Ron Paul 2012

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Things to Watch in Tonight's Debate

Among them: Will we see Good Newt or Bad Newt?

(Newser) - The post-Iowa Republican field debates tonight in New Hampshire and again 12 hours later tomorrow morning. Politico and the New York Times offer some things to look for:
  • Newt Gingrich: He seemed genuinely mad after Iowa, and he needs to score points. Will he go negative? Politico thinks the "

Ron Paul&#39;s Possible Big Plan: Rand in 2016
Ron Paul's Possible
Big Plan: Rand in 2016

Ron Paul's Possible Big Plan: Rand in 2016

Which means dad might not launch a third-party run this year: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - The GOP establishment has a nightmare vision about Ron Paul this year, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon . It goes like this: Paul doesn't get the party nomination and exacts his revenge by launching a third-party run on the Libertarian ticket that siphons votes from the Republican nominee and gives...

Army Probes Soldier at Ron Paul Rally

Jesse Thorsen may face legal trouble for endorsing Paul in uniform

(Newser) - Army reservist Jesse Thorsen is a big fan of Ron Paul's foreign policy, but he's likely to face legal trouble for getting on stage at a Paul rally in uniform and saying so. Taking part in a partisan political event in uniform is a violation of Defense Department...

Forget New Hampshire: South Carolina Is the Prize
 Forget NH: SC Is the Prize 

Forget NH: SC Is the Prize

Conservatives hope to capitalize on anyone-but-Romney sentiment

(Newser) - With the proverbial fork stuck in Iowa , the GOP herd galloped off to next-up New Hampshire, but the real battleground lies in Dixie: Mitt Romney is all but guaranteed a victory in New Hampshire, so his GOP challengers' only chance is to expose the frontrunner's moderate Achilles heel in...

Rick Santorum, President Obama Seen as Real Winner of Iowa Caucuses
 What We Learned in Iowa 

What We Learned in Iowa

Anti-Romney voters might have found their candidate

(Newser) - Mitt Romney snatched an 8-vote victory in Iowa , but a lot of analysts say "man of the hour" Rick Santorum looks like the real winner. He can now portray himself as the clear alternative to Romney, and to win the nomination he "won’t have to outrun the...

Iowa Caucuses: And They&#39;re Off
 Romney Beats 
 Santorum in 
 8-Vote Squeaker 
iowa caucuses

Romney Beats Santorum in 8-Vote Squeaker

Ron Paul finishes third

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has prevailed in what could well be the closest primary or caucus result ever. With the final precinct reporting, Iowa's GOP says Romney has beaten Rick Santorum by just eight votes, with 30,015 to Santorum’s 30,007 out of a total of 122,255 votes...

Ron Paul: 3rd Place Nothing to Be Ashamed of
 Paul: Third Place 
 Nothing to Be 
 Ashamed Of 

Paul: Third Place Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

Campaign tweet taunts Huntsman

(Newser) - After finishing third in the Iowa caucuses with some 21% of the vote, Ron Paul told his supporters that the results were "nothing to be ashamed of," Politico reports. He said the top-three finish granted him one of the tickets out of Iowa, and urged supporters to continue...

Santorum's Nephew: Don't Vote for Uncle Rick

Candidate's kin prefers Ron Paul

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's family will no doubt be watching the results in Iowa tonight, but not everybody in the clan wants the same result: Rick Santorum's nephew has written an opinion piece in the Daily Caller urging people to vote for Ron Paul instead of Uncle Rick. "If...

Ron Paul Leads Caucuses ... at Drudge Report

Site will end up with more participants than Iowa

(Newser) - Iowans aren't the only ones picking a presidential candidate today. Drudgians, too. The Drudge Report is conducting its own GOP "caucuses" online, and Ron Paul's Internet-friendly supporters aren't letting him down. He leads the pack as of this afternoon with 29%, ahead of Mitt Romney (25%)...

In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected
 In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected 
Nate Silver

In Iowa, Expect the Unexpected

...And a lot of spin afterward

(Newser) - History suggests that it doesn’t matter who actually wins tonight in Iowa—it matters who exceeds expectations, or fails to meet them. The media is always flabbergasted by strange Iowa finishes, but they shouldn’t be, writes Nate Silver of the New York Times , because thanks to unreliable polls...

Newt Gingrich: I Can Still Win Iowa
 Newt: I Can Still Win It 

Newt: I Can Still Win It

Gingrich flip-flops on winning as Iowa rivals make final push

(Newser) - It's crunch time in the cornfields, and while polls show Newt Gingrich in fourth place, the candidate yesterday said he may still "pull off one of the greatest upsets in the history of the Iowa caucuses." The upbeat tone, however, only came after a supporter asked him...

Ron Paul's Anti-Government Sentiment Could Affect Democrats and Republicans: Nicholas Lemann

 The Danger 
 of Ron Paul 

The Danger of Ron Paul

Candidate's anti-government sentiment could have a long wick: Lemann

(Newser) - The popularity of Ron Paul's anti-government zeal should give Democrats and Republicans alike a reason to pause, Nicholas Lemann writes in the New Yorker . First, consider how radical a Paul presidency would be: IRS and income tax abolished; no foreign wars; no foreign aid; five federal departments gone ... and...

Iowa Caucuses Nearly Three-Way Tie: Paul, Romney, Santorum Top Latest Poll
 Latest Poll: 
 Iowa Nearly a
 3-Way Tie 
and more from iowa

Latest Poll: Iowa Nearly a 3-Way Tie

Candidates make last-minute preparations

(Newser) - A day ahead of Iowa voting, three candidates are within two points of each other in the latest poll: Ron Paul is leading the field at 20%, while Mitt Romney follows at 19% and Rick Santorum boasts 18%, having jumped eight points since earlier this week, notes Public Policy Polling...

Bachmann Predicts Iowa &#39;Miracle&#39;
 Iowa 'Miracle' 

Bachmann Predicts Iowa 'Miracle'

GOP candidates are busy, busy, busy today

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann, lately languishing in last place in Iowa polling, is waiting on a "miracle" in Tuesday's caucuses, reports Politico . Appearing on This Week today, the Minnesota rep said "polls sometimes belie the truth on the ground. This is about what we're seeing in reality, and...

Romney, Paul, Santorum 1-2-3 in Another Iowa Poll

And Santorum is surging

(Newser) - Yet another poll puts Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and Rick Santorum 1-2-3 in Iowa two days before the state's caucuses. The poll, conducted by the Des Moines Register over four days last week, puts Romney at 24%, Paul at 22%, and Santorum at 15%. However, the pollster says, "...

Kelly Clarkson Sales Soar After She Backs Ron Paul

Coincidence? ... Probably not

(Newser) - Behold the power of Ron Paul's followers: Since Kelly Clarkson tweeted her support for Paul to be the nominee, her album sales have soared, report CNN Money and the Hollywood Reporter . Her latest, Stronger, shot up from No. 38 to No. 7 on Amazon between Thursday and yesterday, with...

How Ron Paul Could Win Nomination

 How Ron Paul 
 Could Win 

How Ron Paul Could Win Nomination

Although it's a long shot and maybe not his ultimate goal: Matt Welch

(Newser) - Ron Paul scoffers, consider this: It's possible he could follow the same path to the GOP nomination John McCain did in 2008, writes Matt Welch in Reason . Like McCain, Paul has lots of support in the early states among independents and non-Republicans in general. That's precisely how McCain...

New Iowa Poll: Romney, Paul, Santorum Are 1-2-3

While Gingrich continues to fall

(Newser) - With zero hour approaching in Iowa, the polls seem to be settling into a kind of clarity: Mitt Romney (23%) and Ron Paul (21%) are essentially tied at the top in a new NBC survey, with a surging Rick Santorum in third (15%). Former frontrunner Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, continues to...

Bachmann Insists: Ron Paul Bribed My Guy

Says Kent Sorenson told her money was involved

(Newser) - Michelle Bachmann may be down in the polls , but she's certainly not backing down. The GOP candidate yesterday continued to insist that her Iowa campaign chair defected to Ron Paul's camp because he was bribed to do so, reports Bloomberg . Kent Sorenson "told me that he was...

5 Occupy Protesters Arrested at Ron Paul's Iowa HQ

Demonstrators are launching protests against all the candidates

(Newser) - Five Occupy protesters were arrested today outside the Iowa campaign headquarters of Ron Paul as the group continued its protest against Republican candidates and President Obama. The five were cited with trespassing and later released after they refused repeated requests to leave Paul's campaign office in the Des Moines...

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