group: that safety...

Scared Americans Stock Up on Anti-Radiation Pills

Potassium iodide, Geiger counters flying off the shelves

(Newser) - An ocean away from the unfolding nuclear crisis in Japan, worried Americans are stocking up on Geiger counters and supplements that can block one effect of radiation exposure. Pharmacies around the country are rapidly running out of potassium iodide, which can protect the thyroid gland from radiation damage, the AP...

Why You Should Have Sympathy for Gilbert Gottfried

He reacted as a comic would, but with awful timing: Mary Elizabeth Williams

(Newser) - If you were shocked by Gilbert Gottfried's Japan tweets, dust off that memory book: This isn't the first time the comic's attempts at humor have been met with cries of "Too soon!" After all, Mary Elizabeth Williams reminds us on Salon , Gottfried was the one who quipped that...

California Nuclear Plants Are Safe: Officials

Chances of 9.0 earthquake, large tsunami are very low

(Newser) - As Californians worry that their state might be next , officials are reassuring them that the specific combination of earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear crisis that hit Japan is very unlikely there. Though one of the state’s two nuclear power plants was only built to withstand a 7.0 quake and...

Japan Earthquake Miracles: Baby Rescued From Rubble, and More

 Baby Pulled From 
 Rubble in Japan 
and more miracle rescues

Baby Pulled From Rubble in Japan

Elderly woman also rescued from house after five days

(Newser) - From the devastation in Japan, a few miracles: Most notably, a 4-month-old baby pulled from the rubble in the coastal town of Ishinomaki, where she had been wrenched from her parents’ arms when the tsunami hit three days before. Soldiers, whose mission had turned from rescue to recovery after finding...

Markets Reeling From Japan Crisis

Dow off more than 200 after Nikkei falls 11%

(Newser) - Stocks around the world plummeted today, thanks to huge losses in Japan, where the Nikkei Stock Average fell a whopping 11%, completing its biggest two-day drop since 1987. That prompted big Asian and European sell-offs, especially in Germany, where the DAX 30 fell 4.5% in interday trading. In the...

Glenn Beck: Quake Was Message From God

'Follow the Ten Commandments, people'

(Newser) - Japan's massive earthquake was probably a message from God, and Glenn Beck says the big guy's clearly not very happy. So what's the message? It's not entirely clear, but what we're doing is all wrong, and we should be following the Ten Commandments, not like "radical" Islamists, Beck counsels....

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