government shutdown

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Federal Agencies Start Preparing for Shutdown

House Speaker McCarthy remains at odds with conservative hardliners

(Newser) - The White House is preparing Friday to direct federal agencies to get ready for a shutdown after House Republicans left town for the weekend with no viable plan to keep the government funded beyond the end of the month. A federal shutdown after Sept. 30 seems all but certain unless...

House Hardliners Deliver Another Defeat to McCarthy

Defense funding bill is blocked, raising fears of a government shutdown

(Newser) - House Speaker Kevin McCarthy emerged with a spending cut plan to prevent a federal government shutdown by appeasing his hard-right flank, only to see it quickly collapse Thursday in a crushing defeat. His latest attempt to move ahead with a traditionally popular defense funding bill was shattered by a core...

MTG Issues Shutdown Threat Over Biden Impeachment

Greene says she won't vote to fund government without a vote on impeachment inquiry

(Newser) - The start of September brings a looming deadline into view: The government risks a shutdown at the end of the month unless Congress acts. As the Washington Post notes, it's the second time this year the government has faced the prospect of running out of money. On Thursday, President...

Senate Backs Bill to Head Off Shutdown, Add Aid for Ukraine

Measure goes to House, with a deadline of midnight Friday

(Newser) - The Senate passed a short-term spending bill on Thursday that would avert a partial government shutdown when the current fiscal year ends at midnight Friday and provide another infusion of military and economic aid to Ukraine as it seeks to repel Russia's invasion. The bill finances the federal government...

Senate Approves Short-Term Funding
Senate Votes
to Avert Shutdown

Senate Votes to Avert Shutdown

Measure to fund government for 3 weeks goes to Biden

(Newser) - Down, again, to hours before money to run the federal government would run out, the Senate passed a bill to keep the machinery humming for another three weeks. The 65-27 vote sent the measure, which the House endorsed last week, to President Biden for his signature, CNBC reports. In the...

House Clears Bill to Avert Shutdown
Congress Clears Bill
to Avert Shutdown

Congress Clears Bill to Avert Shutdown

Senate passes stopgap measure shortly after House

(Newser) - Update: Shortly after the House passed a stopgap bill to avert a partial government shutdown, the Senate did the same, by a vote of 69-28. There had been talk of GOP members holding up the measure, but that didn't come to pass. "I am glad that in the...

Senate Votes to Avert Closure; Manchin Reveals Number
Shutdown Averted,
Pelosi Delays Big Vote

Shutdown Averted, Pelosi Delays Big Vote

Meanwhile, Manchin wants Biden's $3.5T plan cut to $1.5T

(Newser) - Update: President Joe Biden on Thursday night signed legislation to keep the government funded through Dec. 3, with just hours to spare before a government shutdown, the AP reports. Also Thursday night, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delayed a vote on the $1 trillion infrastructure bill. CNN notes Democrats may be...

'No Room for Error' as Shutdown Deadline Nears

Stopgap bill would fund government agencies through early December

(Newser) - The White House told federal agencies last week to prepare for a government shutdown but it now appears that a shutdown will be avoided just before the deadline of midnight Thursday. The House and Senate are expected to vote on a short-term funding patch Thursday, but CNN reports that lawmakers...

Congress Has Monumental Tasks This Week

A potentially disastrous shutdown, plus the fate of Biden's domestic agenda is at stake

(Newser) - President Biden has relatively little on on his calendar this week, for good reason. The fate of his White House agenda pretty much hangs in the balance in Congress, and he might be needed to woo lawmakers, perhaps even with a trip to Capitol Hill himself, reports CNN . Three massive—...

Agencies Told to Prepare for Shutdown
White House:
Prepare for Shutdown
the rundown

White House: Prepare for Shutdown

Democrats don't have an answer to GOP threats to block lifting of debt ceiling

(Newser) - Lacking a plan to avert the crisis—publicly, at least—White House officials are telling federal agencies to prepare for a government shutdown. Both parties have said it won't come to that, but Congress remains on that course. Government funding runs out on Sept. 30, the Washington Post reports,...

Shutdown Looms as House Races to Vote on Funding Bill

Dems cut $1B in 'Iron Dome' funding

(Newser) - The House rushed headlong Tuesday into a vote on legislation to fund the government, suspend the federal debt limit, and provide disaster and refugee aid, forcing a showdown with Republicans who oppose the package despite the risk of a fiscal crisis. The federal government faces a shutdown if funding stops...

Both Parties Push Trump to Sign Relief Bill
Sign the Bill,
Tell Trump

Sign the Bill, Lawmakers Tell Trump

Congress can approve more relief later, both parties say

(Newser) - Lawmakers of both parties pressed President Trump on Sunday to sign the COVID-19 relief and spending bill, after unemployment benefits for millions of Americans expired overnight. "What the president is doing right now is unbelievably cruel," said Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. "So many people are hurting....

Late Deal Averts a Government Shutdown

Congress gets more time, will continue working on COVID package

(Newser) - Congress shipped a temporary government-wide funding bill to President Trump on Friday, averting a government shutdown at midnight and buying time for on-again, off-again talks on COVID-19 relief. The bill, which sets a new shutdown deadline of midnight next Friday, passed the Senate by a unanimous voice vote that came...

Bipartisan COVID Relief Deal Appears to Be Doomed

Mitch McConnell says GOP senators won't support aid to states

(Newser) - An emerging $900 billion COVID-19 aid package from a bipartisan group of lawmakers has all but collapsed after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Republican senators won't support $160 billion in state and local funds as part of a potential trade-off in the deal. McConnell's staff conveyed to...

Trump Signs Bill to Avoid Shutdown During Election

Federal funding ran out at midnight

(Newser) - Federal funding ran out when the new fiscal year started at midnight, which would normally trigger a shutdown—but agencies waited for President Trump to return from a Minnesota rally and sign a stopgap spending bill. A similar funding lapse happened "with little consequence" for a few hours in...

House Passes Bill to Avert Another Possible Shutdown

Senate expected to approve stopgap measure next week

(Newser) - The House passed a short-term bill Thursday to prevent a federal shutdown when the budget year ends Sept. 30, and give lawmakers until the Thanksgiving break to negotiate and approve $1.4 trillion for federal agencies. The Senate is expected to approve the stopgap bill next week, the AP reports....

Trump Looking for 'Land Mines' in Border Deal

Most predict he will sign it

(Newser) - It's the billion-dollar-and-change question: Will President Trump sign a tentative bipartisan border deal that would allocate $1.38 billion for border fencing (he has maintained he needs $5.7 billion) and avoid a second government shutdown at midnight Friday? USA Today reports the House has scheduled a vote for...

Negotiators Strike Deal on Border to Avoid Shutdown

Measure has $1.4B for fences, not $5.7B for president's proposed wall

(Newser) - Congressional negotiators announced an agreement late Monday to prevent a government shutdown and finance construction of new barriers along the US-Mexico border, the AP reports. Negotiators tentatively agreed to far less money for President Trump's border wall than the White House's $5.7 billion wish list, settling for...

New Shutdown Impasse Isn't About a Wall

2 sides can't agree on number of immigrants that can be detained; deadline is Friday

(Newser) - Don't look now, but the three-week reprieve that ended the recent government shutdown expires this week. If negotiators can't reach a deal before midnight Friday, a new shutdown begins, notes CNBC . What's worse, talks aren't going well . This time around, the big sticking point isn't...

Mood Sours on Border Security Talks
Mood Sours on
Border Security Talks

Mood Sours on Border Security Talks

The acting White House chief of staff issues a warning

(Newser) - Bargainers clashed Sunday over whether to limit the number of migrants authorities can detain, tossing a new hurdle before negotiators hoping to strike a border security compromise for Congress to pass this coming week, the AP reports. The White House wouldn't rule out a renewed partial government shutdown if...

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